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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. Lamar doesn’t come up short? This is the same narrative on here. If you don’t win the SB you suck. Tua will most likely keep improving. They don’t have much chance. And as you say it does help us regardless.
  2. Fans on here want to rip every player a new one and talk about how they are trash yet get all bent when those players don’t lick the teams ass. Mental.
  3. My guess is Bean moves up if his target is there. I fully support it if it's not the Edmunds of WRs.
  4. People hating on Tua are silly. Dude is a great QB. But then again some of you literally hate the Bills.
  5. "Part" is the right word. Everyone gets Allen is the man. To think our success is due to one person alone is not reasonable.
  6. You are not maximizing your whining potential. Read some more threads. You will figure out how to do it.
  7. His place is so sensitive and emotionally immature. The over reaction to everything is amusing.
  8. For not having much talent overall with horrible receivers, a failing GM, a McDummy for HC, a clown for ST Coach, this team is quite over achieving. So you might as well enjoy it.
  9. I’m just here to say we should trade Diggs and lose a ton of money.
  10. If he isn’t going anywhere why discuss it.
  11. I suggest coming to grips with the fact that McD will be the coach next season and possibly longer. I was on board with firing Dorsey and I like the OC and DC we have for next season. On we go.....
  12. I mean I feel the same way about people who can't stand McD or think every year without winning a SB is an utter failure. It's not much different.
  13. I think there is a chance I get called in as an alternate. Not sure what to do.
  14. When TBD is in an uproar, you know you are on the right path....... Take note McBean.
  15. Imagine this board if we picked a RB at #12?
  16. I’m so mesmerized by Taylor that I’ve become a KC fan. Josh Allen is so over rated. Mahomes is god.
  17. No it is whining when it is incessant. Which it is daily here. Whats the point of pointing out someone doesn't like McD EVERY DAY if he is the coach next season.
  18. I am wondering how I can spin this into 14 negative threads. “Whether it’s as DC calling plays or just the title, I would 100 percent approve and want Bobby Babich to earn that title,” former Bills center Eric Wood posted on social media. “Bobby is one of the smartest coaches I’ve been around. Incredible energy and one of the best developers of talent I’ve witnessed.”
  19. I bet some on here feel he would be a better coach than McD.
  20. Sorry to hear this. Hope you can find some peace in this time. Much love to you and your family.
  21. I don’t understand the need to insult the coach or players even if you think they should be fired or cut. It’s a very disrespectful vibe.
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