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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. Every week it’s the same negative mental gymnastics even if the team dominates. It’s never good enough. Always someone who is targeted by a few here. Hell this season the first two weeks it was JA. He played great today. So back to edmunds. Not sure what purpose it serves after a while. And then these people defend their neurotic behavior with asking what’s wrong with pointing out their opinions. Nothing wrong with it unless that’s all you ever add to the conversation. At that point it becomes toxic. We are gonna end up winning a SB at some point soon and these folks will start bitching that night about how we won’t be able to repeat next year due to some player who didn’t play well in the playoffs.
  2. ***** it I’ll call the game. I’ll send the zoom link shortly.
  3. It's hard to control the part of the brain that constantly scans for negative issues. Especially for cavemen.
  4. He heard Edmounds' foot steps!!! Dude is dominating from 10 yards out!
  5. Well then go start another thread bashing him and let people enjoy this.
  6. Patriots, Bellicheat, NE fans, Celtics, Boston, anything from the area. I make an exception for friends from that area but I review their case yearly. They are on a short leash. Not sure who the Jets are.
  7. You are exhausting. Not sure why you watch this team.
  8. I agree. He has not. I guess I'm slightly concerned? I have no doubt he is gonna light it up. I just dont get the posts about how he owes the fans something or now its time to produce cause of his contract or that its time to admit we made a mistake. I find those takes to be completely off and a waste of emotional energy. One person said he is playing better than last season. One person said he should be benched. Once those two cancel each other out I think we are all in the same boat. With some of us less or more concerned. Which means nothing. Stay the course. Let's say he has a worse year than last year. So what. That's football.
  9. You think they should have pulled the article cause he had a couple poor games? LOL
  10. i was just posting interesting parts of the article. You are free to freak out over a couple of games.
  11. No I think he has regressed to a point of being the weak link. It’s time to start the tubisky experiment.
  12. I heard he basically forgot everything he has learned and is starting over again due to some neurological issues that came about because of the size of his new contract. He might even have to go back to Wyoming for a bridge year is what I am hearing. The team was suspicious of this however and signed Trubisky. Lombardi is still in play this year.
  13. I was so disgusted by the 35-0 win last week I almost made the move to the NE side. Still considering it. I am so over JA and his footwork.
  14. Yup. Bench the RT. Trade the QB. Fire the OC. MLB sucks. 2nd CB is a joke. Its insane how this crap team won 13 games last season. btw which means nothing cause we didnt win the SB. God I miss those 8-8 years.
  15. I dont think the rest of the world is ready to give up on him like some people on here. “I think there’s two kinds of players in this league: guys that get figured out and guys that figure it out,” Allen said in an interview after a recent practice. “And I was always going to be the guy who figured it out.” Allen’s evolution to this lofty moment toppled a principle of football doctrine: that quarterbacks can’t enhance their accuracy. After selecting Allen in 2018, Bills General Manager Brandon Beane was told that he had just taken a tight end. He knew otherwise. At his job interview the year before, after Buffalo’s 16th consecutive season without making the playoffs, Beane noted that the New England Patriots dynasty had been sustained in part by their three fellow A.F.C. East teams, which regularly changed coaches and front offices. Unseating the Patriots, he said, demanded time and patience, and as he scouted quarterback prospects before the draft he resolved to invest both in Allen. On the farmstead where Allen grew up in Firebaugh, Calif., a small community about 40 miles northwest of Fresno, his family has long nurtured cantaloupe, cotton and wheat — and, more recently, pistachios. Much like Allen himself, their trees need years of cultivation before producing a yield. Allen’s progression from imprecise college quarterback to N.F.L. star took an honest assessment of the transformation he required. “When you lie to yourself, the only person you hurt is yourself,” Allen said. “Being completely honest and understanding that there’s things I need to work on, I’m not afraid to reach out and ask somebody for help.”
  16. dude won the game 35-0. It would be weird for the boss to be over the top upset and start questioning his own investment cause the stat line wasn’t flashy.
  17. There are incompetent people in all fields of medicine. And quite competent ones. PT's also use it. Movement therapists. Acupuncturists. Yes I have been to terrible chiros. And I have been to brilliant ones as well.
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