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Everything posted by Dablitzkrieg

  1. I am going to trust the process on this one guys. We're moving forward. We're on to Cincinnati
  2. I guess, for me, it depends on HOW they lost (I don't expect them to lose). If they get shellacked, then I would be concerned. If it is close, but they are not beating themselves, that is a bit different.
  3. They say the older players fall off a cliff when they get to that point. One can only hope this is the year.
  4. This was taken out of context. He wasn't saying that the reason for them coming together was solely because of the Sammy trade. At least, that was not how I read it. I felt like the author was trying to throw shade where it didn't need to be thrown.
  5. I think it would be very dumb to move on from Glenn. He, when healthy, is your best o-lineman.
  6. Brady was getting his clock cleaned last night. Willing to take on more hits than usual as well. The offense doesn't look the same without Gronk/Edelman
  7. Damn, now all the women in America are going to kneel during the anthem. Unreal
  8. All I know is I was totally wrong about this team and this coaching staff. I thought 5-11 was a realistic possibility and they may double that win total!
  9. Such a huge difference between ESPN (15th) vs USA Today (3rd)
  10. It should be great to hear Thurman tomorrow. We know how well he holds his tongue
  11. I hate how this may turn out. Kelly will be asked to step away for believing just as much in his ways as those protesting believe. All because the monkey president cant STFU. Everyone fell for the BS Narcissism. Hughes pulled the same crap going public with comments. I'm disappointed in both of them really. Whenever politics/religion are involved, nobody is right and only feelings get hurt
  12. I didn't think it was possible, but the Rams are using him less than the bills did
  13. Why though? Force them to wear dark jerseys. Must be part of the crappy process we should trust.
  14. He was a thug pos long before any CTE took place. He deserved everything he got
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