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Everything posted by jimmy10

  1. I picked up a pair the morning Stevie signed. I feel like I got in early. Traded emails with my ticket rep this afternoon. He said things were basically going ape-s###.
  2. I just got through on dial-up using my 14.4 modem. How is dinner going with Williams and Meachem?
  3. I'm not ground up and in the freezer. But the ice in my vodka just was. Cheers, y'all. We earned it these last 48 hours. LET'S GO BUFFALO!
  4. I think we all broke buffalobills.com, I haven't been able to load it in a while.
  5. Shut off the hot water in the technical crew's hotel room.
  6. Yeah, and those are the good old days now. That sucks. New era begins TODAY.
  7. JAYZUS, people. I used to be a sound engineer. Send Mario's plane back to NC to pick me up and I'll fix the damn signal.
  8. Wow, Mario looks a lot smaller without a helmet and pads.
  9. For god's sake, can we please get this started so we know it's for real? I half expect something to go all wide-right on us.
  10. If we knew when he was returning, I would seriously consider joining a welcoming party at RDU.
  12. Seems like anything along those lines (seating, family travel arrangements, stuff like that) would be super easy/relatively cheap given the entire cost of the contract.
  13. I'm completely oblivious to it, and I live smack in the middle of the triangle formed by the Duke, UNC and NCState campuses AND work at UNC. That takes a special kind of willful ignorance.
  14. I might as well be his source. Of course it SHOULD be getting done.
  15. HAS to be. If he's ready to skip off to another team, WHY would he have stayed another night and WHY would he be back at OBD this morning??? I understand leverage, but KEY-RIST! He can leverage other offers from home!
  16. Dude, we sounded like stalkers Tuesday afternoon when we started talking about jet logs. I work with some of the most rabid UNC alumni and fans, who are known to follow the movements of 16 and 17 year old high school recruits. I mentioned the whole chartered jet thing at about 3:00pm Tuesday, and got a look like I had three heads. So while they're all sympathetic to my plight right now, and understand what's going on, I'm not sharing any more details of how closely this is being watched.
  17. It was a charter jet, so that won't help. Does Ralph own a private plane though?
  18. Not quite middle of the night, but I did wake up an hour early at 5:00am to check.
  19. I just want to say I'm glad I work at UNC, because EVERYone here is majorly distracted by sports today. I'm just the only one expressing it by breaking F5 keys with you idiots (and I use the word "idiot" endearingly).
  20. I get that he may be waiting on Peyton.... But why would he be waiting on Peyton IN Buffalo? For over two days?
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