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Everything posted by jimmy10

  1. Some guy just rehashing the original speculation based on some other guy's opinion?
  2. We're going to replace Dwan Edwards with Peter Pan guy?
  3. It does. It's called the NCAA. He kicked ass there, but you only get 4-5 years. Do we even know for certain Tebow will be traded? There are two things he's terrible at: Reading defenses and throwing the ball. Who better to sit behind and learn from than Pey-Pey?
  4. I'm not sure they're floating trade ideas on message boards, but somebody in the PR office certainly keeps an eye on twitter, social media, etc. That even came up in one of the recent articles linked on the front page of TBD, about how the PR folks monitor twitter to see what kinds of rumors are floating out there (and what players are saying). I doubt Buddy Nix or Russ Brandon are personally checking out what we have to say, but some young flackeys/interns almost certainly are.
  5. I do remember reading somewhere a while back (I think it was in the Atlanta paper) that Chan somehow knows Tebow's dad, and that was part of the reason the Bills did consider, but ultimately passed on drafting him. There's just so much noise unrelated to football that comes along with Tebow. I have no problem with him or his beliefs per se, but I think to bring in a one-man media circus while this franchise is at a critical point in its rebuilding would be a mistake. EDIT: Also it seems that article puts us at the top of list based on the opinion of the author and nothing else, right?
  6. We once met someone with a little black dachshund. His name was Limo. It was perfect.
  7. I've gotta agree. I work at UNC, and know people associated with athletics who are always high on their own players. But even they have concerns about Coples' drive and determination. He's got the physical skills, no doubt, but maybe not the will to succeed in the NFL. Could he turn it around? Yes. Is he worth risking the #10 overall pick? No.
  8. Hey, at least we've GOT pass rushing eggs now.
  9. We don't know the circumstances behind all that. Isn't it plausible that Wanny may have been the one who wanted a back-seat role for a year? Who knows, maybe to transition back to the nfl, or maybe to get a sense of what the team had and where it was going before he wanted to go all-in. Not saying Chan SHOULD get a free pass, just saying that there is so much the goes on behind the scenes that nobody outside of a front office or clubhouse will ever know about.
  10. Exactly what a good coach (or manager) does. Set people up for success.
  11. Sour grapes from the defending AFC champions on a guy they (presumably) didn't even pursue? What a douche. We all can't fall ass-backwards into HoF talent with 6th round backups from Michigan, Bobby.
  12. My new seats are 5 rows behind yours. See you there!
  13. So, since many are bringing up the "what now" type questions about cap, other free agents, draft board, etc, I thought it would be worthwhile to bump this topic too. Obviously the political capital the Bills acquired yesterday was huge. Everyone is delirious with joy. Clearly their aim in paying $100M for a player wasn't just to get $100M in state funding. But how will the stadium lease issue unfold now?
  14. Can we start the season early? Like this weekend? Please??
  15. I know. I've only checked TBD twice today and am actually getting work done. Weeeird.
  16. ^^^ 100% this. I'm not much of an X's and O's guy. But I do know that an effective defense gets the ball back to your offense quickly, often, and with good field position. Just get it done.
  17. Did anyone catch the 5 or so minutes spent talking about the Bills on Mike and Mike this morning, around 8:15? Greeny drew a cool parallel between good players (like Bilas) going to Duke before it was "cool" and Reggie White going to Green Bay before it was "cool" and how the big time recruit/free agent choosing a lesser-known place very often leads to other recruits/free agents taking notice and wanting to play there too. Of course we have to wait to see what happens on the field, but this really feels like a new day in Bills Nation.
  18. I wouldn't be at all surprised. When we picked up TO, it was compelling enough to get us a few primetime (Sunday/Monday) games. Now that we landed the biggest fish in free agency (with an intact neck), I'm sure it'll make the deciders sit up and take notice.
  19. In my line of work, I cross paths with a lot of wealthy, elderly men (and women). At some point many of them come to grips with their own mortality and adopt a very healthy, pragmatic view on death and their own resources, and they start to think about what they would like to do with their money that's meaningful to them in terms of either the here and now, or their legacy. One of my favorite sayings from one of these old guys I worked with (who did pass away last year) is: "You never see a Brinks truck following a funeral procession." But I sincerely hope Mr. Wilson ain't going anywhere soon, and we finally get that Lombardi trophy for him, the team and all of us.
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