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Everything posted by mpl6876

  1. Excellent knowledge and I couldn''t agree with you more. We need more guys like you on this forum.
  2. Its only football and I am not really too depressed. I disagree with most of your post but I respect your opinion.
  3. Thanks for your response. I have to correct you an a few things. I will be optimistic when I feel we have a team that can compete for a playoff birth. I think most even the most optimistic fan would say we don't have a realistic shot at making the playoffs. Secondly, you are assuming I am miserable which I am not. Negative postings don't indicate someone is miserble. Thirdly, you might be surprised at how many fans reluctantly agree with what I post.
  4. I don't think they have the players to be effective to counter this defensive game plan. Chan is an offensive upgrade but he can't work miracles. Last time I knew "you can't make SHI T smell like Ice Cream."
  5. Good post. IMO, this team has too many holes, too many question marks and what ifs, and too many changes ie coaches/schemes/players.. This all ends up to another losing season and want for next year mentality.
  6. I would rather have a "known defense" like that of the Ravans or Jets. IMO, the unknown equates to a bad defense more often than not.
  7. Great post. I am tired of hearing all you fans saying that we are going to be good this year and maybe make the playoffs or be 9-7. All I have to say to you guys is "STOP LEAVING IN FANTASYLAND." This team is lucky to win 5 games this year.
  8. You guys need a reality check and I am the one to give it to you. The Bills are going to "SUCK" this year. Be objective and not "subjective" and you cannot come up with another other conclusion. The following are indisputeable facts. (1) Our OL is very young and unproven. We are very weak at LT and RT. Average at center. The is the foundation of an offense. Our foundation is "cracked" and "slippery" at best. (2) Our QB situation is "pathetic." We have "caption checkdown," Fitz a career backup who is very inaccurate, and Brohm who couldn't even beat out Flynn last year for the 3rd string QB. Levi Brown who is as raw as "sushi." (3) A team with a very weak receivers. Lee Evans and that's it. Bottom line below average OL , below average QB , below average WR equals losing not "w's"....I like Chan but he can't work mircles guys...Come on guys smell the coffee. Don't believe your own lies! STOP LIVING IN FANTASYLAND. Teams are going to stack the box and take away our running game. Run blitz and force us to beat them will the pass. Its not going to happen. Next the defensive side of the ball. New defensive scheme means great learning curves wwhich means lots of mistakes. Without a doubt, the transition will be difficult and painful. No team in the history of the NFL has made a super smooth transition from the 4-3 to 3-4. What makes you think the Bills with "medicore" players are going too. LB core is average at best. Bills still can't rush the opposing QB or stop the run. What makes you think they will be able to this year? Troup is young and Schobel is likely to be gone. The secondary is excellent and thats about our only bright spot. Now, I do believe I have proven without a "shadow of a doubt" the Bills are going "SUCK" this year. Oh well there is always next year. I have been saying that for ten years and its getting old.
  9. This guy has "BUST" written all over him. Another example of the Bills front office passing on the pick of Michael Oher or Brian Orakpo. Wondering what we will be seeing about the Spiller and Troupe pick in the years to come. I would have liked to see Andre Davis and Jimmy Clausen picked 1-2.
  10. "Very talented left tackle named Jamon Meredith." What is that sentence based on? Isn't that quite a strong statement with little or nothing to back up that statement. Think before you speak! He is very young, inexperienced, and has potential. He is unproven and who knows how he is going to develop.
  11. I am going to save my $300 plus dollars. I get too frustrated when they loose and play like poop. This is going to be a long long season. I will just read about how bad we lost on the web and papers. Less frustrating...Lets face it guys, the Bills wanna make me PUKE not shout!
  12. I don't think we are the worst team in the NFL. With that said, I do believe it's going to be a LONGGGGGGG year. We still have to many holes, too many average guys, too many unproven guys that we need to step up. Not liekly all the guys are going to be productive. A new coaching staff with new systems and schemes. A new defensive scheme called the 3-4. Plus, the schedule is pretty tough especially the first half. We might be 0-6 or 0-7. Guys this all adds up to 4 or 5 wins IMO. A six win season would suprise me. Bottom line another year of medicore football.
  13. I couldnt't agree with you anymore. The Clausen pick at #41 was a NO BRAINER. The Bills absolutely blew it. That was tremendous value. I almost broke my TV when I heard we picked TROUP. I know many of you fans don't agree but thats how I feel. Just venting...
  14. Your are entitled to your opinion and I respect your post. However, I do not share the same "VERY OPTIMISTIC" viewpoint. Without all due respect, I found it to be boderline halarious. How can someone who is a knowledgeable Bills fan agree with this? Maybe I am missing the boat? I know you will let me know... (1) I believe the front office had everything set up in advance. What does that mean? You talk about the QB situation and talk about Brohm maybe being a franchise QB and in the next sentence you talk about Edwards taking over. You are all over the place... (2) If our O line is getting things done ... What kind of statement is that? Our OL is young, inexperienced, and unproven. Some could agrue it is one of the worst in the NFL and our weakest area on the team. (3) Then you talk about Galiey and his offensive plan/style. Is the PISTOL offensense Gailey is noted for similiar to the offense your talking about? Good NFL offenses need to throw the ball downfield effectively. Running and running and checking down is only going to get you so far. (4) Chan is not hiding the fact we have one proven receiver . When did he say or imply this? Ridiculous statement for a head coach to say. Need I say more? (5) Our biggest question will be do we have a good defensive coordinator? A defensive coordinator needs good defensive players. We lack a established nose tackle, bonafide pass rushers (Schobel probably retiring), and have adequate LB at best. Your right about the new system and defensive coordinator adjustments will take time. You are entitled to your opinions...That is what makes this forum so much fun.
  15. Mr. CodeMonkey, with regret, I agree with you 100%. I am so tired of hearing how "good" or "promising" the team is looking. I have been hearing this same ole song for ten years and counting. Feels like a broken record. I know I am a "Doom and Gloomer" and others have attacked me for that. Some many people here are talking like Chan Galiey is a "GOD." His track record is medicore to good at best. Thanks for the post even if it was negative. Makes me feel like I am not the only one who thinks like this.
  16. Good post Bill. IMO, there are several reasons why the Bills QB's haven't "panned out." The offensive line has been bad to medicore for years, as you stated the coaching staff and all the changes, and someone stated the QB's we drafted were wannabies ( I agree - first ones to come to mind is JP and Rob Johnson). I am sure others can point out even more reasons. The thought process for many of us is that NIX/Gailey can turn things around. We can be productive at the QB spot instead of a liability. Galiey seems to have a good track record with QB's so time will tell. Bottom line is the Bills fans are desperate for success. Sometimes this desperation "clouts our judgement." Personally, I don't see this team being any good for a long time. I am not buying into the Galiey/Nix/ new regime thing... I did it with Donadope/Malarkey, Greg Williams, Dick Juaron, and Marv Levy the GM. All they did was "break my heart." Wrong or right, this time I am going to protect myself and be pessimistic. A ten (10) year broken hearted Bills fan.
  17. Your entitled to your opinion and that's what this forum is all about. With that said, I couldn't disagree with you anymore. Especially the CJ the great comment. He hasn't even stepped on an NFL field yet and you label him as great. Get a clue and think before you say something like that. Don't embarrass yourself like that again. Just a Bills fan giving another Bills fan a little advice.
  18. Both viewpoints seem to have quite a bit a validity. I don't know what to think anymore. Still leaning towards the Bills wanted Tebow...We will probably never know and I guess who really cares now.
  19. You could be right. I happen to think its a 5 win season more or less. I would like to take what you said to another level. As a fan, I am not satisfied with 6-10, 7-9, and 8-8 records. I agree, this doesn't make us laughing stocks of the league. So what? I am a fan straving to see my Bills team compete in a playoff game. Win playoff games and eventually get back to the Superbowl. Oh the 90's were so much fun...
  20. FANTASTIC well thought out post. I couldn't have said it any better. I have a tendency to have a negative tone when I write my post. Often I "rub" people on the board the wrong way. IMO, you stated your viewpoint without ever getting overly negative. Wish, I could possess such a skill. By the way, I agree with "every" word on your post. It was a pleasure to read such a well written opinion.
  21. I am going to give a little more serious reply. I am not about to defend Marshawn's off the field issues. Off the field, he is a Loser. With that said, I want him on our roster. I really think he is a valuable asset to our team. Runs really hard, powerful, has an attitude, and is a great red zone runner. I don't thnk he has much trade value due to his baggage. I don't think anyone with give us a 2nd round pick. I think he is much more valuable than a 3rd, 4th, or 5th round pick. Than again one more mistake and he is done for a year...
  22. Buffalo, I owe you an apology too. I am trying to change my negative ways regarding the Bills.
  23. Fantastic follow up from my post. You took the words right out of my mouth.
  24. I agree with you 100%. However, when I echo this viewpoint I seem to get lots of negative feedback. Sometimes the feedback is down right rude.
  25. Well, I think we can all say with a reasonably amount of certainty that this season is a rebuilding season. A new regime evaluating their talent and lack of, implementing their schemes and systems, and creating a winning mindset. IMO, this all adds up to another losing season. Hard for me to get "excited" about this team when I feel they aren't going to the playoffs (again). I know I should be patient and I don't place the blame on NIx/Gailey and co. Just a frustrated Bills fan tired of waiting for next year.
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