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Everything posted by mpl6876

  1. No doubt the Clausen debate is diverse and controversial. Some agree with me and some don't. Time will tell who is right...The theme I keep reading is that we needed a N/T to stop the run. I couldn't agree more! That is why we took Troup ( maybe I am not so smart because I never heard of the guy before) The questions I have is why him? and why him at the 41st pick? Mt Cody was picked 57th and Cam Thomas was picked in the 4th round by San Diego. We could have picked Clausen and still gotten our N/T in the 3rd or 4th round...I know its hindsight but I think its worth mentioning. We didn't have to pick the N/T at 41. I think the Bills panicked and picked based on needs. Troup by most expert account didn't warrant a second round pick. Bottom line is we could have had Clausen at 41 and Troup or Thomas in the 3rd or 4th round. How sweet would that have been... I think the Bills missed the boat and were in for another boring losing season.
  2. In my opinion he was the guy at pick 41.
  3. I am not sold on Clausen. That is not what I said. I said he was worth the pick at 41 and I will stand behind my statement. I will also stand behind my statement that the Bills have "one of the worst QB rosters in the leauge.
  4. If thats the case why not start Levi Brown/Brian Brohm and see what we have. Flawed thinking my friend.
  5. (1) How does "The Bills did not see Clausen as a franchise QB, maybe not even a starting QB" make my point inaccurate? (2) "If you commit to him as the starter..." I never stated he would be committed to be a starter. Could be quite the opposite. A second round pick has less pressure to step right in and start. He can learn, progress, and develop into a starter over time. Unlike a first round pick. (ie) Brian Brohm (3) You are assuming Clausen will fail and the 2011 QB pick will be a successful franchise QB... Not trying to be harsh or rude...
  6. I think you logic is flawed. First off, I don't think its fair to throw JP, Cutler, Edwards, or any other QB into the conversation. You can "what if" forever. Secondly, you don't have to start Clausen right away. If a QB is a top ten pick then the pressure is enormous. But a second round 41st pick can wait and learrn, develop, and progress. The pressure isn't there. SO I very strongly disagree "he would have been our starter at the latest in the 2011 season. " Just look at Brian Brohm. Where was he drafted?
  7. I happen to agree with most of your post. He does drop alot of balls but he does score touchdowns too. Something the Bills have a problem doing. I agree that his effort going at times going after the ball was questionable. Your last sentence is over the top. To compare TO even an old TO to Hardy, Johnson, and Cousin Joe. Come on... Hardy appears to be on the verge of being a BUST! He looks to be as dumb as a rock. Johnson is great in preseason but yet to really produce in the regular season with the exception of one game. Cousin Joe down the street ...He indeed would be an upgrade to our receiving core. What about the OL not giving the QB enough time to thrown the ball to him? What about our QB's inability to throw the ball to him. Just look at Lee Evans numbers. The even suck the last 2 years...I think we can agree he is a top tier WR. We could have Steve Smith, Larry Fitzpatrick, Andre RIsen, and Antonio Gates in our lineup and we still would suck. Why? No QB and no OL to protect him. Resulting in diminished results for the best receivers in the NFL. For God sakes we couldn't even keep his TO's consecutive catched streak alive. Blame TO if you want. I am about having the best roster possible and he is (TO)welcome to be on my Bills team. Our receiving corps is aweful...
  8. Thanks for your response. Not so sure picking the wrong QB in the second round at 41 sets a franchise back as much as you and others think? That is why I wanted the pick so bad at 41. Now, a top ten QB selection that doesn't work out indeed sets a team back years...I believe the Bills are going to pick a QB in the top ten next year. Big risk hope they get it right.
  9. I feel that the Bills front office really made a poor decision not taking Clausen at pick 41. I understand not taking him at pick nine. Too risky and too many good players on the board like Spiller. However, I believe at pick 41 he was a "STEAL." The risk is greatly reduced and he would have filled a HUGE need. Assess our QB situation for this year. It is perhaps the worst in the NFL. All we can say is that we are waiting for next years draft because that QB class is better. In my humble opinion, that doesn't "cut it." Wait til next year.....I am tired of waiting and besides those guys are going to 'BIGGER RISK" if we select a QB with our first pick. (likely a top 5 -10 pick) Also, I think from a fan prospestive this year would be a lot more exciting with Clausen on the roster. Remember the TO signing...It was fun to have TO in the Buffalo limelight and have some media attention. Right now, all of us would be glued to the Clausen updates and hoping he is the one. Today, I read that Fitz took the snaps today and Edwards yesterday. BOY IS THAT EXCITING...Perhaps Clausen could have stepped right in and started for us. What do we have to loose? Heck, I believe this season is a bust anyway. Its a season of learnng, growing, and building for the future. Which hopefully leads to winning soon. This season isn't about winning despite what you hear from the front office. Objectively, look at the rosters and you have to conclude we don't have the players. PLAYERS win games not coaches...Coaches can aid in the winning process no doubt but they still need the personnel. Our personnel is subpar. In concluding, Clausen was a "low risk" at pick 41, an instant upgrade to our QB roster, and could have given many of fans a reason for some excitment this year. It was a win win for all of us. Instead we reached for a guy named TROUP who noone has ever heard of prior to the draft. What a collosal blunder... Tell me what you guys think?
  10. Time will tell if Spiller becomes that "impact player" for the Bills. Impact players or like I like to say "situational players" are very crucial and critical to helping a team win. Darren Sproles and Reggie Bush are first to come to mind. The problem I have is these types of players need to be on solid winning teams to be effective. These players don't produce as well on medicore teams for obvious reasons. The Bills are medicore at best. With little other offensvie weapons, I feel Spiller will not be very effective with the Bills. I know the agrument can be made that he is a piece of the puzzle for the future. I hope that is correct.
  11. I wouldn't mind resigning him either. He is an instant upgrade to what we have on our current roster. My guess is he really doesn't want to play in Buffalo. He probably wants to be on a contender. Does a contending team wanna take a chance on him? Lots of questions. I suspect he will be signed right before the preseason starts but not by Buffalo.
  12. Does the same rationale apply to Brohm? What has he shown in his years as a Packer? Lost the 3rd string QB position to Flynn a medicore QB out of LSU who was drafted in the 7th round. Yet, the Bills picked him up and many fans think he "could be the one."(NOT ME) Be careful what you say becuase it could come back to make you look silly...
  13. I find it hard to believe you are endorsing Brohm. All of our QB's suck. Trent has had numerous opportunites to prove himself and he hasn't. I am tired of captain checkdown. Fitz is wildly inaccurate but at least he throws the ball downfield. Niether, are first string QB's. With that said, what the hell do we know about Brohm??? Nothing to suggest he can and will be a starter. You statement has little merit. We know he couldn't even beat out Flynn form LSU who wasn't even a good college QB. He has barely thrown any NFL passes. Yet, you think he is going to be the starter... On second thought maybe I am the moron because he doesn't have to beat out much. This has to be the worst QB roster in the league and to boot no Offensive Line. A receipe for losing...
  14. Another reason why we haven't been comptetive enough to make the playoffs in years... We haven't built a solid foundation via the draft. Very poor organization. Ralph has alot to do with it...
  15. I agree we have nothing to loose with Brohm because he cost us nothing and our current QB situation is perhaps the worst in the NFL. I think what we are doing is "grasping at straws" and hoping Brohm turns out to be something special. We are desperate for a quaility QB. Our desperation leads us to think irrationally about Brohm and the others our are QB roster. Barring a mircle, our QB of the future is not on our current roster. Be honest guys...Next years draft is our QB of the future (Luck, Lockleer, Mallot)
  16. Well, I am not used to saying very nice things about my Bills these days. But, I have to follow the positive mood here. I came up with something! Right now, the Bills have no losses and are tied for first in their division. How is that for a positive post..
  17. Excellent follow up from my post. I couldn't agree with you more. I am skeptical at best that our offense will be effective. Not to mention (as I have on other post) that I think oppossing teams are going to "stack the box" and take away our running game. Then what? We don't have proven WR (except Lee) , a weak QB and a weak OL.
  18. Why not take a chance on the guy if we can get him for almost nothing? He has a better shot at making it in the pros than Levi Brown. The Bills figure he (Levi) was worth a shot with the 7th round pick right? Then why not Russell? What do you have to loose. Besides, Trent Edwards is ranked by some as the 31st QB in the league. Fitz is just decent backup. Brohm couldn't even make the GB roster. He was beaten out by Flynn from LSU who wasn't even a great college QB. Why do so many of you believe Brohm could be the one? Don't get me wrong, I think Russell is horrible but he is not much worse than what we have if he is motivated and focused. Thats a big IF... What I am trying to say is that our QB situation is pathetic and probably the worst in the NFL. Yet the Bills fail to address a vital need to winning in the NFL. We as fans accept oh we are waiting for next year to draft a QB? Why do will accept this? Are they really going to get a QB next year? Could have gotten Clausen in the 2nd round. Not too steep of a price. Why not make a move for Jason Campell? Maybe they will try to draft a running back and convert him to QB. That is what the Bills have done for years; try to convert guys into different positions than they played in college. I dont get it. (Worked in Jason Peters case) Oh I almost forgot the daft pick will be from small smaller school not big powerhouse Division 1a school. I don't get it....... Sincerly, a diehard frustrated Bills fan.
  19. I didn't like the pick. He reminds me of a Reggie Bush Type. Great for the Saints who have so many weapons. The Bills have no weapons except Lee Evans and maybe Fred jackson.
  20. Hey Fish, I am a DIEHARD Bills fan and I will continue to watch this team win or loose. I would love to eat crow and be wrong. Your post is moronic and full of insulting suggestions.
  21. Hey Doc good post but I don't agree with aspects of your post. Opinion 1. To me the Bills only won 5 games because the Colts gave us the last game. (But your right they won 6) Opinion 2. I am not sold on Woods nearly being as effective this year as last because of the nature of his injury and so forth... He is a "huge" question mark in my eyes. Opinion 3. They are very weak at the left/right tackle positions. I am looking forward to see what the new offensive coaching staff can put together and produce on the field. I appreciate your optimism and hope your are correct. However, I just don't see this offense doing well. No QB, weak OL, no proven receivers except Evans. Smells like a struggling offense to me. Gailey can't make mircles and I think many of us are praying and hoping he can. I just see teams putting 7-8 guys in the box and daring us to beat them with our passing game. Just my two cents guys.
  22. It is pretty well known that high quaility running back can be taken in the later rounds. You are taking what he said out of context.The Bills must really be sold on this kid. I am not and niether were the 8 times before us. (Reminds me of Reggie Bush) I think a football game is won between the lines -offensive and defensive lines. The Bills are weak on both sides of the ball. You can talk about how Spiller is explosive and I agree. He may not need much room to run. However, the last time I looked a running back is only as good as his OL...
  23. Fantastic analysis!!! I agree with most everything you said.
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