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Everything posted by mpl6876

  1. Glady, I will be the first one to eat crow if the Bills are a winning football games. Despite my negativity I would love nothing more than to see the Bills win. Time will tell.
  2. Fish, that was a good post. I am hoping that Lynch can be productive and his mind is focused on playing for the Bills... However, I concur that it looks like Lynch wants out of Buffalo. Wondering how much of affect the Spiller pick has to do with that mindset?
  3. I agree with your post. Lynch is a basket case but he does provide value to the team. His rookie year he was a beast ans we were all quite excited about his future with the Bills. Then all the trouble started... The big question is whether the upside is worth the downside. I am of the opinion we keep him and utilize his strenthgs as a tough running back especially near the goal line. Maybe Gailey and his offensive mind can create more opportunities for him? Besides, we can't get much value for him... I hope we can keep him play him and his attitude and behavior improves.
  4. I stand by every one of the post! What did I say that was so incorrect? I bet lots of Bills fans like myself share simliar view points? Why don't you try to address my questions, concerns, and issues instead of "pelting insults at me?" IMO, you have thoroughly embarrashed yourself. I am here to discuss and talk about the Bills and not here to get into some kinda pis_ing contest with you.
  5. You and others can attack me all you want. I have no ill feelings towards those who don't like my post and to those who attack me personally. I am better than that. I am not here to be liked. I am here to discuss my feelings about the Bills and read others opinions as well. If you look at my prior posts, I have brought up several issues, points, and concerns about the Bills. Several have commented appropriately and countered my post. However, most like you have not answered many of the questions I have brought up. Instead you resort to immature name calling and "baseless" accusastions. How are my post insidious and dishonest? Nevertheless, I will remain cordial and civil. You are entitled to you opinion and free to express it in whatever format you want. However, I believe I am afforded the same right. You might be surprised by how many fans actually agree with many of my post... Your attack was factless, based on emotion, personal, and incorect. You should be embarrased by your immature behavoir. But hey your entitled to your opinion. Nothing personal here. My intent is not to "stir up trouble." My intent is to express my opinions and let the chips fall where they fall... Nothing personal here...but I am not going anywhere....
  6. I don't like any of our QB's on our starting roster. I am just hoping that Chan can work his magic...
  7. I would still be ok with getting Gaither for a 2nd round pick. I know he has some issues but I think a 2 isn't too step for him because of his upside, experience and our desperation for a quality LT. IMO, he would be a steal if we could get him for a 3rd round pick. We really need to do something. Don't we? Are we really going to start the season with Bell or Meridith at LT? If so, I don't like it at all. Good bless who ever is our staring QB.
  8. I appreciate your candid post. I do understand that my negative post can be unpleasent and undesireable to read. I apoligize to all I have offended. My intention is not to insult or offend anyone. Also, my opinions are simply my opinions and no one elses. If your agree with me that's great and if you don't that's great too. Believe it or not, I do enjoy reading positive post. It gives me a glimmer of hope...IMO, this forum is a great avenue to read others points of view and agree or disagree. I am a passionate Bills fan. For example, the Monday night games we lost to the Cowboys and Browns were heart breaking. Not to mention, last years season opener vs the Pats. I had trouble sleeping at night after those losses...My frustration with this organization had almost reached its limit and I think that reflects on my post. Right or wrong that is the truth. As a result, I believe I take out my frustration on you Bills fans who would rather look at the postive side of things. For that, I do sincerly apoligize. You shouldn't be attacked for you viewpoints. You are entitled to think postively and I will never take that away from you. Similiarly, I should be able to post negative post without the negative TROLL comments. Implying my post are merly "whinning" and lack substance is furtherst from the truth. Instead, I would encourage and welcome substantive responses that counter my points of view. Also, you might be surprised by how many of you agree with the general tone and message of my prior posts. I do have a difficult time understanding how you can be "upbeat" and "positive" about this team? I think if you "objectively" look at our players and coaches versus the rest of the NFL we come up with medicore scores at best. Maybe my thinking is off? Additionally, what is really frustrating to me is that I have been hearing so many positive things about this team for ten years and counting. Shouldn't the Bills front office be held acountable? Seems like too many of you have given them a free pass to mediocrity. On the same note, I posted on prior post about how long I have been hearing your positive viewpoints (ten years and counting). You don't even hold yourself accountable for being wrong. I am one of those guys who believed in this team... I was wrong! I have believed in this team and this organization for years. End result, I have gotten my heart "ripped apart." Perhaps my pessimism is a defense mechanism to prevent future heartbreaks. Hope this gives you a little prespective regarding on where I am coming from. Like it or not I am here to stay...
  9. Hard for me to get excited about this team when you have a combination of (at best) medicore OL, QB, and WR. Don't see how any coaching staff can produce many wins with that formula. That is my frustration.
  10. Gailey has improved offenses but I think he will struggle to improve this offense enough to get wins. This offense just has too many holes for any coach to put up wins on a consistent basis. If we still loose the game, I could care less about scoring more points and have more rushing/passing yards, etc... I want to WIN. I actually feel sorry for the team Gailey has inherited. He is most likely to be another "fall guy." Also, Gailey has won as a head coach in Dallas. I could have coached that team to the playoffs. So to say he has won is kind of "taking things out of content." Second point, if he is such a great NFL coach why didn't any other team hire him prior to the Bills? Makes me wonder...Thirdly, his winning record as a head coach at GT was marginal at best. I have a friend who follows GT and he didn't have lots of kinds thing s to say about coach Galiey. You stated NIX has never been a GM. To early to tell what kinda GM he is going to be. But you make a "giant leap" implying he is going to be a good GM based on his prior track record of acquiring talent. (even that is debatable) No head coach in their right mind is going to say "this year is a rebuilding year." They would be telling thier fan base and players this year is a losing year. So your right about Gailey not saying that. Lastly, come see me after week five. My prediction is Bills 1-4. What is your prediction? Overall, 4-12.
  11. I do appreciate your point of view and optimism. However, I don't agree with you. Your counterpoints appear to be weak and lacking substance. How can you say I clearly see these players playing better? That statement lacks substance and is too general. How can you say forget the OL, QB, new defensive scheme, and no 2nd WR? You have to take that into consideration when evaluating this team? Coaching? I happen to agree that Gailey is an offensive upgrade. However, we lost Perry Fewell who was a very good defensive coordinator. He will be missed. I don't not have the same faith in our new DC and he is implementing a new 3-4 scheme. You seem to dismiss how difficult the transition is. Drafting decisions? Lots of opinions here? Much has already been talked about on this. But to say we drafted better this year than past years is unproven and not a given. Injuries? How the heck can anyone predict this...You simply state as fact we will have less injuries due to better conditioned players. Simply not the facts. Also, you haven't taken into account which player gets injured. (ie)Star player- Tom Brady. No evidence to say that accounts for one full win. I do love the line about Trent pooping on the pope's porch. Very witty and funny. Probably the best thing in your post.
  12. I know its early but I thought it might fun. My prediction is Baltimore vs Dallas. With Dallas finally winning it all.
  13. I think the recurring theme is that our offensive line has some serious weaknesses. I would be confident enough to say that none of us are happy with the current state of our OL. (including the most optimistic Bills fan) Gailey has had past success with QB's but how is his success rate with a "subpar" OL? IMO, a weak OL = struggling offense = losses. Yet many of us stand by the Bills front office who have failed to address the OL for years...This year appears to be no different. I JUST DON'T GET IT?
  14. For the most part, I agree with your post. I do not think Trent has the skills or mentality to be a good pro QB. I believe the evidence is there to support this statement. He has played many games and your observations are quite correct IMO. He doesn't seem to have the vision and the confidence to throw the ball downfield. Also, I don't think he has the intangeables to be a leader. I am not a believer that Chan Gailey can make him a winner, a leader, and a productive QB. Personally, I think the Bills have a better shot at winning with Fitz. Granted he isn't a great QB and not a first stringer QB either. Not to mention quite inaccurate at times. He isn't the future and he will probably not play much this year. Just my opinion. But the thing I like about him is that he throws the ball downfield and he doesn't play scared. Bottom line is we need to find a franchise QB. Edwards, Fitz, Brohm, and most likely Levi are not the answers. Our QB situation is pretty bad. We are grasping at straws and hoping Chan can work his magic...
  15. Rabbit that was a great post. I agree with "The Bills hired another loser GM & HC and the fans are so desperate for a winner they are drinking the kool-aid like they are in a desert dying of thirst... only this kool-aid is from Jonestown." I couldn't have said it any better.
  16. Your post is appreciated. I just think a first round 9th overall pick needs to be an immediate impact player. Clearly, Maybin was and is not that. I think that is why I had such a problem with the pick.
  17. New coach, new offense, completely new defense=new team. Does that mean more wins?
  18. What did I say that made you so angry? I support my team by watching them every week via Direct Tv NFL Ticket which cost over $300. I support my team by buying merchandise like jerseys. I support my team by educating myself via the internet, radio, and tv. Did that answer your question!!!!!!!!!!! What I won't do is paint a rosey picture of upcoming season. I don't believe the Bills are going to win many games. I think the team is rebuilding, struggling for an identity, evaluating talent or lack of, learning new schemes, system, and philosophy, etc.. IN THE LONG RUN, I am optimistic this can produce a winning team which leads to playoff wins and a Super bowl win. However, in the short term, this year, next year, and maybe the following year the team is most likely to struggle. I want to win NOW! A true fan is able to objectively critique their team and accept the teams weaknesses and strengths. I guess your not willing to even address and or listen to others negative feedback. How shallow is that?
  19. Having an OC who understands the situation with our inexperienced O-line and knows how to call a game accordingly will make a huge difference though in my opinion. I do believe there is some truth to your statement. However, I strongly believe coaches need players to be effective. IMO, Chan is only going to be able to go so far this this less than adequate offense. Kinda like a great jockey riding a sub par horse. The horse isn't going to win even though he has the best rider on him becuase he just isn't good enough. Too many holes for Chan to overcome. Very weak OL, very weak QB, and very weak WR (except LEE). I like your optimism and I hope your right. I would love to be wrong.
  20. Maybin is the next Vernon Golston. A big fat BUST...What a terible first round pick. A one year college wonder who had potential bust written all over him. The Bills took a chance and picked him when we needed OL help so bad. This year we need OL help and we take Spiller.. Am I lost on what direction this team is taking? I thought a solid OL and QB was or is the way to building a championship caliber team. We seem to have niether. I don't think a team can win games with a solid secondary only. I am surprised the team didn't take a DB in the draft?
  21. Hey K GUN, it is quite obvisous you didn't like what I wrote. In fact, I don't even like what I wrote. However, that is the way I see things playing out and that is my opinion. I don't claim to be a know it all and your sarcasim isn't appreciated. Why not try to counter my points in a intelligent fashion instead of trying to belittle me.
  22. Sounds like the new staff is searching for answers with lots and lots of question marks and holes to fill. Wow what a plan! All adds up to another loosing season and or seasons... Hard to get excited about that.
  23. I must commend you on an abolutely "dead on" post. I couldn't agree with you anymore. I have been saying very similiar things on my post and getting "roughed up" by all the optimist here. Just wanted to let you know that your post is brutally honest and upfront. I have been telling the optimistic posters to stop leaving in Fantasyland. Maybe your post will wake some people up. Briefly my take: Poor OL, Poor QB, and Poor WR. Equals poor offensive results. Teams are going to stack the box and run blitz to take away our running game. Then they will cover all the short and intermediate routes forcing us to beat them in the medium to long passing game. Our QB/OL/WR will not be able to produce. Gailey is an offensive upgrade but unfortunately he doesn't put on the pads. He is only as good as the players he has. What I think fans fail to realize is at Dallas he was somewhat successful. In Dallas, he had talanted players so he was able to produce. In Buffalo, who are his talanted players? Lee Evans and thats about it IMO. I know he had some success with Thigpen and Stewart...
  24. Good points but how can you say "I'm not so worried about the OL." Are you trying to say that you think they will be good? Or are you saying that you're ok with them being medicore at best? Strange comment.
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