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Everything posted by mpl6876

  1. The season he almost here. I was wondering if the Bills will make any moves to try to improve the team. Or do you guys think we are going to stick with what we have? I believe barring a major injury the Bills are going with what they have. IMO, most likely transaction would be a Lynch trade. Anyone have any suggestions/thoughts that could improve our team via trades/pickups?
  2. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR POST AND THE TOME OF IT!!!!!! I couldn't have agreed with you more. Very well said.
  3. "I love the direction Gailey and Nix are taking the Bills. Yes, no games won or lost yet, but it is clear to see the foundations of a good strong team being built in Buffalo." Wish I could say the same but I can't. IMO, building a foundation to winning football games starts with 3 major components. A solid QB which the Bills don't have. A solid offensive line which the Bills don't have. A solid defensive line with a good pass rush which the Bills don't have. To date, I think the new regime has failed to adequately address these three needs. To be fair to NIX/GAILEY they inherited a bad team with so many holes. As a result, it is going to take years to address these issues. I do like the 3-4 defensive scheme and Gailey's offensive talents...
  4. I think your living in "fantasy Land." Not meant to be rude. On paper, this receiving core is probably one the worst in the NFL. All we have is Lee Evans who is a fantastic WR. He will be double and triple teamed like always and his skills will be greatly taken away. Teams will blitz our QB like always. This has been a recipe to beat us for years. Bottom line, we need to have a QB who can throw the ball down field and a OL who can protect him. I don't think this regime has addressed these two glaring needs very well. On the positive side, maybe the young guys can progress meaning the OL, TE, and WR. Maybe Gailey can "work his magic with another medicore QB." Lets hope so. Go Bills
  5. I hate to beat a dead horse here. My point is haven't you been saying this for 10 years and counting. First with Greg Williams, then Marlarkey and Donadope, Dick Juaren and Levi.....
  6. Good Post first time I heard of this plan. Thanks.
  7. Your optimistic viewpoint isn't shared by all but nevertheless good post
  8. How about waiting until after the Bills have played some football before making any judgements? I think that is a bit too strong of a comment. We as fans have a right to talk about our team whether it's negative or positive. The off season and changes teams make are always going to be talked about analyzed. That is what makes football so great...Isn't that why there is the NFL network and other similiar shows? Keeping the fans abreast of the changes and analyst giving their opinions. Isn't that why this forum exist?
  9. I disagree with thos who say you can't critique the new regime. I actually like the question and I will attempt to give my honest opinion. Granted it is a very early assessment and opininon. The Good (1) Like that they have an offensive minded coach and I hope he will be able to restore some of that Bills offensive Mojo. (2) Like that they addressed stopping the run with N/T Troup. (3) Like that they have a dynamic weapon named Spiller. (4) I like that they still have Lynch on the team. without a doubt there is baggage but "he can play." Hope he's not traded. (5) I really like the transition to the 3-4 defense. There will be growing pains... (6) Liked the LB pickup from the Broncos. The Bad (1)The QB position looks to be weak. Not sure Gailey can make any of these guys quality starting QBs. (2)The Ol looks to be weak and very young. Wanted to draft a big time OL with the 1st or 2nd pick. I am not high on WANG. (3)The WR core looks to be weak. Lost TO and Reed. This will hurt some. Easley is too raw to be effective this year. Hardy appears to be lost. Johnson shows promise. Poor Lee Evans who happens to be my favorite Bill. Can you imagine how good he would be on a team who had an offense? All of this is just my opinion and not based on facts. Just my two cents. Outlook for this season is bleak. I say 4 and 12.
  10. I understand your where your going...However, you have to agree it sure is hard to be opitimistic about this teams future considering the past ten years. That's all I have to say.
  11. " I am not here to get into a pissing contest with you. Your words were "If you're not smart enough to understand you can't put the last 10 years on the new guys." The one step you can't seem to piece together is part of the problem is Raplh Wilson and he has been here for more than ten years (I think?). He is the one that hired all those unsuccessful coaches, GM's, ETC... Now, he hires Gailey and NIX and I am supposed to have confidence in them. Why should I? I don't like the moves they have made so far. They have to earn my respect and so far they haven't earned anything. By the way, you never did answer my previous questions. Why? Never mind, I already know why. You are boring because you have been saying the same thing for 10 years and counting. The only things that change are the coaches and GM names. Keep singing the same ole tune buddy. You stated I posted the most irresponsible, uninformative, unsubstantiated, BS criticism of our front office ." Those are some pretty harsh words. Guess you didn't like my response. Sorry, if you can't handle a fan critiquing your team then so be it. Could care less what you think...Instead of bashing me, I would like to hear what the hell you have been saying for the last ten years. Allow me to paraphase since I know you won't respond. (1) Marlarky and Donadope are winners. They are "Pittsburg men" and they will bring their winning ways to Buffalo. WRONG (2) Greg Williams he is a solid defensive mind and he will bring that toughness to the Bills. This will lead to more wins and a path to the playoffs. WRONG (3) Jauron is a Bears guy with solid defensive mind. He knows how to communicate with his players and has the respect of his players. I like his style and this will lead us in the right direction. WRONG (4) Levy was a great coach and now he is going to be a great GM. He is a BILL and he knows this organization. Good things are to come...WRONG How did I do? BORINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
  12. Hey, I read what you said. Thanks for agreeing with me...
  13. Hi guys I have read all the comments and I have to say I am a doom and gloomer. I couldn't disagree anymore with most of your comments. (1) Our QB situation is "pathetic" to say the least. I am not willing to pronounce Gailey as this "Godlike" creature who can create some great or even decent QB play from our QB roster. Also, I am not ready to say "Brohm" is the man either. Sure, I will say that the offense probably has a little more room to succeed with Gailey and company, new additions, and slightly more experienced players. But, I just don't see a dramatic improvement. (2) Very weak receiving unit. Lee Evans and that's it. Nelson has done nothing, Parrish has done nothing, Easley has done nothing, and Hardy looks like he is lost out there. Besides our QB's can't even throw the ball down field. (ie) Captain check down who is likely to be our starter. (3) Very weak offensive line with lots of question marks and what ifs...No left or right tackle. Injuries to Woods, Bell and Meridith....Too many holes, unanswered questions and lack of experience... To me all this adds up to an easy way to defend our offense. Stack the box and take away our running attack. Rush our QB hard and make them beat you with the passing attack. For ten years we haven't been able to find a solution... THREE AND OUT..... Sorry about the negative post but that is the way I see it... Time will tell who is right and I hope I am wrong.
  14. Sounds like you have been defending and agreeing with this organization for ten years. Am I right? Weren't you the one who was defending Malarkey, Williams, Juaren, Donahoe and Levy the GM before they stunk it up. Now your doing the same with Nix and Gailey. I know its too early too tell...I just have little confidence in this whole organization. That's the way I see it and so do many others...This forum is about expressing your opinions and that's what I did. If you don't like it get off the board. I am not the only one who lacks "extreme confidence" in the Bills organization. They have to put up or shut up. Until then, I will continue to "BASH' this organization because there actions warrant it.... How is that for the most irresponsible, uninformative, unsubstantiated, BS criticism of our front office????????????????????
  15. Good response I respect your viewpoint. GO Bills.....
  16. I think they were. (1) All reports from media and Bills front office prior to the draft indicated they were. I know it could have been smoke but it seems like this isn't Nix style. (remember the Spiller comments) (2) I don't think Adam Schefner made up the story. He isn't always right but he was quite convincing when he broke the story on draft day. Just my two cents.
  17. I am a fan of the Buffalo Bills. I believe this gives me a right to analyze my team. How long have you been saying its a new beginning? Let me guess 10 years. I guess your ok with that. Well, i am not! The Bills have alot more than two issued to focus on...YOU WAKE UP!
  18. Just a thought...What plan is that?????? Nevermind, a plan of no QB, no left tackle, no right tackle, no wide receivers, and no pass rush. Wow, that's a great plan...
  19. Hey thanks for the response and update. "Look for us to go after a franchise first round QB next year." A quick response to this comment. I sure do hope we can find that QB next year. Will we be in the position to draft a franchise QB? Will there be a franchise QB to draft? Look at the huge risks involved in drafting a QB in the top 5 or so picks... To make a long story short...I was really pissed off and disappointed we didn't take Clausen at 41. Enough aide because I had a previous post about this...received plenty of contrary opinions.
  20. I am new to the forum so forgive me if this topic was already addressed. During the draft, Adam Scheftner stated the Bills were highly upset the the Broncos picked Tebow at 25. I know the Bills front office has denied this. They have to deny it after the fact. How could they admit they were beaten to the punch. Was Adam's reporting inaccurate? What did he base his report on? I happen to believe that the Bills were going to select Tebow. All reports prior to the draft seemed to indicate Tebow and not Clausen was our guy. Clearly, Clausen wasn't after the fact. IMO, Tebow would have been a HUGE mistake. Thank God for dumb AS_ Josh Mcdaniels. What really bothers me (if this report was true) is how the heck can I have confidence with this new Bills front office if they were going to make a decision like this??? What do you guys think?
  21. This is one of the best post i have read. I agree with you 100%. I just don't know what other Bills fans are thinking...
  22. Same old crap I have been hearing for 10 years and counting. Wait til next year... You guys are pathetic and so is the Bills organization. Broken hearted Bills fan
  23. There were plenty of quality N/T around prior to our 41st pick. On the board were Mt Cody, Cam Thomas and Troup. Could have had quality N/T in third or fourth round. I firmly believe Troup would have bee there at our 3rd round pick. I think the Bills Brass panicked and picked based on need. Another thing that bothers me a lot is why do the Bills always seem to reach for these small school guys..
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