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hondo in seattle

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Everything posted by hondo in seattle

  1. This is a monumental game. I think the Bills make the playoffs if we win. This is based on two arguments: 1. Lessons Learned. The Chiefs game taught the Bills to close the door on a weaker opponent. The Raiders game taught the Bills perseverance. A win against the Pats would teach the Bills they can play with the Big Boys. 2. NFL Arithmetic. If the Bills beat the Pats, we will only need to go 7-6 the rest of the season to earn a wildcard berth. This team is talented enough to finish 7-6.
  2. ON ANY GIVEN SUNDAY Maybe Brady gets injured. Maybe Fitz and Freddy play the games of their lives and Bills hang 42 points on the Pats. The Pats Offense against the Bills Defense looks like a mismatch. But the Bills Offense has actually scored more points this year than the Pats and the Pats D looks vulnerable. Maybe we win in a track meet. I'm also hoping the D surprises us. Our game plans the first two weeks were designed to stop running teams. Will Edwards/Wannstedt dial up something completely different for the Pats that slows Brady down??? Maybe Merriman's shoulder gets better and this week they set him loose to reek havoc in NE's backfield. Maybe McKelvin redeems himself with two drive-killing picks. I'm not predicting a Bills win this week but I hope for one knowing there's a realistic chance.
  3. Thanks all for the information. I hadn't realized the injury was this serious. It explains a lot.
  4. This is very true. But I have been impressed with the run blocking. Last year I felt Freddy got all his yards on his own. This year he's had some nice holes.
  5. Thanks for the link and the work you put into this BUT... Any rating system that at Tomlinson as the greatest back of all time is clearly flawed. Perhaps you weigh fumbles too much. I also saw you ranking of greatest rushing seasons ever. I suggest you take a closer look. When OJ ran for 2,000 yards, the next best performance was something like 1144 yards. Never in the modern era has a RB nearly doubled the output of the next nearest back. Usually the rushing leader is ahead of 2nd place by only a few yards. I think there's no question OJ's 1973 campaign was the greatest season for a RB. It's hard to compare performances from one era against another because of rule changes and the evolution of offensive and defensive schemes. Not only did OJ play a 14 game schedule, the hashmarks were further out toward the sidelines in those days, often creating a very cramped short side of the field. Moving the hashmarks inward helped offenses. Needless to say, there have been other rule changes since OJ's day - most favoring the offense. I think yours is a noble attempt. But I don't think there's a scientific method for rating RBs of different eras. Your algorithm might be more valid when evaluating contemporaneous backs.
  6. Peter King has us at #11 in Monday Morning Quarterback.
  7. I love this quote from McKelvin: "I played great defense. I just didn't make the play." That sums up his day and maybe his career. Often in position, he doesn't make the play. That's NOT great defense. I'm hoping McGee returns and stays healthy and that A. Williams proves he deserves his high draft position and earns a starting spot.
  8. Buddy needs to wake up? Given that the Bills were weak nearly everywhere, why should an edge pass rusher be the #1 priority in Buddy's drafts? Should we reach like we did with Maybin? Or take the best player available at any of our many need positions? Seems to me that Buddy is doing fine so far transforming the Bills into a talented, competitive team. But the job is far from finished. Give the man a little more time.
  9. I disagree about the D-line. The Raiders ran 30 times for 131 yards. That's not chopped liver. And the front seven didn't generate any heat on Campbell. He wasn't sacked once and was mostly untouched. I also disagree somewhat about the George Wilson remark. Seems like the Raiders exploited McKelvin most of all but I don't think anyone in the secondary can claim to have played a great game. The Brady & the Pats will crush us if we don't improve.
  10. I agree. The D played horribly in the 2nd and 4th quarters. Both the pass and run defense exhibited problems. But now is not the time to dissect this or worry about the next game. Now is the time to celebrate!
  11. Chronic, congrats on your moral courage for coming back here. It was an awesome game and could have gone either way. Both offenses looked great or both defenses looked crappy - not sure which. Good luck on the rest of your season. Hope to see you again in the playoffs.
  12. I wouldn't rate it above THE COMEBACK but it was a truly awesome game. The Bills D looked horrible in the 2nd and 4th Quarter but in a way this was good. The Bills needed to learn to deal with adversity. This game teaches them to never give up. It's got to be a great confidence & character builder.
  13. Well, Chronic, it was a great game! Your offense looked good. Your D looked terrible. Best of luck the rest of the season.
  14. Fans getting their money's worth today. Let's just hope for the happy ending!
  15. right now, Freddie has twice as many yards as McFadden. Not what Chronic was predicting.
  16. I told you Raider fans that you'd learn Freddy's name today!
  17. okay, celebrate raiders fans. enjoy this moment. the final score will have you in tears.
  18. Breaks a limb? because of the ways the Bills are hitting him?
  19. Missed a TD right there... Don't think we can miss a lot of opportunities against the Raiders and still win.
  20. HERE ARE THE REAL X- FACTORS 1. Al Davis will disrupt the game plan by calling in deep passing plays in from his geriatric psych ward in California. The problem is that the Raiders locker room looks like a M.A.S.H. unit. There are no healthy receivers on the roster. None. The one or two reserves without physical ailments have mental ones. 2. Fitz and Freddy will tear the Raiders apart, teaching you to remember their correct names. 3. The Raiders are poorly coached and undisciplined. The Refs will get tennis elbow from throwing flags on cheater Raider penalties. At least one TD will be called back. And that will be the only time a Raider sees the endzone. 4. The Bills revamped front seven will stop the Raider run game and the Raiders can't pass. Campbell will suck like he did last year, with or without pressure. Dink and dunk with 4 yards per attempt won't get it done in "The Ralph."
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