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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. An ultra-reliable news source like Tucker Carlson on Fox talks about underwater UFOs and not one person posts about it in this thread for almost 4 months (see thread title)? https://www.thewrap.com/tucker-carlson-talks-underwater-ufos-weve-never-imagined-something-like-that-video/ How uninformed can you people be? If this continues, I just may have to go elsewhere for my underwater UFO news.
  2. I would choose to keep one eye (half my sight), one ear (half my hearing), my sense of touch below the waist (that's another half), and the sense to come in out of the rain 50% of the time (I'm OK getting soaked the other 50% of the time). That adds up to keeping only two full senses.
  3. This article is more about predictions of how life originating on earth might evolve over extremely long time spans, but has some discussion of the Fermi paradox if you assume hypothetical alien life evolves in the same manner that the authors hypothesize for life that originated on earth (written by two astrophysicists): https://nautil.us/issue/97/wonder/if-aliens-exist-heres-how-well-find-them?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  4. And some things do. If I had a fake ID showing that I'm 70 I could get a Covid vaccination now.
  5. I somehow missed this thread initially, but it's the type of mind-expanding stuff that keeps me coming back to "Off the Wall." I pride myself on unconventional thinking, but must admit, I had never even considered this particular question. Upon reflection, I think I might prefer "Wilson" (the volleyball) from Castaway. Otherwise, I would always have "buyer's remorse" about which anatomical parts were missing in whatever mermaid type I chose. Food for thought - - there's a lot of truth in the classic video that explains the hot/crazy matrix: If scientists eventually determine that the "crazy" correlates with either a hot female top half, or a hot female bottom half, but not both - - I'd say goodbye to Wilson and hello to a "unicorn" mermaid.
  6. Thought provoking new article that touches on a number of topics discussed in this thread: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/01/25/have-we-already-been-visited-by-aliens?utm_source=pocket-newtab A sample excerpt with an interesting take on the Fermi paradox: _______________________ "Thus, not long after humanity became capable of signalling to other planets, it also became capable of wiping itself out. Since the invention of nuclear weapons, we’ve continued to come up with new ways to do ourselves in; these include unchecked climate change and manufactured microbes. 'It is quite conceivable that if we are not careful, our civilization’s next few centuries will be its last,' Loeb warns. Alien civilizations 'with the technological prowess to explore the universe' are, he infers, similarly 'vulnerable to annihilation by self-inflicted wounds.' Perhaps the reason no one has shown up is that there’s no one left to make the trip." _______________________ Maybe the natural progression of scientific research inevitably leads to turning the knobs on the Large Hadron Collider (or some as yet unimagined scientific experiment) to 11, and instead of Spinal Tap, we get Judgment Day.
  7. We'll beat them so bad Pegulas change the team name Buffalo Orcas !!!
  8. I suppose you were just focused on other things last March 25th.
  9. I haven't been following this thread, but even if previously posted, the blonde at 24 seconds in and again at 1:23 in is worth a second go round (and a third, and a fourth, and . . .) https://www.ispot.tv/ad/ZNrX/gotham-steel-hammered-collection-free-egg-pan-2999
  10. If I recall correctly, when the saying arose long ago, the US had no federal income tax. These days, the saying is BS, but for a different reason. Today, a penny saved is worth more than a penny earned, because you have to pay income taxes on the penny earned, but don't have to pay taxes on the penny saved (at least until Congress passes a yearly wealth tax or until you invest the accumulated pennies well enough to become subject to estate taxes upon your death). Whether the saved pennies ultimately make you rich depends on if and how you choose to invest them. If you want to know how most (not all) rich people in the US actually got that way, read the most recent edition of "The Millionaire Next Door."
  11. "If Isaiah Hodgins ever takes my roster spot, I can always fall back on the River Dance tour."
  12. If you are currently employed, think about asking your credit card companies to increase your credit limits on your personal credit cards. Hopefully you won't need to access personal credit to keep the business afloat, but lack of startup capital to cover costs before the business gets established kills some startups. You can always decide later whether you want to use your personal credit cards if that becomes the last resort for additional $$.
  13. Treatment options depend on the location and severity of the tear. From https://www.pennmedicine.org/updates/blogs/musculoskeletal-and-rheumatology/2018/september/meniscus-tears-why-you-should-not-let-them-go-untreated : "In the case of meniscus tears, some people think the injury will heal over time on its own. But the truth is that there are different types of meniscus tears — and some tears won’t heal without treatment. If your tear is on the outer one-third of the meniscus, it may heal on its own or be repaired surgically. This is because this area has rich blood supply and blood cells can regenerate meniscus tissue — or help it heal after surgical repair. But if the tear is in the inner two-thirds, which lack blood flow, the tear cannot be repaired and may need to be trimmed or removed surgically." The full link gives considerably more details.
  14. From the same nfl.com website at: http://static.nfl.com/static/content/public/image/rulebook/pdfs/17_2013_Penalty_Enforcement.pdf _____________________________________________________________________ "Rule 14 Penalty Enforcement (Governing all cases not otherwise specifically provided for)Section 1 General Rules Article 1: Refusal of Penalties. Unless expressly prohibited, the penalty for any foul may be declined by the offended team, and play proceeds as though no foul had been committed. The yardage distance for any penalty may be declined, even though the penalty is accepted. Note: If the defensive team commits a foul during an unsuccessful Try, the offensive team may decline the distance penalty, and the down is replayed from the previous spot. Exception:(a) If there is a Double Foul, enforcement is pursuant to Section 5 below. (emphasis added) ________________________________________________________________________ Here's a more complete excerpt of what "Section 5" says: _______________________________________________________ "Section 5 Fouls by Both Teams (Double Fouls) Article 1:Double Foul Without Change of Possession. If there is a Double Foul (3-12-2-c) during a down in which there is not a change of possession, the penalties are offset, and the down is replayed at the previous spot. If it is a scrimmage down, the number of the next down and the line to gain is the same as for the down in which the fouls occurred. Exception:If one or more fouls by one team includes a 15-yard penalty, and the penalty for the foul or fouls committed by the other team is for a five-yard penalty without an automatic First Down, a loss of down, or a 10-second runoff (15 yards versus five yards), the 15-yard penalty is enforced from the previous spot, and the five-yard penalty is disregarded. Five vs. 15 enforcement cannot be declined by the team that committed the minor foul, except as described in (ii) below. See 4-8-2-c-Exc. 2 and 14-4-9-Exc. (a) and (b) for dead ball fouls at the end of a half. (i) If one of the fouls is a Dead Ball Foul for delay of game for spiking the ball and the opponent’s foul is a Live Ball Foul, the team that committed the delay of game foul, in addition to Article 1 and Exception (a), will have the option to decline the foul committed by its opponent and be assessed the penalty for delay from the dead-ball spot. (ii) If both fouls are Dead Ball Fouls or are treated as such (14-4-9), the penalties are offset, and the ball is next put in play at the succeeding spot." _____________________________________________________________ Double fouls are explicitly stated to be an exception to the general rule that "the penalty for any foul may be declined by the offended team." The Bills therefore had no option to decline the Offside penalty against AZ on the double foul play in question.
  15. From what appears to be an official nfl website, at: http://static.nfl.com/static/content/public/image/rulebook/pdfs/17_2013_Penalty_Enforcement.pdf "Section 5 Fouls by Both Teams (Double Fouls) Article 1:Double Foul Without Change of Possession. If there is a Double Foul (3-12-2-c) during a down in which there is not a change of possession, the penalties are offset, and the down is replayed at the previous spot. If it is a scrimmage down, the number of the next down and the line to gain is the same as for the down in which the fouls occurred." Personally, I think the rule should be changed to allow a team to decline a penalty in this situation, but that does not appear to currently be an option.
  16. I would absolutely stand by any of the products discussed here: https://www.consumerreports.org/home-office/how-to-choose-a-standing-desk/
  17. Ron White, George Carlin and Stephen Wright. Only three, because you can't fix stupid: Warning - - Language not suitable for work "I had the right to remain silent - - - I just didn't have the ability."
  18. 1. Nations on earth have come up with treaties that, as between themselves, establish and govern their self-proclaimed rights and obligations with respect to their activities on Mars and elsewhere off this planet. They have apparently decided that if an American company is performing acts on another planet, America is responsible for such conduct, and that the nation of America can be held accountable if an American company violates any treaty obligations of the American nation. 2. So what? Why do earthly nations have a right to create legal obligations that govern activities on another planet? It's just a power grab by existing earthly nations that have no jurisdiction to establish the rights of people who, when they eventually go to live on Mars, will be Martians (not Americans, or Canadians or Russians, etc.). And if you claim they are still Americans, etc, what of people who will eventually be born on Mars, which apparently cannot be an American, Canadian or Russian, etc. territory under the existing earthly space law treaties? Certainly people born on Mars in the future can be considered Martians. Why shouldn't people born on Mars have the right to determine their own laws? No taxation without representation and all that good Revolutionary War stuff. 3. If the American colonies could claim independence from England and form their own new, sovereign nation back in 1776, why can't Martians claim independence from Earth in 2776 and form their own nation(s) with their own government(s)? Their rallying cry for the Martian War of Independence could be "Make Mars Great Again." 4. Think about it. How would you feel if Plutonians showed up on earth, and upon descending from their spaceship, informed you that the nations on Pluto had decided among themselves eons ago that you had no American rights, or Canadian rights, or Russian rights, etc. because the sovereign nations on Pluto had agreed among themselves how to regulate conduct on Earth, and how to determine which Plutonian nations would be responsible for any violations of the treaty that all Plutonian nations had agreed upon among themselves? 5. Elon Musk won't be around to see new sovereign nations formed on Mars, but his future descendants very well might be.
  19. He thinks I'm uglier than I used to be, but he hasn't been to the eye doctor in a while.
  20. According to my brother Darryl, Tre White is already in the middle of this mess, and can't just walk away. He's a named defendant in the case. You get that the lawyer who made the first offer to buy the house sued not just the current owners of the house, but also sued Tre White individually for tortious interference with contract, right? The article at the link in the original post contains a copy of the summons and complaint in the case. Scroll down and read the "First Claim For Relief" at page 11 of the 28 page document. We don't know whether or not Tre White was aware of the fully executed (i.e., fully signed) contract between the plaintiff and the current owners of the house when he made his own, later offer. I don't know Orchard Park practice, but in many parts of the country, the listing agent will add "Sale Pending" or "Under Contract" to a yard sign to let other potential buyers know that although they are welcome to submit a back-up offer (which could be accepted if the already pending sale fell through for some reason), an existing contract for sale was already in place. Even without changing the yard sign, it is certainly possible that the listing agent told Tre White or Tre White's agent about the pre-existing, fully signed contract before Tre or Tre's agent submitted Tre's own, later purchase offer. If Tre somehow didn't know about the pre-existing, fully signed purchase offer from the first buyer, he will win the lawsuit brought against him. Even if he did know about that pre-existing contract, he might still win the suit, but we would need to know more facts to evaluate his chances. There's nothing wrong with submitting a back-up offer, and my guess is that the current owners or their listing agent are much more likely to be culpable here than Tre, but until more facts come out, that's all it is - - just a guess.
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