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Green Lightning

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Everything posted by Green Lightning

  1. Not always. A LT usually is more athletic and quick than a RT or guard. They aren't the maulers with the straight-ahead power of the rest of the OL.
  2. I don't abide factory farming. I shoot my own venison (the ultimate free range speed beef) buy organic and invest yearly in a quarter of a grass feed cow for meat. So how does that make Vick any less of a bastard dog torturer and killer POS? If you want to preach against animal abuse I'm with you. But don't use a "we're all as bad as Vick" argument!
  3. Can't argue that. The guy never went downfield. The only question is whether Chan can resurrect him.
  4. Nice. Maybe you'll get the same treatment from someone someday. Sounds like you were just waiting to be a dick all day and got your chance.
  5. Geez then go follow your hero. Parcells has done Jack since the Giants and Miami isn't going to contend for squat in 2010. Top it off we'll take a game from them while we rebuild the "Buddy" way!
  6. Change is difficult for some. Thanks for doing this. Though Romes has a point on limited access to features with some phone skins.
  7. I love this board and would support it if need be. Let us know what we can do. Thanks for doing this!
  8. I saw that. Excellent series. To Phineas' credit, he didn't hit on married women in front of their husbands and rape co-eds in nightclub bathrooms. Phineas had a spike in his head - Ben has his head up his a**.
  9. Yeah, you're right. Poor Ben, he's just concussed and misunderstood. Treating people like crap and women like tramps is just his way of reaching out.
  10. Welcome to the board! Nice first post. I've likely got some years on you so let me say I once was bitter when The Bills, in my mind, cheaped out when they chose a coach with a losing record and who flamed out as a HC in the NFL. His name was Marv Levy. I believe big names don't matter. It's the right person at the right time that matters.
  11. He's not an upgrade! Depth only at this point. Play our young guys!
  12. Whatever. The rest of the AFC East is in a different place than we are and time will tell how well we did or did not do. Buddy and Chan seem to think they can do more with the talent that people want to discard. And the TV boys lost all credibility saying we should have kept Fewell. Keep Perry? Really? The archetect of an undersized defense that couldn't stop the run or get off the field on third down? That's our guy? BS. Besides, I'm sure the criticism posted below was "valid" in it's day. This is posted in another thread, here's what a Bean Town writer had to say about the Pats draft a few years back. How'd that work out? "On a day when they could have had impact players David Terrell or Koren Robinson or the second-best tackle in the draft in Kenyatta Walker, they took Georgia defensive tackle Richard Seymour, who had 1 sack last season in the pass-happy SEC and is too tall to play tackle at 6-6 and too slow to play defensive end. This genius move was followed by trading out of a spot where they could have gotten the last decent receiver in Robert Ferguson and settled for tackle Matt Light, who will not help any time soon."
  13. What TG writes is worlds more enlightening than anything Leonidas adds to this board.
  14. Read the "Thanks Leonidas" thread. Tim got sick and tired of punks getting into his grill and swearing at him and decided he didn't need this crap anymore and rightly so. We lost a great source because of the complete lack of civility by some on this board.
  15. Then go start you own page with your buddy and p*ss all day on eveyone else. The guy was out of line and you seem to enjoy that. Maybe you and your bud Leonidas can include the "Complete Works of Jerry Sullivan" on your new page to set the tone for your p*ss fest.
  16. TG comes on this board, not under some alias, and traffics with fans on his own time. Some punk, hiding behind a alias screws up a good thing for all of us. I say ban him from the page. If you don't agree with an opinion, fine. do so with some class and act responsibly. I'm sick of all the punks swearing and intimidating others because they can do so in anonymity. Maybe they do it because that's the only way they can feel good about themselves.....what's the matter Leonidas, was somebody mean to you as a little kid and now you have to work out your demons on TSW? Hey Tim, you have a ton of support on the wall. Don't let a coward punk keep you from posting again.
  17. Oh, so "the Final Trent Edwards" thread is just the final one before this one......... Well let's kick it off SW.....I think Trent can still make all the throws and if given more time, can manage the game for CG and the new look offense..... (Need Darth Ice to come in now)
  18. See my earlier comment about crapping being a whole lot easier than thinking. Here's a classic example.
  19. Tough questions, some skepticism and honest and fair criticism are all part of being a fan. But those who just want to crap on everything do so because it is easier than thinking. Taking as step back and looking on the team, I see a great many positives and some areas of concern. But underscoring it all is hope and optimism for a better year. And it's not pollyanna, it's based on some football moves from a new FO that has a plan and a damn clue about running a football team. Buddy has smarts and patience. He knows where he is in the rebuild process. I gotta go with him. So let others dismiss and and just p*ss and moan. That's all they know how to do. The rest of us, Hell, let's enjoy the ride!
  20. Nice post with valid points made. I thought Meredith played pretty well for a rook plucked from another team's PS. I was concerned about Brohm's accuracy. But your argument is valid and thanks for the effort.
  21. Time will tell but I disagree with you on this. We got bigger, stronger and faster. We have some stop gaps to be sure but also building blocks for a big and strong young team. Buddy has repeatedly said thsi will not be a one draft turnaround. After hating the past four off-seasons, I'm liking this one. I see a plan and growth.
  22. Time will tell but I disagree with you on this. We got bigger, stronger and faster. We have some stop gaps to be sure but also building blocks for a big and strong young team. Buddy has repeatedly said thsi will not be a one draft turnaround. After hating the past four off-seasons, I'm liking this one. I see a plan and growth.
  23. Agree. He was brought in for experience and back up. Will start if Meredith is not ready.
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