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Green Lightning

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Everything posted by Green Lightning

  1. No way they'd give up Bulaga and I'm mixed on Hawk. Disturbing he can't crack the starting line up but he's got to be better than at least three of the starters we have now. What's everyone else's take on Hawk?
  2. What's the mystery? They signed a OT possibility and they thought he was better than Meredith. Isn't that how you imrove a team?
  3. Here's the problem: Lynch will not bring a decent draft pick and letting him go for a 4th or lower is absurd. He's 24, as mentioned a friendly contract and he's a good to great back. That said, one of these RB's needs to go. This running back committee system is not working. My preference is to trade Lynch for a quality starter for this team - preferably a linebacker who is a real linebacker and not a slug-footed DE. We'd have to get a quality starter in return or don't move him. If not, name him the starter and let him take the majority of the reps like any starting RB would need. And TSW, let's lose the automatic reflex of "go get a LT" and do some serious reflectioin on the play of D-Bell. He's getting better and better with each game. I would worry less about LT and more about QB and ILB & OLB's in the future.
  4. All due respect but did you watch the Jet game? Yes KW played hard - always does. But he was muscled off the line on almost every snap. They pounded the middle and did most of the cutbacks his way. Put him at DE and play Troup. Kyle is not a NT.
  5. Nix didn't make the Maybin pick. DJ did. Nix has a draft and a half under his belt with the Bills. He inherited a team with 10 years of draft disasters. I'm feeling fine about my cred and stand by my post.
  6. This guy is breaking our b*lls. Nobody can be that dim-witted. (Love 'unvincible") Likely (with 73 posts) he's the alter ego of one of us TSW posters. Funny stuff though.
  7. Some things don't wararant a rebuttal Coach. Sorry. I get your anger and even understand why you would bring the topics up. But to say what you have listed here "busts" any myths, I'm sorry. They don't and I don't feel they have enough validity to debate them or to expend a lot of time and enegy debunking them. I read many of your posts and can agree with some. This one is over the top and that's how I see it.
  8. So: 1) Nix is a football dumbass; 2) Chargers weren't good, just lucky, particulary over the time Nix was there; 3) Our coach and GM don't agree on football operations; 4) The Bills draft choices the last ten years have been just fine, but the organization failed them; 5) We're not rebuilding, we just suck. No thought is being given to the future. Really. That is just asinine. Expecially #4! You go right ahead and defend all those steller picks my friend. You lost me from the beginning but you are so out of step with reality on that one that you lose all credibility. Why don't you just say your p*ssed off like the rest of us and lose the crazy "Palidinoesque" logic.
  9. Sure it's easy. We have zero talent. The bottom would have fallen out on any team we fielded with Jauron or anyone else. I don't give a damn who the HC was that got this roster, it sucks. Now I'll judge the FO and HC by what they do from here on out. If we are going to lose 16 + games, dammit, don't do it with veterans! Don't do it with Green, Stroud, Kelsay and even Poz. Play the rooks and the kids and let them get precious game experience for next year. Trade Lynch and Evans and get some picks and let's stop pretending we are anything but a bottom line rebuild.
  10. I feel the same way. So if we are going to suck this much, let's do it with the rooks and young guys. Let the total rebuild begin. N
  11. We iso'd Kelsay all day from our seats and he was worse than we expected. Over pursued regularly, caught upfield and never came close to the QB on a rush. He simply can't cover. Poz made a lot of tackles - but from behind and 6 to 8 yards downfield. He's just not a play maker.
  12. I stayed for the whole debacle. Just wanted to see how empty the Ralph would look....it was brutal. This is a bad team. Defense is dreadful. If we are going to lose 14 or so games - don't do it with veterans! Play the young guys and let them learn. At least then we could find some solace in such a debacle.
  13. The guy is a freakin' embarrassment! What's he going to do - accuse the Jets of infidelity or get in a shoving match with a NYC reporter...oh wait...he's done that already. Anyway the Bills have enough challenges without that idiot in the mix.
  14. Yeah, you're right, all is lost and Christmas is ruined to boot. We'll never win another game and no coach or FA will ever come here. Let's just all sh*t in a bucket and stew in it. And any of you who thinks otherwise is pathetic homer and dreamer! We are going to suck forever and we LIKE it that way! We're TSW baby and our world always SUCKS!
  15. Wow, a "content" guy. Good for you looking past other folk's shortcomings to read opinions! I, for one, would like to do both. Spell correctly in the damn headline at least! Now let me address the content of the original post. I thought it was a lame thread until I saw your post and was amused by your outrage. We speak and write English here and we like it that way. If we have typos or misspellings, we should point them out. PS: Jesus Christ should be upper case.
  16. I would say Sully, but he really isn't a journalist as much as he is a commentator/talking head/pundit (bad one albeit) so I'm going to vote Peter King. Lazy and repeats himself in most pieces he does. Never original and just pukes out the conventional wisdom Shameless homer to boot.
  17. Troup will likely play more as we are gearing up for a running attack from the Jets.
  18. Gottlieb sounds like a rookie college sports journalist. Like to hear Mora with Dope and the Lapdog w/ Sully sometime. Would be an interesting exchange.
  19. A new four year deal! Coaches yet to discover? Kelsay can't cover!
  20. How much "game film" do you need to see of him lugging ten yards behind a tight end running free with a catch or never coming close to the QB on a rush? Jesus use your eyes and head...he's not a OLB and will never be. To Caveman - good point on the nature of the contract, but it'is still too rich for what we are getting.
  21. How many threads on this are we going to have? Look, there's no argument that can convince me that this guy is worth the money and extension he just received. He cannot play OLB, cannot cover and is just too slow to rush the passer or cover. That's just the cold hard facts. Keep him for this year, maybe a one year extension as a back-up for next but we need to improve that position and not waste salary cap dollars on someone who has zero future in our system. Discussion over.
  22. Guys, thread topic is wrong. It makes no sense to give Kelsay a new deal. He's not a linebacker, never will be and let's get by the year with him and move on. This deal is just stupid.
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