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Everything posted by Stealth

  1. Not to take anything away from GB's offense. Aaron Rodgers is probably currently one of the top 3 qb's in the league, but I suspect the eagles defense will be pushed around quite frequently this year. The average size of their front 7 is a little over 260lbs. Since the passing of Jim Johnson, Dawkins leaving the defense is no longer the identity of Philly. With that said. I expect the Pack to roll us. Rodgers makes it look effortless when their is a pass rush, I can only imagine what will happen today. GB 30 Buffalo 10
  2. No they really don't. Jets fans fail to realize how bad he is, because of where he was drafted, especially after trading up to draft him. Suffice to say if Favre didn't cry his way off the jets, they probably would've gone to/won the bowl last year. Other teams fans who don't see how bad Sanchez is either A. Don't watch Jets games or B. Are so indoctrined by the media giving Rex "Blowhard" Ryan multiple opportunities to tell you how great Sanchez/Jets are. If one didn't watch football they would swear the jets were the modern day steel curtain, and Sanchez was Terry Bradshaw. Save a couple of game Sanchez was terrible last year, he was terrible in preseason, and he started the year off terrible. It honestly reminds me of The Kyle Boller led Ravens. Except Boller may have been better than Sanchez.
  3. Hypotheticaly speaking AJ Hawk has been a dissapointment at lb for the packers, and the packers who btw play a 3-4 don't even use him in nickel packages. I get we need lb's but the last thing we need is another overhyped lb who can't cover.
  4. Again the jets had the #1 ranked d without him for the last 10 games + postseason and went to the afc championship. Kris Jenkins was a great player. He's obviously not that guy anymore. As far as their offense goes. Yes it's garbage, but I suspect their run game will improve as the year goes on. Whether or not they make the postseason depends on if they can get back to their identity instead of trying to make Sanchez the focal point
  5. They had a top ranked defense without him for 10 games last season. They won't miss him.
  6. It's deabatable which isn't saying much for either one. Denney was better against the run, pass rush wise they were equally as bad, Denney was better at batting down passes. Neither one of them is an olb. They were backup caliber de's on a team who refused to address the position as Schobel got older. Now yet again we're stuck with Kelsay. Our lb's are just horrible inside/out.
  7. I'd leave Schaub out of that. They didn't need him to pass to win, as Arian Foster absolutly railroaded The Colts. Besides Schaub I believe led the NFL in passing yards last year. He'll have plenty of those fancy stat games than fantasy geeks eat up. Matt Cassel,Mark Sanchez,Trent Edwards those were all typical performances. Sanchez was terrible last year, and he was terrible in pre season, and he's starting the year terrible. What exactly made that guy a top 5 pick I've yet to figure out. At this point the guy is so shell shocked, he's simply afraid to take any kind of chance that could result in a pick. What anyone sees in this guy is beyond explanation. Yeah he deserves the year, but he's approaching epic bust status. Matt Cassel is also pretty awful. The Chiefs won with a gutsy effort by their special teams, and defense, and the luck of Chargers wr's falling down. They're not gonna turn any corner with that guy behind center anytime soon. The Bills basically have a younger Matt Cassel. A qb who can't connect deep, and primary reaction is to dump down, or take a sack. They have a lot of building to do on both sides of the ball, and there's nothing to do about it this year, but qb should be dealt with in the offseason, and not via the current roster. To your original point though. The Jets offense is brutal. I watched them quite a bit in the preseason, and hard knocks, and paid attention via the local media and fan websites. They've had issues at guard,rt,Sancez. Calvin Pace out the first few weeks, same for santonio holmes. Dustin Keller is a bum, and their qb is either yelling at Brian Schott, or audibiling out of the called plays. He's shell shocked, and looks like he'd rather just curl back inside. He'll be their undoing
  8. To think we'd still be better off at LB if we had just paid and kept Fletcher instead of drafting this bum
  9. Last I heard he was considering retirement. He's been an upper echelon pure blocking te over his career. Offers nothing as a receiving threat anymore. Not worth it.
  10. Jets,Browns,Chiefs,Broncos,Cards, are all just as questionable if not more so. Than there's teams like tampa,carolina,miami,jacksonville,seattle,sanfran,philly. None of them really know what they have. Whether it's declining vets like jax,seattle. Guys who are well into their last chance ala Alex Smith in San Fran. Teams that are in that superbowl hunt, but could be hurt by disastrous qb situations ala Arizona, or the Jets. Guys who were given big contracts and need to show something for their relatively new regime ala Matt Cassel in Kc. Teams who had a qb give a few good starts now need to put up or bring on the rook, ala Matt Moore/Jimmy Clausen in Carolina. Does anyone expect Orton to put up the #'s he did last year sans Brandon Marshall? Speaking of Marshall can Chad Henne step up his game in Miami with no excuses now that he has viable receiving weapons, and possibly the best run after the catch wr in the game? There are plenty of teams with qb issues of their own outside of Buffalo, who when the year shakes out may be in far worse situations.
  11. I'm not saying I like the guy. His skill set doesn't fit the Bills, in the same way as Chad Pennington doesn't. However Ken Whisenhunt is inflexible. Leinart is never gonna be the qb that throws 15-20 yard passes on a consistent basis, or play that vertical passing game that Whisenhunt wants to play. A good coach would adjust to the talent behind center. Call shorter routes, rely more on the running game. Derek Anderson has a stronger arm than Leinart there is no denying that, however his accuracy is highly lacking, and he's highly turnover prone,dating back to his days at Oregon St. The Cards even without Boldin have wr's who are good after the catch, Take advantage of Leinarts ability to throw precise short routes, and wear teams down with Chris Wells, rather than having Anderson be wildly inacurate, throwing more vertical routes and put your team at risk of turning the ball over. The whole thing reminds me of listening to wfan and debates whether Kellen Clemens or Chad Pennington should start for the jets. In all honesty I think the jury is still out on Leinart. The guy had a decent rookie year than sat behind a HOF qb in Kurt Warner. For all intents and purposes it was a more productive rookie year than that of new wave sensation Mark Sanchez, yet Leinart is labeled a bust? I'm glad neither Anderson nor Leinart is on the Bills, but if I was a Cards fan I'd rather find out once and for all whether Leinart is a scrub, than have a known scrub like Anderson behind center.
  12. He's outplayed derek anderson in preseason. I don't want the guy on the Bills, for numerous reasons, but he's played better than the other guy on the team he's currently on.
  13. Plaxico Burress- Had the displeasure of meeting him a few times around NJ, guy is a grade A douchehole, and hangs out with even more unsavory people. Believes the world should be handed to him. Just an all around a**. Corey Dillon- just had the look and smugness of someone you'd just like to punch in the face. Hated him when he was with Cincy hated him more when he was with NE. Wes Welker- another smug little sob. Guy gets talked about being some great wr. Yes he's good after the catch but his production is more than half based on the guy across from him. Would never be catching 100+ passes a year if Randy Moss wasn't on the pats. Teams would rather take their lumps letting Welker get his cheap uncovered 5-7 yard gains, than be burned by Moss. Always enjoy it on the rare occasion when Welker gets rocked. In all there's a lot of players I don't like but these are the only 3 that I actually can't stand.
  14. So is it time to buy an oil lamp or to take cover and have the panic sex?
  15. Not really. Gailey catered an offense around Tyler Thigpen because Brodie Croyle was made of glass, and Thigpen was not familiar with how to run a NFL style offense. The majority of time the Chiefs were running a pistol offense, with Thigpen in shotgun. That is not the offense we're running at all. Oh and Thigpen was something like 1-14 as a starter
  16. Lee Evans vs the jets. Lee Evans over his career has had his best games vs gang green. vs NY Jets 2 5 106 53.0 21.2 38 8.2 6 Oct 18 @ NYJ W 16-13 4 68 17.0 37 1 13 Dec 3 NYJ L 13-19 1 38 38.0 38 0 Week 13 was not one of his better games vs the jets, but he generally rips that team up
  17. sorry to hear that, here's to Chris Ellis continuing his progression and making Kelsay expendable.
  18. I used to get poison ivy every year, well over the 7 year itch as it's commonly refered to. The best thing that worked for me, was the hot water treatment. Although some people out there I read the spread of pi got worse I never had this problem. It was almost like a mirachle cure for me. I take 2 hot showers a day. One in the morning and one at night and I'd cut down the itching from 2 weeks to 2-3 days at most. Very intense euphoric type itching due to the histamine all being released at the touch of the hot water, but well worth the hours of relief I got from itching. Never tried hot water on my face. It was the only thing outside of steroids that helped.
  19. The only Bills fans who would want to sign Matt Jones would be cocaine dealers in the greater buffalo area.
  20. That or The Underpants gnomes have finally been figured out. 1. Steal Underpants 2. ??? 3. Profit. #2 as it turns out is to rob McDonalds
  21. Why would they be sorry? They have one of the best qb's in the league in AaRon Rodgers.
  22. This team is far too soft, and you can see it in the low # of criminals we have. We need more hardass thugs on the team
  23. Another thread on SQUATS. This must be the most healthy collection of posters on a message board in the history of the internet.
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