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Everything posted by HansLanda

  1. It's going to be strange then when the Bills don't have the #1 overall pick...But sports talk is cheap and it's meant to get people uppity (see: Schopp). the Bills can go from "worst team ever" to media darlings in a matter of two weeks.
  2. I'm wondering if this new "3-4" is going to look a lot like a 4-3 for a good portion of the game/season simply because of personnel. If that happens the phins really will have no idea what's going on when they look at bills D. Smoke and mirrors!
  3. my thought exactly...Thanks a whole big bunch, Vic.
  4. I think 9 wins gets Chan the honor. Although I think it's Singletary's year.
  5. good notes I guess just because they're positive...but the d hasn't been "solid." If the Indy and Cinci games where in the regular season Peyton and Carson would have put up 30+ points at the pace they were going. But I guess it's a small victory to know the Bills at least look like they should be on the same field with those teams unlike the Jauron years.
  6. Hardy doesn't even know how to play WR well. I'd be shocked if he'd be able to just pick up another position in a matter of weeks.
  7. Peyton would have put 35 points on the board if that was week one in a game that had meaning.
  8. They are Polian guys. the clear fork in the road on the success of the Colts and demise of the Bills starts and stops with Polian.
  9. I'm not sure there's a single Bill I'd have starting on a fantasy team aside from Lindell.
  10. I'm a big cynic, but I don't think this is the case. Imagine if you were CJ coming to a team with no stars. He'll be the toast of the entire region if he's a stud. He hasn't stepped foot on the field and if he's as advertised he'll be the face of the organization in no time at all.
  11. it's safe to assume that world class athletes (big and small) should be able to do this in their sleep. He was dragging ass on the back nine and he still hit 71 seconds.
  12. I live in the DC area and on the WTOP news radio channel this morning some reporter was asked to do the same shuttle drill: http://www.wtop.com/?nid=25&sid=2016899
  13. I guess I'm just taking the approach that he's probably the only proven commodity the Bills had at getting to the QB. Do I think he could play the 3-4? Yes. His bread and butter was speed to the outside which I think works and he's athletic enough to do the other things needed in underneath coverage. Aside from Brian Moorman he's been the only other guy to be consistently near Pro Bowl level. You will not be able to convince me that this team is no worse off without him.
  14. You mean Torbor and Maybin's combined career sack total of 6.5 isn't giving you the warm and fuzzies?
  15. You're saying a guy with 78 career sacks wouldn't help the current corps? It may not be a huge difference but it would be a difference for the better...
  16. This is true, but I think they would be taken lightly overall even if DeMarcus Ware was on the squad.
  17. Good for Nix and Co. to make a stand here, but the prospects of seeing Torbor, Maybin and Kelsay on the edge probably isn't causing any of the AFC East QBs to lose any sleep. I want to believe this team can scrap its way to close to .500 but there's a real chance they're going to suck like the first Gregg year.
  18. It's not really a bash as much as it is goofing on a guy who is a very easy target at the moment. For the record his on the field activity is all I care about and again that's easy to pick on. If he becomes a force and pro bowler he can go boat party with Fred Smoot all he wants in the off season for all I care. AND I'm not sure about anyone else here, but I sure have been to better parties that had strippers involved...Not envious at all.
  19. Maybe Maybin can start on one of the Lingerie Bowl teams.
  20. God, that's a lot of stuff that has to go right. Teams that are truly close usually need one or two, not upwards of a dozen. The only thing I will say is if this team is bad, it won't be for too long given Chan's track record. In many respects he's the anti-Jauron when it comes to winning and losing.
  21. It's hard to disagree with this mindset. Works pretty much every time. "I think it’s one of those things where there’s an emphasis on building through the draft and establishing a foundation. That’s how you can consistently compete for championships."
  22. I would like to somehow work Peter North into the name but I'm too lazy and unfunny to deliver the goods.
  23. Exactly. JP's arm was never the issue. What's between his ears is. You can't teach guys how to make faster decisions. Some guys need a split second longer to process a defense and that's a huge difference on the field. That indecision is the difference between getting the ball out and taking an inopportune sack with a fumble going the other way...Which is what we came to love JP for
  24. at his size/stature, losing ten pounds can happen after a nice morning bowl movement...speaking of which.........
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