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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. On the bright side he may be back better than ever and it sounds like that is probable.
  2. The Bills need to use draft picks to improve the team. Not to fill holes created by not resigning our own. Hopefully they can resign him. Franchise Tag? I don't know. That's one for the bean counters I quess.
  3. Can someone refresh my memory of exactly what Woods injury was this year? I wouldn't use his broken leg as evidence in a case against him as being injury prone. That was just bad luck. I love the guy, he is a warrior. I hope he fully recovers from whatever his injury was. Also, nice analysis.
  4. I have been in cowboy stadium. The big screen doesn't hide anything but she sure looks fine to me.
  5. Ding ding ding....We have a winner
  6. I Luvs me some Fred Jackson! Give that man raise.
  7. I was angry they didn't draft Ryan Mallet in the 3rd round when he was still there. I want to see how good he turns out to be when he gets his chance.
  8. What a woos. He didn't even throw or smash anything.lol
  9. The same thing I have been doing. Nothing. I have not spent one penny on Bills tickets in many years. The few games I have went to I had free tickets. Ol Ralphie won't be seeing any of my cash. I even bought a counterfit 99 jersey.
  10. Sorry Ralph. I have no more patience. I want it all and I want it now! Some free agent aquisitions and a good draft the Bills should be playoff contenders. No excuses. Get out the checkbook and get it done.
  11. Yes. I have said that for years. I expect Tebow to have a breakout game. Probably will throw for 300 yards.
  12. Isn't he the inside backers coach? Edwards is responsible for getting the most out of what he has to work with. Has he done that? I am not sure.
  13. If the choice is "These Bills" or "No Bills". I will choose no Bills. Please put us out of our misery.
  14. Do your loyal fans a favor. We deserve better than this pathetic display of no talent. The Bills were 5 and 2 at one point in spite of managements feeble effort at "appearing" to assemble a team. Ralph, I love you man but c'mon! I gotta laugh at all of these posts about what the Bills need to do to be competitive. Wake up people! They are only trying to give the appearance of being competitive. Right now it is all about being profitable with minimal investment.
  15. Can't cut someone who isn't there. Too many backup quality starters. Plan B is there is some guy watching TV somewhere that wants to play in the NFL
  16. Dareus has been the one constant force on the D-line this year. He has played his ass off as a rookie. Go climb back under your rock.
  17. They are profitable because they have the best fans
  18. I was at the Cowboys stadium last week when they played the Seahawks. Let me tell you what. The cowpoke fans are a very fickle bunch. They don't know what loud is. They don't even stand up to cheer. I promise if the Bills can get up on them early half the fans will leave.
  19. No hate here for the guy. I just don't like the way he left. I would be interested in hearing what his team mates thought about it.
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