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Everything posted by TH3

  1. Well, I guess am just plain ridiculous that I haven't carved out time on Saturday's to dial in Pac-10 games and scout QB"s that may or may not come out and may or may not come to a team that may or may not have a first pick. I do watch College FB - because it is so much more exciting than the NFL....but what i have found lacking is the National Hype for Luck to match the hope on WGR55 and this for some on this board. I think there is way more talk about CN than Luck. I just asked the question - is the national press thinking the same as the locals - because I don't see it. FWIW Colin Cowheard "may or may not know something" and hinted that AL wouldn't come to Buffalo because harbaugh hates the bills. He also said that AL is the best prospect in 15 years - so there is my answer.
  2. Guys, I have read so much on this board how AL - if drafted by the Bills - will fly into Toronto and walk across lake Ontario, swim up the Niagara, and jump the falls like a salmon returning to its birthplace to get to Buffalo in proof of his athletic and leadership prowess. Actually I just read a poster who said that he is the "best QB to come out in ten years"... Does anyone have links, quotes, etc by "people in the know" - and not the lapdog - that support this national view of him? I read about him and I get the feeling that the national press thinks of him as a solid pick - not even a concensus #1 yet - but certainly not the next coming of Elway.... I just get the feeling that the locals have lost their ever-loving minds on what they expect this guy to be - if he comes here.
  3. I think everyone knows....deep down....in their heart of hearts....that somehow someway Ryan Mallett will be a Buffalo Bill. All this talk is either people denying it or starting to get used to it
  4. This is the thinking that scares me....so many people (and radio knuckleheads) have spent a year pinning the entire franhcise's future on Andrew Luck...I would think that the odds of AL ending up here are probably between 20-30 percent. Listen - I hope he comes here and is all people think he will be....but people are somewhat off kilter to thinks that there is only one chance for our Bills to survive....and that chance is AL!
  5. Well, I guess my topic starter logic was this....for better or worse I was on the NYS Thruway listening to the game...then Dope and his Lapdog. Bulldog and the morning boys (well Jeremey - who now wants the Bills to tank games) seem to have strapped the blinders on....if we don't end up with Andrew Luck sometime next April you might as well pull the plug on life itself - and as well - a solid year of talking about A Luck on the radio will have gone to waste. Well - I think their is a higher probability that the Bills won't have the #1 pick as Carolina and others seem to valid chances - and the Bills lose the SOS factor in any tie. Shoot - if Mallett is a #2 and Bills get him in the Second round....that would be good. I watched a couple of Arkansas games and my limited scouting ability leaves me to believe he will be a solid player on Sundays. If Mallett isn't the number two QB - who is? Also - I did look at player rankings and Luck isn't even close to being rated the number one player in the draft.
  6. The Billies are going to win a game here - probably next week. Carolina is going to lose out. Bills probably won't have the first pick....Bulldog is going to have to be put in a padded room. I like Mallett too.
  7. Here is why Polian was fired - the specific incident. There was a meeting with Ralph, his daughter, Polian and some others going over money matters. One of the topics was an injury settlement for Jamie Mueller - it was $300,000 for his neck injury. Ralph, et al, did not want to pay and Polian made the point that if the Bills contested it - they would have a tough time attracting FA's - that and Mueller was simply and correctly due the money. The conversation escalated to the point where BP uttered the "C" word in reference to Ralph's daughter - and at that point is was over for both sides. Ralph didn't want BP and BP didn't want to work for a place that would stiff its employees. History shows who was correct.
  8. Listen Guys, Brett has his hand(s) full with some off the field stuff. This issue might get hotter and hotter till it just explodes. The lawyer guys will probably stop beating around the bush soon enough and rub this problem out...
  9. Well - my buddies who bet alot would agree - this game for the Jets falls under the "Win big against a big rival on Monday Night at home, then go on the road the following week against a lesser rival = unexpected loss" See Ravens week 1 then 2 It would not surprise me at all if the Bills won.
  10. I love it - why do people (all the press, Tim Graham, dope and his lapdog, most posters) want to read so much more into this than there is? We all hoped that TE could be 5-1 TE rather than the other TE. He showed glimpses in preseason, and was given a bye because the old coaching regime was horrible and was given the start. Turned out - whelp - 5-1 TE is not here - in fact - scared TE is what is left. Why cut him? because it is awkward for him and the team to have him around - simple as that. There were no worthy QB's in last years draft - so Fitz services the team through the year and Brohm is moved up to #2 so he gets the snaps in practices. Again - no space for TE and you get to see if there is anything in Brohm. All seems reasonable to me.
  11. Boy, I would have never thought of what Sully said, his insight, his depth of thinking, his utter and complete grasp of the obvious! Gotta love those newspaper unions.....just like having tenure....and his effort reflects it.
  12. To answer the question - absolutely yes. I am a former season ticket holder (and tailgater) and now a parent and I would never take my kids/wife to a game. If it is hedonism that people want - well that is what goes on in ths lots and stands - and that is fine, European Soccer games are worse - but just not an atmosphere for wife/kids. Boxes are somewhat different.
  13. Reminds me alot of Forest Gump of those early 60's Alabama Teams....
  14. This is the ultimate frustration with this team and the why this coach must go. The Bills are - essentially - a couple of small breaks away from being in first place - and those small breaks are indicative of poor coaching. The NFL is set up so the middle 20 teams can all beat each other and the difference is coaching. There must be 20 plays a game under this regime where poor coaching is evident. The fumbles on returns, having 12 men on a return, having no return team on the field (Cleveland game end of 3rd quarter), at the end of the game yesterday - going into the wind - we fail to get that extra 10 yards - with plenty of time left - to put Lindell into a more high percentage kick....the list goes on and on....BUT THAT IS WHAT THIS TEAM IS!! - Middle 20 with horrible coaching - we end up being the team that doesn't do the little things to win.
  15. In order to relish in the high comedy of yesterday's game - I think it would be cool for people to list their favorite play. This can be a big, game changing play, or a simple small play that reflects that utter ineptness of our loved Bills. My personal favorite is the quater ending punt play by the Browns. The Browns waiting for the quater to end so they get the wind - and the Bills fail to even send players out on the field. The Browns notice this and get ready to run a play - probably a fake...and the Bills forced to call a time out. Chime In.
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