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Everything posted by TH3

  1. @ gator - Alt energy would take off if it were feasible - and what about the communities in NY who would want fracking....now they can't.....
  2. @gator - That is THE DEFINITION of nimby - I don't want it here but I will be glad to enjoy the benefits
  3. “ Yes, NG really is great, no doubt. But there was no way the governor was going to rule against the local communities that didn't want this” @Gator….That is the hypocrisy – everyone in NY benefits right now from fracking – every community – every person – and now Cuomo and the nimby’s claim a “victory” in environmental causes – all the while using the products of fracking – I have been through PA every month for the last ten years – I ask all the time about any anecdotal evidence of fracking problems – nothing. I would respect Cuomo and all these communities if the stopped using fracked NG – put your money where your mouth is.
  4. Cuomo and all the celebrants this morning wake up in their heated homes, take a hot shower, and turn on the lights - all powered by fracked NG that has replaced dirtier coal....if people really want to make a stand build a house off the grid and show us all an alternative to what provides their current lifestyle
  5. This issue is what I find exemplary of today's politics - what is conservative and what is liberal? in many ways the language will allow banks to be more liberal in their actions which are guaranteed by you and me. Warren argues for a more conservative stance by defintion - but gets blasted by the right. We have the most liberal gun laws in the industrialized world defended by conservatives, we have the most liberal congregation, speech, press, religious freedoms - our nation is the center of the most - by definition - liberal structure in the world...yet conservatives claim liberals are ruining everything while they stake claim in reclassifying our country as conservative. We are the most liberal country in the world and have been doing nothing but becoming more liberal - by defintion -since our inception.
  6. I don’t understand the “conservative” stance on this issue – are conservatives for or against following the law and following the rules of reporting to your superiors? If you are for the rule of law and following reporting – how can you be “for” the torture outlined in this report? Or are conservative’s ideals not strong enough to be seen with Democrats? The one conservative who is strong enough is John McCain – who was on the receiving end of torture and probably knows it is something below our country and as well doesn’t work.
  7. How do you propose eliminating gerrymandering? Good question – Doesn’t some state already do it with an algorithm? I just think it would change much of the political atmosphere we have today which rewards far left/right stances coupled with uncompromising positions. When one thinks about it – gerrymandering is about as anti-representative as you can get and its completely legal…of all the subjects discussed that seem to threaten the republic – I really believe this is having the biggest long term effect – and it has the good possibility to not change – or get worse for decades to to come.
  8. Eliminate Gerrymandering and most of the issues above would be greatly diminished
  9. It is irrelevant to me with respect to the topic of the gas tax funding infrastructure. If one wants to discuss the merits of the stimulus spending – that to me is another topic – I think what I am trying to say – we seem to be at a point in the governance of our country where every topic ends up getting extrapolated by one party in order to make a point on a separate issue or to leverage it into some action on a different topic. You seem to want to make the subject of funding our infrastructure via the gas tax – as has been done for decades – into a requiem on the Obama stimulus package. As long as we do this to every bill/topic/subject we will not – and have not – gotten anything done.
  10. “What many people object to (and I believe they're justified in this) is that all that money from the 'Stimulus' spending was supposed to be used for (quoting the President) 'infrastructure - you know, roads and bridges'. Can everyone now just admit that was a lie?” Maybe my problem is that I am on a PPP board where people have found a place to voice. Do we have wrestle every issue a lib/cons Obama/whoever Fox/Rachel soapbox? I have no idea where the stimulus money went to…but I do know that if $$ goes into infrastructure it may very well be our best use of taxpayer funds. Rather than evaporative funding like welfare etc…at least highways roads etc. are something that have returns for decades and as well the money spent on them does have actual ripple effects. Whether “stimulus” was a lie is irrelevant to me – what is important is that we properly fund our infrastructure moving forward.
  11. “You don't think we should amend our Constitution in order to ensure an enduring and dedicated source of funding in order to guarantee our vital infrastructure never falls into disrepair as it now has?” No I don’t. I think that positions like this are a telltale sign of the state of our government. If you want an amendment for this – what else would warrant an amendment? So we have – what a super majority vote in the Senate and then vote affirmative for 36 states? This would take almost a decade. I think our legislators should do their job instead of hiding behind rhetoric like demanding “only ifs”. Funding our highway system is an investment in our economy – yes it may be inefficient – yes it may be fraught with cronyism – but maybe our elected officials should man up and just do their job with the citizens in mind. This is not a liberal or conservative issue – you have to pay for stuff – you have to pay for the roads, bridges and ports we use. We have not been doing that because it would involve a “tax hike” – and all tax hikes come with an “only if” or actually “a tax hike will never be approved in this congress” Federal receipts are pretty much at an historical low as a function of GDP, federal receipts that come from the business sector are at an all-time low – and pretty much about half of what they should be. The gas tax has not been adjusted for the size of the economy or inflation for decades. The republic will not fail if the gas tax is raised – in fact it will be better off. We have to stop treating EVERY issue of governance like it is life or death – it isn’t – most of it is just doing what needs to be done and doing it as efficiently as possible.
  12. When our government tells us it needs more of our money in order to address a very narrowly defined and specific concern, do you find it unreasonable that the High Law binds the use of those tax dollars to that purpose exclusively? Well - a Constitutional Amendment though?
  13. Can someone locate an occasion when the HC was fired - and the new HC did not bring a whole new staff in?
  14. To your second point - You're speaking primarily of people who don't exist. If we're going to start subsidizing responsible people who are perpetually stuck in minimum wage jobs should we not subsidize Santa Clause as well? Almost 30 million households received EIC in 2014 and EIC is the 3rd largest government subsidy (welfare) program. As I said – we are already paying more than the MW – just doing it through the government. Santa is subsidized by love from the children of the world!
  15. “Take a company that pays the average worker above minimum wage - say $10/hr. You think you can Jack his labor cost up 50% without serious adverse effects?” My point is – You speak without back up – We have states – Oregon – that have raised the MW appreciably – was this then accompanied by a reduction in employment and closing of businesses? – Are you just speaking from a political point of view or have you done actual research to back up your points? “And this "earned" tax credit business and it's de facto "subsidy" of Wal Mart's is absolutely ridiculous, but I'm all for testing the theory. Let's do away with it and see if its absence forces Wal Mart to raise wages.” I don’t believe that it would force Walmart to do anything – they already pay as low as they can. What it would do would be to put 10’s of millions of citizens who work full time into abject poverty. US society has already decided that minimum wage is not enough to maintain a household at levels we can live with so we supplement and reward them for working by paying them with the EIC. The EIC is – BTW – a GOP favorite as it rewards people to actually maintain employment. http://www.cepr.net/index.php/blogs/cepr-blog/2014-job-creation-in-states-that-raised-the-minimum-wage 2014 Job Creation Faster in States that Raised the Minimum Wage - Per Goldman Sachs
  16. “By eliminating those jobs, you would be eliminating the experience that a first job provides and teaching a work ethic.” Why would jobs be eliminated? Has this happened in states where the MW has been raised significantly? Have businesses closed? “If the MW goes up, won't all payroll taxes also increase? So the big winner in this entire discussion is the government.” Wouldn’t a big winner in this case be our children as the deficit would get reduced? I think a big aspect not talked about is the earned income tax credit. The US taxpayer is essentially supplementing a large portion of MW workers by giving them money for working at MW jobs – so in essence – the economy is already supporting a higher MW just in a very convoluted way – and in essence giving companies like Walmart a huge subsidy.
  17. Who has a narrative? Conservatives have the Scotus majority, both houses of Congress, most state legislatures and governors offices, have the highest rated radio shows, most visited websites, highest rated cable tv channels, most purchased books....who reads the local paper and watches the evening news anymore? To say the conservative voice is not represented very well - in fact become part of the MSM And society- is simply ignoring the facts.
  18. I didn’t “drive off” – had stuff to do. Are you guys saying that Fox, Rush, Brietbart, Drudge are somehow not part of “mainstream media” at this point? They are just as – if not more – viewed by other media outlets at this point – or do they have a pass? As well – they are just as guilty of sensationalizing, beating to death, extrapolating, folding, spindling and mutilating as their left wing counterparts. As far as what our founding fathers set in motion – they started a Constitution that has been added to and interpolated for 240 years – last time I checked everything that happens here in the US of A abides by that Constitution – if it does not – then it gets taken to judges who decide whether what is happening is “Constitutional” – or has that changed?
  19. Puh lease...War on Christmas, Benghazi, It's cold out...the most popular radio and news programs are Fox, Drudge and Rush.....
  20. Well - the USA was founded on liberalism...liberty...
  21. Mariota and Winston are both hardly locks to become successful w/o years of experience. The more I read this thread - the more it become apparent that maybe the FO actually knew what they were doing. There are very few options for the next sure fire QB - either through the draft or through FA - in fact one could say you would be silly to keep dreaming about the next Luck - it ain't gonna happen. Therefore the path to he playoffs is going to be an actual doable solution - strong D, strong running game, and a great receiving corp that will compliment what in all scenarios is going be a medium level QB - pretty much the path we are on.
  22. Umm is the author not comparing the statement that September was the highest WORLDWIDE temp ever with US local temps?
  23. Apparently not so much to see in GOP investigation...released by the on a Friday evening....I see Fox must have missed the release....
  24. Obamacare = End of the Republic Immigration Policy = End of Republic Yawn
  25. Don't agree DC - If what POTUS does is not constitutional SCOTUS will review - correct? Or is it more fun to just call it not constitutional?
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