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Breakout Squad

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Everything posted by Breakout Squad

  1. Lotta flags today. We got lucky with the no call hold on Dawkins and OPI on Kelce. Allen got screwed on the tripping.
  2. We get more rain and have more cloudy days than Seattle. I love the weather May - October. The dark cloudy days of winter get to me.
  3. Complete rumor not ‘reporting’ anything. Just curious if anyone with connections knows anything.
  4. Bills 34 Steelers 16 I can’t see the Steelers getting points.
  5. The o-line got destroyed against the Cowboys. And Feliciano looked pretty bad.
  6. It would have to be Carolina. They’re gonna fire Rhule and start from scratch. Getting a 1st would help them. Beane would definitely finagle a 5th or 6th in return. That being said I don’t want to make that deal.
  7. All the ineptitude this game is depressing. In a 9-6 game, why would you call a play that puts you out of FG position. You just saw Wilson go to the medical tent…. Run it and kick a FG!!!
  8. Look at the other matchups. Not any great games on I’d guess
  9. Yeah but you’re implying Moss has a better average when everyone knows it was 1 long run. Maybe cherry picking isn’t the right term… I find it intentionally misleading
  10. That 5.3 is because he had a long run. He doesn’t really average that much. That’s cherry picking stats
  11. I just like the guy chilling in his socks taking it all in 😃
  12. Go Bucs. I want the Bills and Dolphins to be the only 3-1 teams in the AFC. Too bad the Chiefs are dominating
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