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Breakout Squad

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Everything posted by Breakout Squad

  1. No. No. F*** no! I believe you get your arse kicked for saying that. 😎 Not a Madden curse. It’s a Brittany curse.
  2. Anyone else notice how bright the all whites look on tv? They have an angelic glow 😇
  3. Trash officiating crew. Can’t wait for phantom PI and defensive holding calls against us.
  4. Haha that made me chuckle. Good point. I guess I don’t expect anything out of him now more than being a fresh end in rotation.
  5. Aren’t the Jets bottom of the NFL in rush defense?
  6. I’m not defending Miller. But you sound dramatic 🤷
  7. Knox and Davis are actually Stonemen from Game of Thrones. Explains a lot to me.
  8. That’s the most exciting thing I’ve heard the in the lead up to the game!! BILLS by 40.
  9. Probably offers to bring a squid to a dinner party
  10. Embarrassing. It almost felt like a dream that they actually missed the FG. And it was a dream because of course we screwed it up.
  11. And just like that we’re down to 2 timeouts and they’re in great field position. Awesome
  12. I like running I wish I knew how to attach forest gump at Alabama 😝
  13. Get the TD. Hope you stop them and if they get a FG we just need to get in FG range. Need those time outs
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