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Breakout Squad

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Everything posted by Breakout Squad

  1. McDermott sounded broken down and clearly hurt. Watching his press conference you could see this is really hitting him hard. I felt bad for him.
  2. Do you believe in miracles?!?! McD: No it takes complimentary football to win.
  3. We have a history of great TE’s?? Pete Metzelaars was good. Who else?
  4. Thought you were going for a haiku there. In seriousness, Miller needs to just go away. What a bum.
  5. Beane is a good GM. Grass isn’t always greener Brady strikes me as a good OC and is respected by the players. That being said I don’t know if he’s ready to handle being a HC. He looks like a greenhorn IMO
  6. That was the best kick I’ve ever seen. It sucked watching it go in. I didn’t mind the timeout. Standard procedure.
  7. WOW who pissed in your cheerios. They look good against a 9-1 team.
  8. We need at least a FG here. I’m super impressed with how we’re playing today.
  9. Need any positive yards for a FG. Should’ve done that last drive
  10. Game would be completely different if Cook didn’t suck at catching. What a jerk.
  11. Bills need to attain and keep good field position. It’s important to make the Eagles have to drive the length of the field and let them waste clock. I really think in games like this good girls position is paramount. It drives me crazy when they get pinned deep and then can’t work out of that deficit. I think we need 4 of 6 at the minimum. Having to win out if we lose is almost nil.
  12. Colts are 5-5 in a weak division. They might have a better chance at the playoffs than the Bills. AJ Klein. He would probably re-sign with us for the 12th time if needed.
  13. He does look good tonight tho. If he’s starting for the 49ers he must still be good. I’m not sure why we let Feliciano go. Mike Shanahan looking like a decrepit Mike Pence.
  14. Purdy should’ve been whistled down. If defenders can’t destroy the QB they shouldn’t be able to limp a ball forward like that.
  15. Ramsey is solid. Douglas probably deserved it. 2 INT’s in one game is impressive regardless how trash the opposing QB is. Beane made a great trade. I hope Douglas is around for a long time.
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