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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. Whats really hard to believe is that the suck radius in Orchard Park is has extended to effect the Sabres too
  2. And when we had a chance to call a time out on Kansas City in overtime? We almost called it! WHOOOOO!
  3. Kind of like you have to look past the picture to see the hidden image in the random dots? The only positive is we didn't win any ground on San Francisco and Carolina
  4. I like how even though the Chiefs froze Lindell, we would much rather be good losers than to try the same last second timeout trick the Chiefs used.
  5. It would be too confusing to acknowledge that our team has at least some talent despite being winless. Lets just all root against them!
  6. Since three different people stated the teams record, I'll be the second to remind everyone that the Pro Bowl has nothing to do with a teams record.
  7. Following in his footsteps, I wrote a letter to Garfield comic strip author Jim Davis telling him that cats don't prefer lasagna to cat food. I hope to be on youtube shortly
  8. Good point. And yet another blow to the team is that our #1 draft pick would come during a strike season. There has been plenty of time for a new CBA. Both sides seem to be happy to wait the other side out. Better start watching baseball next season.
  9. You know that argument is over for sure when someone says "you lose."
  10. I would make a rule that the entertainment for the Super Bowl halftime show must have been on the Billboard charts within the last 5 years.
  11. Why invest in a mobile QB when we've invested so much in a fantastic offensive line?
  12. I am willing to endure an 0-16 season if it would mean new ownership
  13. We should be looking for any GM's that have been released. Or a 1st round front office. Too much to ask for a owner who cares.
  14. We can't afford to win! Carolina is going back to Moore at QB, they're only going to get 2 wins maximum this season and we need the #1 draft pick. Go Ravens
  15. Trent Dilfer and Brad Johnson played in the super bowl. Invalid comparison.
  16. The last game I went to was at Rich Stadium. I was hoping to go this year if there was any signs of life. Next year...
  17. In Virginia, and usually the Redskins fandom is hilarious but tame. This year they are psychotic. The lowest of the low was hearing some Patriots fan on a radio show talk about how tickets at Foxboro are too expensive. He said that he can afford tickets for all 5 of his kids, and to drive to their away game in Buffalo. Plus, they're guaranteed to win every year.
  18. He must be a new to TBD because anyone who suggests we draft any college player is going to be wrong on this board
  19. I'm sure they'll find some way to lose a bye week too
  20. “This was a long day. It started from the opening kickoff. All the things we didn't want to have happen -- they happened out there.” - Dick Jauron
  21. This year the "ad" has been removed and is now called "home field vantage". Thats when you have a vantage from the home field of another team celebrating a win.
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