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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. Why would we need another quarterback after our substandard front office drafts Cam Newton when even Carolina knows enough to pass on him? CJ Spiller anyone? Remember him? Thats who we drafted when we had a gaping wound in our offensive line.
  2. So they're in better shape physically. And the better physical shape you're in, the more easily injured you are?
  3. I'd like to take yet another opportunity to say thank god we don't have Mike Vick. It was so much more fulfilling to have a team full of players without a criminal record rather than a mvp candidate playoff quarterback who had more rushing yards than CJ Spiller and better completion percentage than Fitzpatrick. Our 4-12 record is a small price to pay to know that the puppies in Buffalo are safe.
  4. Shannon Sharpe, Marshall Falk, and Deon Sanders are all working on tv and are more visible. If I was Andre Reed, I'd get a tv job pronto to cement his chances next year.
  5. Yep, that's it. We've all been bickering over which team has the higher team payroll. Thanks for clearing that up. I totally forgot that when he signs the payroll checks. It has nothing to do with the fact that when the Redskins needed a head coach, Dan Snyder went out and got the best coach available. Or that when they needed a franchise QB, he spent the green and got the most desirable veteran QB available at the time.
  6. adthe.net and channelsurfing.net are not the only sites out there. they can't shut them all down
  7. Do we have to name the players that have left because we wouldn't pay and yet still came in 20 million under the cap?
  8. Revenge how? Their owner flips off opposing teams and our owner says "bend over" to Bills fans
  9. They're such jerks for judging Cutler by... his actions
  10. How about a pre-draft quote from that year instead of hindsight from this season?
  11. I hope someone was smart enough to write some kind of clause in the contract regarding injury. Or incentive laden and not front end heavy at the very least. 3 million for our team is like 10 million on other teams or 75 million on the Yankees
  12. I think the only reason Fitz wasn't higher was that he didn't grow it out as much as he could have. Pretty sure he trimmed it back a couple of times this season.
  13. Fisher was employed for a long time. Slow clap everyone. How many Super Bowls did he get to? 1? Good for him. If there was any other news going on he wouldn't be getting so much news coverage.
  14. I agree. To hear Buffalo in the playoff conversation after week 12 would be interesting.
  15. This adds years of experience to our coaching staff and 100% more mustache! Both of which our team has lacked.
  16. Ralph Wilson doesn't drive anymore because he's too old to perform this task effectively. At some point someone took the keys to the car for his best interest. Why some kind soul couldn't do the same with this team is beyond me.
  17. We might have the lightest NT in football
  18. If the Bills were a baseball team would there be posts saying "we need Cubans?"
  19. I had some smoked turkey "on a serious roll" and it was a winner. So I guess that could be a valid reason for the Jets to win.
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