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Everything posted by section122

  1. Who did the other guy take?
  2. Wild thatin the 90s a hail mary was from the 30 and also wild how much arc he had to put under that ball to get it there lol
  3. That's what I get for pointing out the errors of others!
  4. The day after winning his 4th straight afc crown and you come out with mcdimwit.... Which you then later on mispell. Then you advocate possibly hiring a fired oc because you know, people get fired for performing well.... Woof.
  5. @Irv hope you went bengals!
  6. The reason we lost to lesser teams is bc it's the nfl. In the afc: Dolphins lost to the titans Steelers lost to patriots and cardinals Chiefs lost to the raiders Browns lost to the broncos Texans lost to the panthers This narrative needs to be put to bed that only the Bills lost to lesser teams.
  7. Even crazier if the dolphins had won they would have the 2 and division locked and prob wouldn't be trying tonight. That was a big domino.
  8. I really like this and don't know why I didn't think to do it before! I used to do this with the local bookie for the patriots winning the super bowl so either they lost and I was happy or they won and I at least had some pocket change. Edit: I just put my $20 on it
  9. Pretty well done... 2nd post has a lot of couching in it but the first one was bang on lol Hope you put some money on it!
  10. There is so much luck involved with winning a sb. Having a great qb helps but isn't the guarantee so many want it to be. Chiefs get a ticky tack call to ice the game last year. After they got a ticky tack call in the afc championship game to even get there. 2 years before that the Bucs got to play the chiefs missing their 2 ots. Nick Foles catching lightning in a bottle. The seahawks not running beast mode from the 1 yard line. Denver bad snap on the first play leading to a seattle route. Baltimore getting beat up before the power went out. These are all just the super bowl games and just the last 11 years. I didn't even include any of the games along the way with lucky breaks, favorable calls, or other funny bounces of an oddly shaped ball.
  11. Belichick hates the jets. I would be very leery taking them against the pats. Definitely not the commanders when a win for the cowboys clinches the division. All just imo of course lol
  12. I would try for a split lol... That said I always like to pick home teams. Browns don't have anything to play for so id lean the bengals.
  13. I would wager most people's opinioms haven't changed and won't unless they make it to at least the afc championship game. The loudest fire mcd critics are still hung up on 13 seconds.
  14. I'll go off script and say the jags. For some reason the Bills struggle with them and Pederson has an excellent playoff track record.
  15. After he went 4-11-1 and refused to fire his oc. That's a far cry from anything McD has done. Everytime this comes up I ask which year did the Bills lose in the playoffs with the better team? There isn't one. Allen is one of the top 3 qbs in the league. The Bills have only lost to the other 2 top guys. At least 1 guy in the thread is being honest. He hasnt moved past 13 seconds. I feel everyone who wants him fired is in the same boat.
  16. Browns and ravens are in the same division so if the ravens are the 1 the browns cannonly be the 5
  17. Happy Birthday @HardyBoy listen to your wife especially if you are hoping for a birthday "present" lol
  18. Small but meaningful tip.... Never use your flex for thursday night. I'm assuming your wrs are locked but just in case 1 were to get hurt randomly its always a good idea to just switch and leave yourself that flexibility. I hate to give advice on start sit experts favor swift but I favor montgomery lol
  19. Dont look now but he had a pick 6 today and is up to 4 ints on the year. Bears defense has transformed since the trade for sweat.
  20. Stroud didnt travel with the team and is officially ruled out.
  21. I'm in agreement about pittman. I think evans stays in tb too. He already has his ring and can be a career guy there.
  22. That there relationship has never been stronger. They meet once or twice a week in mcds office to talk about football and life. That he appreciates how much mcd has learned to trust him. Its really worth a listen as I dont think I came away with the same thoughts as @Scott7975
  23. I'm with you. To me there is a difference between criticism and the he has to go sentiment that is so prevalent right now. The Bills are in every game, competitively, and very rarely get blown out. By nature you will lose some of those close ones. Sometimes I wonder if people would be happier if the Bills did get blown out instead of losing heartbreakers as silly as that sounds. Everyone loves Mike McDaniel. He just lost a game up 14 with less than 3 mins to go. People this week are still pining for him. Sean payton lost by 50 earlier this year. He had an absolute legend im drew brees he went 7-9 with 3 straight years. People still want him. Ben Johnson is the hot coordinator name. His offense scored 6 against the ravens, 14 against the chiefs, and 13 last weekend against the bears. People are begging for him. McDermotts "down year" still has the Bills in the mix for the division title. Still has a winning record. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills lately!
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