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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. This is the likely scenario. Fred's agent is going to be against that because the Bills caps space if like to be cut in half or more after those deals get done. Fred probably also wanted a raise 'this' season which I'd imagine is unlikely to happen. What's amusing is that people are all about paying Fitz, Freddie and Stevie, but will rant and rave about all that cap space. By the time fitz, stevie and fred are paid...a lot of that cap space will be gone, gone, gone. Good thing we didn't sign every over the hill free agent that's out there.
  2. There's very, very few people who actually believe that. You're assault on rationality comes mostly, from thing that the 'voices' are telling you.
  3. Here's some insanity for you...they played him in a position that he was most likely to help the Bills inw the game they were currently playing. What is with this board and that idea that beating the Pats somehow adds more Ws to column than any other team in the league?
  4. It makes sense. No point in even trying to play the Pats. What if disaster strikes and the Bills win? I may have to face my own shortcomings in life since I'll have little to complain about in regards to the football team.
  5. No. Your jump to conclusions mat is broken. Please repair before posting again.
  6. I don't see them signing anybody because Ralph is cheap. Really though, I don't see them signing anyone. They have other players who can fill in and already know the offense.
  7. Also, no one is talking about the suck for luck sweepstakes.
  8. How often do you think receivers are wide open in the NFL?
  9. most of the chat room was on board with taking the points. There was very little doubt it was the right call with the Bills set to get the ball in the 2nd half.
  10. nothing official in terms of time, but Gailey said it would be awhile.
  11. I hope not. Firing him could give them a one game 'bump' and they might accidentally win. Miami has me worried with their strong surge in the "Suck for Luck" sweepstakes.
  12. what is wrong with you people...what make you think Freddie is focused on his paycheck after getting an extension?
  13. I don't think the Bills will win. I'm saying you're setting up a straw man argument that they will lose so you can feel good about yourself when you are 'right'.
  14. That is exactly my point, you're rooting for a loss and making a 'bold' prediction of the Pats winning so you can 'right'. You're entire point is this team is not 'built' to beat the pats. How could it be? They're rebuilding. I'm going to tell you now, you won't feel any better about yourself if you are right and the bill lose. If you have any more madden like observation though, please do share.
  15. I understand your point. I also understand what you're 'not' saying. You're another one who would 'rather' the Bills lose so you can be 'right'.
  16. I'm not the one who titled my thread 'still not built to beat the pats' when I meant 'still not able to pressure the QB from outside'. As it stands, you are currently making the point that the we should be built to get two wins a year instead of concerning ourselves with the other 14 games.
  17. This thread still makes no sense. If 'outside rush' is a problem then that is an issue. "Built to beat the pats' is just a retarded notion.
  18. This post just seems like it trying way too hard...so the Bills should make all decisions based off beating one team? Exactly where were these edge rushers coming from that should be on the team?
  19. I doubt it's any 'one' guy. What you can say, is that Chan has brought in coaches who can make a difference and Nix has brought in people who evaluate talent
  20. If the Bills ever win the Superbowl, will you be upset they didn't win by more points?
  21. I don't understand this thread. Last season was total triage and this season is a step forward, but it's still rebuild mode. The Patriots are one of the top teams in the league. The Bills need to worry about beating bad, poor, average, and good teams before we're overly concerned about a single team.
  22. He's one of the best in the league at that
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