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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. He's like the girl Jerry dated on 'Seinfeld' who looked good in the right lighting...but most of the time when she wasn't. Eesh...
  2. He had to know they were kicking it high and short. Situational awareness, Dez. Sheesh.
  3. If he's beaten up in the parking lot after the game, would the headline read, 'Bills fans commit hate crime against kicker'?
  4. A perfect example of how stupid "breaking the plane" by a runner is different than a catch in the end zone. Ridiculous.
  5. Most of them are Yankee fans so they've got that going for them...oh, wait.
  6. Tasker in full regular season 'don't want to sound like a homer and give the Bills any credit' mode.
  7. Yeah, that was unfortunate. If you're getting a re-broadcast, they're cutting something for sure in order to get a tidy three hour telecast. It's a crap shoot as to what they'll cut. It was odd that they chose the Bills' first series.
  8. That's a really sad list of QBs but there in no way in God's green Earth that Geno Smith is #3.
  9. Agreed on Hankerson. I don't need to see anymore from him. He played himself off of the team on Saturday night, IMO. I like Powell and want to see if he can keep it up. He's a dark horse and it's easy to pull for him. Jonathan Williams impressed, as well.
  10. It's subliminal ('BILLS RUN DEEP!') messaging. They want ('BILLS RUN DEEP!') you to think ('BILLS RUN DEEP!') about them ('BILLS RUN DEEP!') even when you're done ('BILLS RUN DEEP!') watching them ('BILLS RUN DEEP!'). Go ('BILLS RUN DEEP!') Bills!!!
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