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Everything posted by evilbuffalobob

  1. We need a Ray Lewis. A killer. Look how good our previous killer was (sans supporting cast). If we have a killer who can play, at least its fun to go to games and/or watch the games. I can take losing as long as our killer hurts 5-6 players on the opposing team per game, especially if its Willis My Man Applebees is the only place to eat in Buffalo McGayhehehequeermferwitharatturd4abrain+freckledneedledick.
  2. Which is why we shall stick a (Tony) Pike in it via the 3rd round. This Dance Fever kid is too pudgy.
  3. Yet, I see Mr. Suh going to Detroit, but I still see Detroit in the *Detroit. *S h itt er *Sewer *Crapper *Bottom of the Crap House *Suk position One awesome f ing dude ain't everything. I am very content with simply having a 'Better Plan'. That means not trying to flatter some other team by copying them (like Limp Dick did by trying to copy Chicago). Like the stock market- by the time you mimic success- it's already too late. A full-time 3-4 worries me. I hope we have some sort of a passive-aggressive confusion WTF defense.
  4. What? Are you talking about locker rooms only? Old Giants stadium in tiny, steep & crampped. It's nothing like RWS- not even the luxury paved parking lots that make you feel guilty about when starting a bon fire. No way dude. I love the Rich Ralph (stadium). Old Giants stadium sucked ballz.
  5. IMO: Depends on what Orton is worth. If McNabb agrees to perform that funky dance (on camera) before every game, he's worth a little more. NYS should help finance the McNabb transaction via a percentage of Thruway fares on any given Sunday.
  6. How about no? I thought we put you people to rest 2.5 months ago?
  7. They come and they go... there's always someone else waiting in the wings for cake jobs.
  8. Changed my mind again... how bout: Unelected NYS Governor David Paterson doing some more stand-up lies, surrounded by prostitutes and Hometown Harlem street garbage, with a special appearance by Client #9 himself, Eliot Spitzer, as 'The Supper Bowel Jester', throwing out condoms & business cards to all the kids.
  9. ...except. tonight, I didn't stagger home for a meadering mile in a snowstorm, crying, feeling like someone slipped me a mick and robbed my testicles. Nothing like 25.
  10. Are you an archaeologist? Sans Orton, you sure know your fossils.
  11. I graduated from Funk U. No really. No Really.
  12. Trade down for big-time gain. Some wuss-weather team will badly want Bradford.
  13. Didn't Seals pancake the Hoss and knock him into a round of smelling salts on the pine. Simms was keeping the pine warm.
  14. If it had been Brady- we would have seen a heavy dose of a confused Jeff Rowe after the first quarter. Brady is a model, not a man who can take those hits (like Farve).
  15. How about Niagara Falls (US) builds a dome, mainly for tourism, conventions, concerts and that crap, and the Bills play 1 game per year there, instead of Toronto. Playing football without the elements makes me wanna puke.
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