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Everything posted by evilbuffalobob

  1. bUT wILLIS said there's no pace to eat in Buffalo.
  2. I'd LOVE to see the Titans gig open up. I'd be on Fisher like flies on _ _ _ _.
  3. Philthydelphia is a dump. NYC is a dump. Jersey City is a dump. Fresno is a dump. The state of Indiana is a dump. 2/3 of Chicago is a dump. L.A. is a dump. Ft. Lauderdale is a dump. West Havarstraw is a dump. Baltimore is pretty much a dump. Hartford is a dump. Detroit is a big-time dump- for which even Ted Nugent is scared to dwell. Couer d'Alene, ID is not a dump. Gary, Indiana is the epicenter of dump. Washiton, D.C. is a dump and the traffic also a dump. You can get anywhere in the Buffalo metro area in 15 minutes. Provincetown, MA isn't a dump, but I don't want to go there. St. Louis is a dump. Billings, MT is a bit of a dump. Lincoln, NE has nothing to brag about. There's plenty of dump on the side streets of Las Vegas. Utah is spooky. Virginia beach is full of jellyfish. The south side of Seattle, including Chinatown is a dump. Wyoming is a dump.
  4. You're a fag. Sad, but true. You're a little George Michael. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  5. I'm with ya. Any of these established punks who have a problem with the city and the people of Buffalo, can go sit on a gold-plated Sybian. Anyone who thinks they're a real coach should WANT this project. Inheriting a team, such as Norvell turner did in S.D., and going about the day-to-day business and winning (with a winner) is no deed for accolade in my book.
  6. Brian called a great pair of back-to-back games... last week setting-up today. Surprise Utilization of the RB's and acknowledging his CA Qb's limits in the cold weather... brilliant.
  7. gibbs should be taken out to the parking lot and tipped-over in a port-o-pi55er.
  8. Well, well well, what the hell... looks like LT Slug Peters was part of the problem tonight, as opposed to the answer. McNabb one step closer to putting Syracuse a$$es in seats, as well as other Irish gamegoers from WNY. I'm sick & tired of watching young Qbs (get groomed) and I'm sick & tired of reading about the Eagles in the Syracuse paper.
  9. Come on dudette, Dirty Sanchez did nothing but toss dinks and the receivers had YAK. It is official.
  10. The reason we shouldn't hire someone right away, unless it's Buf Bill Cowher, is because... how stupid would it be to hire Jim Fassel if Any Ried, Wade Philips or Jeff Fisher gets the ax in the next week or so? I'd take Fisher over Cower (today or next week). Maybe Ralph knows that Fisher will get axed on Jan 15th and we will immediately move on it. The point is (obviously), that more HC options may still come forth.
  11. Yeah, with 2 of our guys (Pat & Antoine). Today, I want Martyball.
  12. As a marketing mind myself, I've had visions of this for the last 2 years (as a way to keep a$$es in seats). B-lo would put McNabbster one step closer to home and also assure that the NYS Thruway rakes it in on Home Game Sunday between exits 33 and 50, compliments of Orangepeople. I'm rooting and puking for the Cowgirls.
  13. I just saw Colleen Cowherd at the Airport... he was laughing and bragging to George Siefert that 90-Yr old Ralph got he and Bill Cowher mixed-up and offered him the job. Done deal.
  14. Why don't we trade Marscum Lynch for Brandon Jacobs?
  15. Enter the Paradox. We need a coach because our situation to win needs help. We don't need a coach who simply wants to waltz into a winning situation.
  16. I see. Since your glass is empty, it shouldn't hurt as much when I gladly smash it over your head. Well-written post, but, beat it.
  17. I've brought this up before... and I love it. The problem is that we're in NY state and this would be a good idea that makes sense (for a small mkt team)... therefore, NY state legislation shall prohibit it because they are the epitomy of d-bag and have more important things to do such as waltz the halls of the Capital bldg and develop more irresponsible ways to tax and waste and ensure mass exodus.
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