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Everything posted by evilbuffalobob

  1. This year, for the first time in a long time, perhaps ever, these wimpy 'Dome Teams' have not had to take their games on the road- to a real football climate. I remember when the Falcons seemed to go D.C. for several years for a playoff game and get embarrased. Colts had their share of that, as did the viks. These teams are where they are thanks to Home Field advantages.
  2. How bout AssHamster Stadium, in honor of their queer Key West fans?
  3. I think you & Darth Ice should go make a baby and I'll sacrifice it at the '10 Home Opener. Get outta here.
  4. This is our guy (if we draft a QB): 71 Tony Pike - currently being picked #69, by OAK AD will probably draft a punter in this slot.
  5. This assures bucks in the coffer of the NYS Thruway authority... $5 each way from exit 34/37-50. Julius Peppers could sell some nachos w/ Jalapenos.
  6. Dirtbag liberals breed this sort of mindset via the term 'political correctness', stipping away the gumption & prerogatives of America. People don't know what to think any more- unless their told. Well, not me of course. Not being equipped with a set of balls and an opinion will lead you to the pinball machine.
  7. North of the Mason-Dixon Rebel in the Front Orifice #2.
  8. Yes, the Bills DEs are on the small side weight-wise compared to the average NFL DE but that's what fit their SUCKYscheme... THE tAMPON-2
  10. Hopefully we'll play something that will be know as 3443 hybrid on a consistent basis.
  11. This team played in 11 win-able games this past season. Better coaching wins us 4 of them. There is talent on this team- held back by bad coaching, schemes & systems. I cannot agree with the argument that Limp DJ or PF had this group over-achieving. With exception of the opener, they we very flat, unenthusiastic and unmotivated all year, especially at home- yet were still mathmatically in it till week 14-15. Hopefully we can get back to drafting the best player available instead of drafting role-players for bad schemes.
  12. Brohm is as good as a draft pick. We need to make a move for Orton or McNabb. No Vick.
  13. For what its worth, I recall quite blatently when Limp Dick was canned (and all the new potential HC ideas started flying)... that there were OODLES of people on this very board who DID NOT WANT MARTYBALL. A lot of you people need to do exactly what Bud Nix is doing. Get a clue and stick with it- from day one. There's so much flip-flopping around here- it's sickening. Grow balls people.
  14. The only thing that seems aggreessive about this is perhaps the amount you had been drinking or smoking whan posting this... whatever it is that no one understands.
  15. The way we play defense is to lull the opponant to sleep, then wait for a mistake. Ooh baby, it don't get any better than that. Gimme two for the Tampon-2.
  16. Since it's not legal to kill people out west any more- this was the next best thing. I thought it was great. Bills/Oilers... you can never be too sure. SB 27 @ 52-17... F them Cowboys.
  17. No f-ing way. The guy's name is Norville. And he's always been a chitty HC.
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