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Everything posted by dubs

  1. What happened to the Bubba Watson thread about Donald Trump and the Nazis using garage door pulls to eradicate openings in garages that allowed cars to come in and out?? Did it get merged with the Jussie Smolett thread about Donald Trump and the Nazis forcing people to go out in sub zero temps for a 5 dollar footlong and getting so disoriented they attack themselves and then report a hate crime?
  2. It’s truly incredible that a person who’s public life started 3.5 years ago was able to corrupt so many career public employees in such a short time. Maybe Russia has been helping. ?
  3. The urgency related to full disclosure has to be high. If Biden wins, this all goes away on Inauguration Day and probably before that. which does a lot to explain why there was a Muller report, impeachment, the reaction by governors to Covid, and now the nationwide riots. Anything to run out the clock.
  4. The point TS makes on tariffs is fair. It’s worth a discussion, but that’s not Tib’s point. His point was to try and back people into a corner with a false binary of Sowell or Trump. Once again it failed miserably because it’s an absurd choice. Unlike the NPCs on the left, most people realize that you can agree with or support some things and at the same time disagree with other things. What he did show is how absurd the Trump obsession he and other NPCs have actually is. Trump is not and never will be the voice for all that are not on the left. Rather, free thinking citizens agree with him on some things, disagree on others, but mostly realize the focus on him is a tool to divide and conquer.
  5. did the judge also write strok’s notes for him? Specifically the one attributing using the Logan act on Flynn to Joe Biden?
  6. the irony of these two in the same response is incredible.
  7. Take the Trump BS to one of the other 200 threads currently talking about that. This thread is dedicated to actual discussion of issues.
  8. I will just never understand the obsession with Trump. To clarify, I understand why the masters try and direct their subjects’ attention to this notion that Trump is Lucifer, but it amazes me people buy into it. By design, Presidents have limited power and limited time in office. For the last year and a half there has been a divided Congress and republicans have never had a super majority, so an already limited office is even more limited. There’s been no new wars, no massive legislative changes, not even a real pull back to any agendas. No shut down of immigration, no repeal of Obamacare, nothing. the only real big difference we’ve seen is a concerted effort to out the deep state actions of the previous administration. other than that, I don’t see the rationale for the hysteria.
  9. I can’t promise I’ll do this everyday, but it’s worth a look. 6/20/20
  10. you do realize that the CDC is estimating that the death rate for SYMPTOMATIC cases of Covid19 is now 0.4% right? And that a third of cases are asymptotic, so that drops the mortality rate of all cases to 0.26%. And for those age 0 - 49 the SYMPTOMATIC death rate is 0.05%. You must not know this. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios.html
  11. See, the conditioned lefties try to boil everything down to a simple binary and divide everyone. Did you ever stop to think why that is the case? if you followed the conditioning of the left you’d think that Donald Trump is the cause of all the evil in the world and his removal from office is the cure. That’s because their narrative starts and ends with Trump. if you really asked most Trump voters why they voted for him you’ll find that it was because he was not part of the Government establishment. In other words, people were sick of the growing government, both from the right and left. The irony that the left doesn’t understand is Donald Trump was a flat out rejection of the right by the voters. That’s what scares all the establishment and why there’s been such a swift and violent reaction. Just review the lies you’ve been told by the establishment the last 3.5 years and ask yourself why you keep feeding into the narrative written by the liars.
  12. so you’re not very smart huh? People don’t have access to their feet to walk and run, their brain to practice meditation, their choices to buy vegetables and fruit? youve been so conditioned to think that people don’t have agency in their lives. It’s sad. Not just because you’re a pawn, but because you’ll never be satisfied because even if you get the government to take over all you desire right now, that will just lead to more conditioning and more agitation. It never ends.
  13. First of all, “any first world country” is not a standard. Second, as has been stated many times, free healthcare (or anything) isn’t free. Either you’re confiscating money from one person to give to another or conscripting a person’s labor to perform medical services, or both. Third, the idea that you would just take taxpayer money spent on one thing and spend it on another is absurd. Every single dollar should first go back to the taxpayer. I agree with less intervention, but I want those dollars back to the taxpayer and to pay down the federal debt. Not to fund communist wet dreams. This is precisely the problem with massive federal governments, people lose touch with taxpayer dollars because the numbers are so large and decision makers so distant. It becomes incomprehensible people, which makes it easier for those in power to abuse. Fourth, I’m assuming the goal of universal healthcare is so that people have better, healthier lives. If that’s really what you want, the focus should be on lifestyle not drugs and hospitals and massive government takeover of the healthcare industry so it can create an even more Byzantine “industrial medical complex”. 90% of chronic diseases are caused by lifestyle and choices. If you really want to improve health care outcomes, then people should be eating better, exercising, and practicing stress management. Period, end of story.
  14. exactly. It’s fine if you make that prediction, but when you write an article with that at the prediction, you’d think you’d offer something to support your prediction. Ha.
  15. Same as all above. Hilarious article. here’s the summary - the bills have a strong D, made the playoffs 2 of last three years, added Diggs, Singletary is good, and Allen has shown a lot of promise. Prediction: last place in AFC. Reason: NY Post.
  16. I guess what I meant he’s being propped up by the radical left in the hopes that if he’s elected, they control the White House. He’s not in control of anything at this point. He’s a useful buffoon.
  17. At this point, does anybody think that a vote for Joe Biden is not a vote for the extreme, radical communists and his VP pick? Biden is the closest thing we’ve ever seen to a Manchurian Candidate. He’s also a buffoon. If Laurel and Hardy had a son and it was adopted by Karl Max, it would be Joe Biden.
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