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Everything posted by dubs

  1. If anyone needs an example set for them to decide how to behave, they really should just quit pretending to be an adult. Put on some diapers and roll around on the floor or something.
  2. https://nypost.com/2020/05/20/end-new-york-citys-lockdown-now/
  3. I can’t wait this thread gets lost after the one DR starts with regards to this.
  4. Now that it’s grilling season in the northeast, anybody have any great recipes to throw on the grill? Would love a meatless one for the wife also. Thanks!
  5. How DARE someone cut hair or have their haircut! Fuhrer Cuomo didn't permit that. Anything less than total confiscation of everything the state lets them have and incarceration is unacceptable!
  6. *Unshun* No one said anything about Trump. No one except you that is. I am saying everyone needs to do what they want, not have Trump, Cuomo, Polencarz, or any other politician made dictates from on high. See how easy that is to break away from what your masters tell you to think. *Reshun*
  7. Sure, why not. That's not the point. The point it, it's irrelevant!! You are legitimately obsessed with Donald Trump, I've never seen anything like it.
  8. Insanity. This needs to stop. I have no idea and don't care. If it was up to me, everyone would be out living their lives in the way that worked best for them and their families. Even you.
  9. Honest question, what are you talking about? Do you ever make any sense or have any thought in your head besides "Trump = Evil"? It's tiresome and frankly pathetic. The goings on in NY state have nothing to do with Donald Trump, I'd suggest you take two Xanax and go to bed.
  10. June 13th!? Honestly, !@#$ Cuomo and these hacks. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/coronavirus-new-york-lockdown-stay-at-home-extended/
  11. Again, what are the guidelines supposed to be accomplishing? It appears to me that they are trying to gradually open up while simultaneously maintaining a reduction in virus cases. In other words, the constraint for their model is 'no increase in new infections'. I don't know if that's true, that's just my interpretation of it because no one has really told us.
  12. I think you are missing the point and I am not trying to be condescending. If it sounds that way, I apologize. If the goal was to Open Up America, we would be open. So that's not the goal even if that's what it says. It's Open Up America with some type of mitigation of the virus. But there is no definition of that.
  13. Guidelines to achieve what end? how can we have guidelines if we don't know what we are trying to accomplish. All I am asking is, What is the goal? @snafu described this very well just now.
  14. They are not opening. Using 7 standards and waiting periods per county isn't opening, with the threat of closing back down if things go back. So again, I am not asking what the process is, but what specific outcome is being optimized for in their models? They keep referencing the models, but they are just showing infection rates, hospitalizations, deaths. That's data, not a model. A model is used to inform a decision to influence a future outcome. They have inputs and outputs and goals to optimize for. I am simply asking, what are the goals they are trying to achieve and how are they quantifying it.
  15. The thing I really don't quite understand is, what is the specific, quantifiable goal that the continued shut downers are trying to achieve. I've heard a wide range: - Until a vaccine is available - Newsome - If we can save one life - Cuomo - Until the science says so - countless people The first two are quantifiable yet so absurd. The last one doesn't really mean anything. If Remainers (outside of Newsome and Cuomo's absurd standard) maintain that we need to balance opening with strict mitigation, then what is the standard or goal we are optimizing for using these models? Is it a death rate? Is it an absolute number of deaths? Is it infection rates and hospitalizations? A combination of those and if so, what are the metrics they are hoping to attain? This is what leads me to believe they have absolutely no idea what they are doing because the only outcome it seems they are trying to achieve is complete minimization of the virus without regard for any other consideration.
  16. Ignore list just keeps getting longer and longer. Going to need to inject some fish cleaner in my computer to rid it of these viruses.
  17. This is the total ridiculousness of this "debate". Here's what we know: 1) This virus has been in our society much longer than the February time period. 2) The death rate on this is very low 3) It's mostly fatal to a known population of people - elderly (over 55) and already with a medical condition 4) We take risks in our daily lives 5) Shutdowns have been arbitrary in terms of deciding who and what can stay open 6) People know how to reduce their chance of infection In other words, this isn't a "choice" that the citizenry should be or is delegating to some higher authority. It's up to individuals, families, businesses, churches, etc... to decide for themselves how to proceed. I do agree that at first, it made sense to pause and see what was going on, but we are LONG past that point. Open up, trust people to make the decisions that are best for themselves, provide support for the most at risk population, and minimize the role of the government in this. That's the recipe for success.
  18. Exactly. People are so frightened into paralysis that there is actually a group of citizens advocating for this state of lockdown until there is a vaccine. It's mind blowing.
  19. It's been beaten to death because people don't understand what unalienable means. Going about our lives does not infringe on anyone's rights.
  20. ** when the government says we can assemble in other words, if the citizenry needs approval from the government to exercise their rights under the constitution, then are they really unalienable or conditional?
  21. I am fully in the open up camp. This shutdown is destroying lives among other issues (loss of rights, irreparable damage to the economy, crushing debts). We all take risks in our lives and this is no different. Open up, take precautions, let the private sector sort out their own choices, and let's go.
  22. Not that this is any type of revelation, but it occurred to me that further evidence that this goes all the way to the top was how cavalier Comey was during that YMCA discussion he had regarding how they went to question Flynn. If Comey orchestrated this whole thing and that's as far as it went, there is no way he'd be speaking so openly about what he and his FBI did. Rather, he must have felt very at ease knowing it went further and he had air cover. There's not many places to go that were higher than James Comey.
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