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Everything posted by dubs

  1. ummm, if Donald Trump is sleazy does that mean that Joe Biden is not sleazy? Is there only one sleazy person in the world?
  2. reopening will cause a death spike in car accidents also. point is, we have to get back to it. There really is no debate about this anymore. Taking reasonable precautions is fine and a good idea, but we have to err on the side of individual freedom and choices.
  3. When this is all said and done, what’s the death rate going to be, 0.2% - 0.6%? Is a complete collapse of our way of life and surrendering basic rights worth avoiding that risk? I get that at first we needed to pause and see what we were dealing with, but that time has long passed. It’s well past the time people need to start making decisions for themselves based on their own circumstances and risk factors. Not let bozos in the state houses, mayor mansions, and county executives tell everyone what they can and cannot do.
  4. you really should not go out you thoughtless germ spreader.
  5. Yikes. Not a good look for de Blasio. Threatening to arrest Jews. Not surprising from the comrade, but still, not a good look.
  6. these people are not reporters or the media. They are democrat/socialist party operatives. Nothing else. They shield themselves with media credentials and the constitution, but most right headed people in this country see through it.
  7. Do people realize “outrage” over Texas consists of an extremely small group of people and the media megaphone? Or no?
  8. Hahahaha. everytime I need a good laugh I can always come down here and count on the resident Commies. Good work Comrads! You’ve earned one half a dinner share.
  9. If everyone has strong hands, does anyone really have strong hands? ?
  10. Bill O Brien!! Hahah. That couldn’t have been more perfect!
  11. don’t love the idea of taking an RB there. but like I said, trust the brains in the FO and optimistic!
  12. Aaaahhhhhh! Another RB! I’m freaking out!! Singletary isn’t good enough, wishbone, power I, mahomes, Thurman, aaarrgghh!!
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