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Everything posted by dubs

  1. I’m trying harder. I’m trying to learn what we could do to fix the problem and I’m asking you because you’re here talking about it. Is that not ok?
  2. what are 5 actionable things you would do if you could do anything to fix the problem. Tangible things, not “have a conversation” or something. I’s just curious if we can get the discussion moving along.
  3. Is there a racism screening tool? Like the gaydar from Sharper Image that Jim sent to Dwight when Jim was in Stamford?
  4. I think it could be many things, but my money is on another race related matter. I could see a stock market event, but it might not have the impact.
  5. In the last three years we’ve been subjected to the following: - Russian collusion narrative - now debunked and proven sinister. - Ukraine hysteria and following impeachment which was proven ridiculous. - Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh hysteria about an unprovable 30 year old allegation - Coronavirus hysteria causing economic catastrophe and total submission to government because it was for our own safety - which has suddenly disappeared and apparently is the wokest virus because it doesn’t get spread at protests and during looting. - Civil unrest led by communists and other destabilizing groups because of an incident that can’t be proven to be race related and every single person was in agreement about how horrific it was. I'm sure I’m missing others, but really my question is, what do people think comes next as we get closer to November? Especially with the unemployment rate unexpectedly going down to 13.1%, the left cannot allow anything to derail the quest for chaos.
  6. So now goalpost has moved to it being acceptable to confront a police officer, reach at their belt where they carry their weapons, and the officer can’t even lightly shove you out of the way and away from his person. They need to assess that person’s ability to withstand a push. People have lost their minds.
  7. Poll: Are you for using a universally recognized tragedy to sow chaos/loot free stuff/kill innocent people/ruin businesses/destroy communities/and further your communist political agenda while completely disregarding previously referenced tragedy simply because you’re an NPC and can’t think for yourself? Skeptical me for yes ? Beer me for No ?
  8. I can appreciate everyone's sentiments on this topic (with the exception of the unhinged, irrational people we see and read everyday), and it's certainly more productive to speak about things in this way, but I submit that a few things need to change before any change takes place. First and foremost, everyone has a stake in this and everyone should have a voice. That includes blacks, whites, men, women, everyone. We have to stop this idea that if you are not black, you can't have an opinion or position. It halts discussion before it begins. The most disingenuous thing you can hear these days is, "we need to have an honest, hard discussion about race" and have that come from a person who just wants to talk at you and have you submit to everything they say. That's not a discussion and we all know what people mean when they say that. Second, the uncomfortable truths exist for everyone. That means the entirety of this problem is not on any one person, one group of people, or one system. Third, the United States isn't the problem. As in anything, there is always a need to keep addressing issues and fixing problems, but that cannot come at the expense of freedoms. A large part of what you are seeing is anti-American, anti-freedom Communist insurrection. That needs to be separated from the problems of race and policing and condemned by every individual not participating in this Bolshevik style revolution.
  9. It's not even the void in leadership, it's the people that get fooled into being useful idiots and allow the void to exist. Take SectionC, Tibs, Gary, and the rest of these clowns. They ignore every single piece of data and any event that happened before Trump got in office and instead are told to believe that one thing and one thing only is the cause of every issue in this country, Trump. They are an embarrassment to human evolution.
  10. You are a bozo of epic proportions. You are also a Bolshevik. Deal with it.
  11. Well, I am glad to see you admit that Democrats don't exists. They may call themself that, but they are violent marxists now. They should just call themselves the Bolshevik Party at this point.
  12. ha. I’m pretty sure I could take all of them down myself, at once. Especially that kid from deliverance. Top row second from the right. amazing that sideshow bob is in there too.
  13. nope. You are a !@#$ disgrace and a clown. Only a diseased human could see what’s going on and only think about the president. Get a life.
  14. I’ve held out hope for a while now that good people could differ on the political spectrum but when the chips are down, they come together. anything less than full condemnation of what’s going on, in its entirety, is completely unacceptable. every person with a voice should be as horrified with what’s going on as they were when they saw the Floyd video. the only acceptable response is for all people to stop any type of march or gathering until this stops. Not a government mandate, the people demanding this.
  15. Rational people need to take back language. lesson 1: these people are not protesters. Never refer to them as such. I don’t care if there are legitimate people marching. This is violent rioting and chaos, not protests. they don’t care about George Floyd or civil rights. They are anti-American and their agenda is to take down this country.
  16. Two police officers were mowed In an SUV down by these animals, in Buffalo.
  17. https://www.wkbw.com/news/local-news/two-officers-hit-by-vehicle-as-buffalo-protest-turns-violent-outside-police-e-district?_ga=2.222882075.1601716162.1591067895-834293020.1591067895
  18. TDS is real and it’s scary. there’s literally dozens of factors far more relevant to what happened to George Floyd and the plight of African Americans, maybe hundreds. Yet somehow, in the simpleton mind of a person infected with TDS, there’s only one cause of all problems, T. it’s pathetic really.
  19. peaceful. Ha!! Go back to sleep rookie.
  20. What's so troubling is lack of ability to see it themselves. It's like I was saying in my earlier post. If you want to have a discussion or have a position that Trump should be doing more or should be laying off Twitter, fine, while I would disagree, I think it's a somewhat reasonable discussion. But what I have been trying to explain to them is that in a pie chart of attribution, if everything they are saying about him during this situation is true, then that probably accounts for about 5% of the problem. But they see it as 100% of the problem. Everything goes back to that. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen. Otherwise intelligent, successful people are totally conditioned to believe that if it was not for Donald Trump, there would be no problems in this country. I honestly feel like I am living in an alternative universe, where all reason and thought have gone out the window.
  21. I am so exhausted dealing with dishonest portrayals of Trump, started by the media and then parroted by the NPCs (many of which are my friends). It forces you into a binary, pro-Trump or anti-Trump. I got into a lengthy discussion with people who I consider to be very far left but can be fair in discussing at at times over the years. I was dismayed and had to exit the discussion. Everything in their mind boils down to Trump. No regard for riots v. protesters, no discussion about these situations versus similar civil unrest in years past, no discussion about the many factors causing us to be where we are today, the decades and generations of failure. Everything comes down to Trump = evil. I am so tired of it, I feel like one of the only sane people left in an insane world.
  22. so you’re admitting the Democrats are socialists (let’s be honest, they are communists)?
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