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Everything posted by dubs

  1. this guy should run for mayor of Minneapolis.
  2. X1000 when this first occurred, the country was 100% in agreement about what should be done. United that Chauvin should be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent possible. now, we’re back to being divided because of the riots. Coincidence? I think not.
  3. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/26585143
  4. modern, high-jacked liberalism certainly is. the modern communist party has done a masterful job using language and media to change the meaning of words. There is nothing about being a liberal today that resembles classical liberalism. It’s straight up communism in a pretty box. And it worked too because you have otherwise normal people supporting a communist agenda without even realizing it.
  5. I have literally zero idea of what this scumbag cops motivation was. What aggravates me is how the term racism gets thrown around incorrectly all the time. Racism is the belief that a race of people are inherently inferior to your own race. So to say the motivation is racism, you’d have to know the cop believed that black people were inferior. There is nothing we know to support that. Not a thing. nowadays , any incident involving two different races of people gets the racism tag. More accurately it could be speculated as bigotry. But even that in this case is totally unknown. sorry to be terse on my last post. it’s really not good for me. Reason being, we don’t know. You admitted it yourself above. Any furtherance of that notion is both wildly speculative and destructive. It’s a loaded term almost always used incorrectly and stokes fear and anger.
  6. racism? Do you know what the word means? Please define it and explain how you know that what happens to Floyd was racism and not just bad policing or a bad person doing a bad thing. this should be good... I’ll help you: “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race”
  7. If this is true (the report not the cause), I’d advise all city dwellers to immediately evacuate and seek higher ground.
  8. Word salad is such a great description. That beta bozo mayor of Minny is like an extremely poor man's Obama. Essentially emote, say very vague but nice sounding things, don't do anything at all, let the media cover for you.
  9. I know, I was being kind of sarcastic. But also weaving that into the pre-worked narrative/playbook
  10. It's crazy, right? I mean, once that video came out the reaction was almost unanimous that what happened was abhorrent. Chauvin was dead man walking from that point on. Yet, somehow a narrative began that the cop wasn't going to be arrested and all of a sudden Minny turned into a riot zone.
  11. Well, it appears Schefter scooped us again. But as everyone with an ounce of brain cells in their cranium knew, the police officer, Derrick Chauvin, has been arrested and taken into custody. Quick take: Burning a neighborhood to the ground and looting was well justified for having to wait 5 days for this arrest to occur.
  12. Adam Schefter is breaking NFL news and George Floyd news now?
  13. There is a 100% chance this cop is arrested and charged with a very serious crime. Whether or not it happened a few days ago or in a few days is should largely be irrelevant to the larger objective, which is justice. Everything else is just excuses and justification for behavior or political positions.
  14. No offense to you NB, but it's language like this that is a problem. We see it pretty exclusively now too, both on the news and from politicians. They insinuate without coming out and being precise and direct with their language, so it leaves a lot of wiggle room and people use that wiggle room to make interpretations that satisfy their own mind. Example 1: "If the police are not para military, if this is not racist, if justice is equal." - What are you saying? Just say it. Are you saying that this police are a paramilitary arm of local governments, are racists, and justice is not equal? If so, explain it and tell us why. Example 2: "No arrest of the officer yet, for a death seen on video" - Again, you're stating the obvious without coming out and saying what this means and the relevance. Are you saying that you do not think the police officer will be arrested? Are there any possible explanations for that beyond something like the DA and the system neglecting the case? Could it possibly be that especially in a case like this, it's critical that the investigators and prosecutors do everything in their power to build an airtight case prior to starting the clock ticking with an arrest? To ensure that justice is done? Example 3: "If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck" - Lastly, what exactly are you referring to? Are you saying that the system is rigged? That all cops are racist? Why use a vague metaphor when you can tell everyone exactly what you think and why? Again, I am not trying to pick on you, it was just the most recent post where I saw this type of communication style being used.
  15. Being dead serious here: I’ve never seen a more embarrassing human being than Jacob Frey. His city is burning to the ground and he can’t give one clear answer. Not a single one. I actually think he might be a primitive AI bot programmed to embody the ideal progressive male.
  16. Why is it that every progressive man resembles that mayor in some way? That reaction he had to the trump tweet was cringeworthy and pathetic.
  17. What are you talking about? I honestly am trying to understand what you are saying. You said, something to the effect of, "if he's charged". That indicates a high level of uncertainty/corruption rooted in a racism. That type of language riles people up, contributes to a narrative, and is at best, premature.
  18. I can't really translate what you said, especially, "I'm not doing anything to total idiot. Fu!" But, what you did say in the post before was, question if the cop will actually be charged with murder. You don't think that stokes fear and outrage? Maybe not down here because most of us are sensible, but in the world of hysteria we live it, it's part of the growing chorus of insanity. This cop will be charged with murder. If not, then rage, that's the proper order of things.
  19. Do you honestly believe the cop won't be charged? I'd estimate that 99% of the population would all agree that this cop should be charged with murder. Yet, everyone is arguing because of people like you who stoke fear and rage. I would bet anything that the DA charges the cop with murder in the next couple days.
  20. The longer this goes on and the more we know (and the less we hear from the media) the more apparent this whole thing was in fact, somewhat of a "hoax". Not that it exists or is deadly, but the extent to which this has been pushed as a game-changer is a hoax. Think about it. We have seen a complete shutdown of the economy, a citizenry that has been scared into submission, a government that has been all too willing to become more and more authoritarian (especially at the state and local level) and a media all too eager to push a narrative that it's either submit or die. For what reason? Is it really to prevent exposure to a disease that according the CDC models will have a death rate of 0.29% for all citizens? That number doesn't even account for the fact that there is a possibility that the numerator in this percentage is likely too high given the financial incentives in the CARES Act to quantify every death as "Covid Related". People need to wake up.
  21. Not sure if this was posted, but I’ve barely seen this covered in the news. Which is strange given the potential implications https://reason.com/2020/05/24/the-cdcs-new-best-estimate-implies-a-covid-19-infection-fatality-rate-below-0-3/
  22. these gotcha type memes are very disingenuous. im not a religious person, but I certainly value an individuals right to spend their time and money as they wish. If a person wants to give their money to these people or their church, at least it’s their own choice. As opposed to confiscation of personal property via government. and do we know what these people are doing or just their net worth? What’s the appropriate amount to give that will be “helpful”? Do we apply this standard to all multi millionaires or just Christian ones? What’s the minimum amount of net worth to be in this category of shamed? just some thoughts...
  23. I’m probably 1-2 years away from uprooting. Just starting to look at potential destinations, starting with the Carolinas. Maybe the Raleigh area in NC or Charleston or Greenville in SC.
  24. if this situation has driven one thing home, it’s that it’s time to prepare to leave NY State. It’s bad enough that we have an incompetent government and an emperor as a governor (not to mention that condescending bozo sitting to his left most of the time), but combine that with the (nearly) highest property taxes in the country, long and miserable winters, and a bleak future, it’s time to find another state to call home.
  25. I feel sorry for you and people like you. To be so unhinged by a single person is unhealthy. And to be so clearly bought into an easily debunked narrative shows any lack of ability to think for oneself. Good luck to you and everyone like you, you’re going to need it.
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