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Everything posted by dubs

  1. He should apologize for being inaccurate. She’s an NPC dunce more than anything.
  2. It's so hilarious and transparent what the left is doing here. Step 1: Promote mail in voting which equals voter fraud Step 2: Promote a conspiracy theory that says Trump won't accept the aforementioned election Step 3: If Trump loses but there are reports of voter fraud all over the country and Trump questions it between November and January - go back to Step 2. Step 4: If Trump wins, break more stuff, assault more people, kill more people
  3. Fortunately this scumbag is in custody. Unfortunately, despite the fact that he’s a convicted felon on parole, he’ll probably be out by dinner. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/us/viral-photo-kneeling-white-baby-neck-black-lives-matter-arrest.amp
  4. how did you get a picture of BillStime..... ....and his father (we think...?)
  5. Trump is going to win re-election in decisive fashion. The Democrat Communists can thank themselves for delivering that victory. Part of me thinks they actually want Trump to win because they want to use it as an excuse to cause further mayhem and destruction. Think about what they've done to ensure he wins again: 1) Created an insane story and ran with it incessantly about the President colluding with the Russians - proven false 2) Went hysterical over a phone call that was recorded because a planted spy said it was inviting Ukrainian interference in the election - actually shed light on the dealing of the Biden family in Ukraine. 3) Tripled down on Ukraine and actually impeached the President, all while a virus in China was brewing 4) Called anyone racist that wanted to limit travel from areas that had the infection 5) Killed tens of thousands of elderly people by forcing infected patients into nursing homes 6) Implemented draconian lockdown measures in states and forced millions of Americans out of work 7) Now they are supporting an insurrection in cities they control in states they control with citizens that mostly voted for them 8 ) Nominated a senile, corrupt, bigot who can't put together a coherent thought and won't leave his compound There is no way that Trump doesn't win and I am starting to think they want him to win again so they can continue on this path.
  6. I didn’t know that you could get bone spurs in your brain. Tough break.
  7. hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Did you not get a tee ball trophy when you were 6? bozo
  8. It really is truly amazing what’s going on in Portland and other places. I swear this is the natural progression of giving every kid a trophy. in all seriousness though, what can you possibly say about this? You have left wing democrats in a left wing run city in a left wing run state destroying the lives of the other left wing residents of said left wing city. This is a shining example of how left wing policies are epic failures. The last Republican governor of Oregon was in office in 1987. 33 years ago. these nitwits storming the city weren’t even born then. The last time there was a Republican Mayor of Portland was 1980. 40 years ago!
  9. Awesome! I've been really looking for some outlets to find serious social justice discussion and messaging. I can't seem to find that anywhere these days. It's almost like no one is talking about any of these social justice issues. Glad to see the NFL filling the void.
  10. So “brick and mortar” doesn’t matter when it’s peoples homes, small businesses, and restaurants, but it matters when it’s a political propaganda message. Got it.
  11. I hope DR gets back soon to weigh in. He really should have the opportunity to throw around a few told ya sos
  12. shocked you haven’t gotten the “false data” intentionally made incorrect by the agencies response yet.
  13. Let me rephrase. I think the president has every authority to do what he's doing, I just wouldn't do it if I were him. I would let these cities burn and rot and let them deal with it on their own. You elect clowns for mayors and governors, then you get a circus.
  14. These democrat voters unfortunately need to learn a hard lesson. When you vote for Communists, you get life under Communism. That means hard-handed, authoritarian life for the law abiding while the troops do the dirty work and make life even more miserable. The blue states and cities that have been blue for generations are learning the hard way what happens when you vote for comrades like De Blasio, et. al. In other words, let these places burn and take care let them rebuild on their own.
  15. I agree with this. See how easy that is to disagree with Donald Trump?
  16. I don’t think that’s the George Floyd from Minneapolis. if you ever need a tip on deleting this thread, you can ask Gary when he comes back from the penal colony or Zebra (I think he has a line of communication to Busey, ?)
  17. This is exactly what that alien Lightfoot and her minions want. They want violence. They want division, they want chaos. Chicago is a !@#$ cess pool and I pity the people that still live there.
  18. I think that’s fair but not how it’s most people refer to the political spectrum when doing so. it’s mostly viewed that on the far left you have communism and the far right you has fascism. I would argue that the actual spectrum should have some keep differences, primarily the role of government vs individual freedom. I think you could make an argument that anarachism is closer to far right as it is than Nazis. In the quadrant approach, the vast majority of people consider themselves “conservative” or “right” meaning they want less government intervention and more individual freedoms. They also believe in the constitution as written and federalism. They don’t care about race, sexuality, marriage, and all these other third rail issues. In other words, this paradigm people subscribe to is (IMO) is purposefully wrong to keep division and obfuscate the actual choice, which is more or less government control.
  19. Explain how any group advocating for a command economy and authoritarian regimes can sit next to a libertarian on a political spectrum. Even simpler, explain a political spectrum where both ends are authoritarian. Seriously, I am definitely open to hearing an explanation about this.
  20. white nationalists are a far left organization. what don’t you get about the fact that the further left you go, the further you advocate for authoritarian/central planning. That has nothing to do with individual liberty on the right.
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