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Billy in 4C

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Everything posted by Billy in 4C

  1. Do you remember the 2nd game last year against the Patriots in the brutal wind conditions at the Ralph when Belichick was strategically using timeouts to make the Bills kick into the wind, save the clock around the 2 minute warning? There were the same opportunites on the table right before half for Jauron to take a timeout before the 2 minute warning, receive the kickoff and still run 1 play before the 2 minute warning and he didn't do it. Then with about a minute left proceeded to wait 15 seconds after they couldn't get straight to call another timeout. Also there was an opportunity to call a timeout before the end of the 3rd quarter to take a timeout and make the Saints punt into the wind, which we didn't take. The Bills have enough checkers to make sure this doesn't happen, and it happens year after year. It was still a 3 point game at this point and easily couldn't affected the outcome. Thoughts? Am I missing others?
  2. Agreed. He opens up the field for the slot guys, RBs in the flat and TEs. TO is a great distraction on the field as well as off.
  3. Uhh... McKelvin should take the ball out. He wants to get it below the 2 minute warning, not giving the Pats an extra time out. The clock was at 2:06 or something like that. Smart play at first, dumb that he did not go down and protect the ball.
  4. After Rhodes and Shonert got cut, I can see Corey making the team until at least the end of week 3 when we get Marshawn back. I don't think they can go with just Freddy and Xavier for 3 weeks. Also with Shonert gone, I'm not sold that the Bills will maintain a no-huddle all season
  5. Agreed. But you still do have to pick a good one and spend the money to sign them which our front office hasn't proven they can do. All of the coaches you listed are the exceptions, not the rule. Let's be honest - I think we will suck. But, I would rather have us win than lose. It sounds like a lot of people on the board want us to tank, which is ridiculous. Those people are not fans. Put all your feelings aside about Jauran, etc. - how great would it be if we were to actually be a .500 + team again?? 2-14 is starting over again and re-building. Not sure if I trust this front office team to build a winner from scratch.
  6. If we go 2-14 Shannahan or any good coach will not want to come here. Look at what the Lions and Chiefs had to pick from - they were only going to get another coordinator with no head coaching experience. The Bills would undoubtedly fall into this scenario and would be starting over with a rookie QB, minus Terrance Magee and Terrell Owens. It would be awful for many years. Let's hope for 8-8, and a tweak or two to get us to 10-6 the following year.
  7. He also said "they are a terrific football team"... wtf??? How does 0-16 equate to terrific. Please explain Dick.
  8. I agree. As much as trading a second for a future 1st is a no-brainer long-term move, the Bills front office and coaching staff knows they will not have jobs if they don't win this year. That's why they were only trading up and not down. That's why the Patriots are what they are and traded back in just about every round to secure future winning seasons, meanwhile the Bills are constantly trading up and trying to claw their way out of the hole they are in as an organization. The difference of the two organizations is really sad.
  9. Uhh... they did last year in our 4th preseason game and they went on to go 0-16. Not worried about this game
  10. Not sure I like the look of Trent's blind side if it is two rookies opening against NE - Bell, Levitre + (fill in name of crappy tight end). Can you guess which side NE will be blitzing from? Fitz might be on the field by the 2nd quarter.
  11. If the Bills are truly interested, it appears that they would be looking at him as a Wildcat QB in the mold of Vick. He has a very similar skill set as Vick and is a major upgrade over Roscoe as the Wildcat QB. He's cheap, young, and has plenty of upside. Not sure why everyone is bashing TJ. Most importantly from the fan's perspective, he is actually fun to watch. I'm getting a little sick of this dink and dunk 3 and out offense we are running. He might change that - he might not. After 9 straight seasons without the playoffs maybe change is a good thing.
  12. Poise? You're right - he looks pretty composed dumping the ball off 3 yards down the field
  13. Disagree - if Bradford, McCoy or Tebow are sitting there with the 1st pick I don't think you can pass them up. This might be one of the best QB classes in a long time.
  14. They can't run block, receivers can't get open in 1 on 1 coverage... I see TO with 'nagging injuries' all season just to disassociate himself with this team. Wait til next season when we are re-building with new HC/OC (hopefully), new QB (sorry Edwards is still soft) AND don't have TO on the team. I was thinking before the pre-season that 6-10 was realistic, with a best case scenario of 8-8. Right now, reality looks like 4-12, with 6-10 as a long-shot.
  15. Let's not excuse Trent - he sucked. He held the ball too long, he is soft, he forces throws he can't make and he doesn't intimidate anyone on the other team, so they just stack the box for the run. I'm not blaming it all on him - sadly, without TO on the field, nobody can get open against 1st teamers. It is going to be a long season...
  16. Not sure if you watched the game yesterday but Schobel looked quick and was solid. As far as our first teamers, he was the best in run support. Everyone sucked in pass rush - go figure.
  17. January 3rd when peyton and the Horse comes to the Ralph... Can't wait to knock them off last game of the season, primetime, to get in the playoffs Bought 12 tickets for that game BTW with 6 guys flying in from Indy for NYC/Niagara Falls/Bills new years weekend
  18. Uhh... two seasons ago? Has he been hanging out with marshawn?
  19. More important than Crabtree is Raji's contract. Right now, he sets the tone for D-Line pay, and is only 2 slots ahead of Maybin. Crabtree is going to ask for a Sanchez like contract, saying he is a skill position and should have gone higher. Maybin's deal will look more like Raji's. Orakpo is playing LB, so his deal will be different. One thing is for certain - he needs to get his a** into camp. It's not looking good that Maybin, Byrd and Nelson will be seeing any significant playing time early in the season.
  20. He seems to be making some good points... I'm not sure what everyone's problem is. It seems as if his point on Everett is that he was raw coming out and not a prototypical TE, like Nelson. Hardy is of the same mold - he just doesn't seem to know how to play WR, despite his physical skills. Regardless of Everett's injury, he didn't develop into the TE the Bills thought he could be. There are a ton of question marks surrounding Nelson - mainly can he make an immediate impact? Longer term, can he develop into a 3 down TE? Those are legitimate questions. I am excited to see him in the preseason.
  21. Uhh... Mike Leach runs a 5-wide shotgun college spread offense. First, it would never work in the NFL, second the Bills don't play in a dome or the south. I like Mike Leach - not as Bills HC.
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