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Billy in 4C

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Everything posted by Billy in 4C

  1. The answer is you take the best player available first. That keeps you from over reaching on 'Maybins' who are picked to fill a perceived slot. I could care less if we pick a DB as long as he is the best player at #9.
  2. Agreed. Let's face it, we just gave buddy his dream job that he has been passed up for his entire career at age 70. Then we find out that Ralph only interviewed two people because he didn't know any other names. That's why the Bills are looked at as a joke. Are you telling me there aren't any Theo Epstein type of young up and coming GMs that wouldn't want to come to Buffalo? Best case scenario for Buddy - he has 5 good drafts, gets some talent on the roster then retires. What do we do then? We keep bringing in guys mid 50's to 80's, low energy, nice, polite guys to run the organization. How does a 22 year old from the inner city relate? They don't. And they have no balls to do what we need to do and rock the boat. I'm not 70 years old, but based on the one's I know the last thing they want is to rock the boat. Both the Nix move and Gailey move are more of the same. The part that pisses me off the most is how cowards run the organization. John Guy got fired at 11:45 at night, with a two line piece - after the 11 pm news, and before there is any time to put anything significant in the papers. The Bills are afraid of the media, afraid of any real change - that's how we've become a joke to the rest of the league. You can smell fear and coward all over the organization.
  3. Bad call by keeping Mangina. They could've had Fox. Belichick hasn't developed many good head coaches, has he?
  4. WHEN is more likely. It actually makes it a more competitive game seeing that the Bills are starting backup to 4th stringers in a majority of the positions. Even with the Colts playing backups I can't see us winning - most of the team checked out for the year.
  5. That means you are okay with Fitz, Trent or Brohm as QB next year? We can get OL in the draft. Yes we need that, but there is not a playoff QB on the roster. Get Pennington and focus on other positions in FA and draft.
  6. Look guys, I know we are on a Bills homer board but come on. If you had big bucks on the line how can you pick the Bills this week even getting 9? Brohm hasn't taken an NFL snap, hasn't run the Bills offense and just started throwing to TO and Lee this week. He hasn't even practiced the caidence with the OL until Wednesday. If you thought the false starts were bad, wait until this week with the new QB, on the road, in a dome, against a team that needs to win this week. Oh, by the way we don't have Byrd who has single handedly won us 2-3 games at least this year. If I am a betting man, it's not even close. The Bills need a miracle to lose by 8 or less or win.
  7. Hardy is garbage. If he is playing it is by default. He doesn't know how to run a route or use his body - probably the top two things a guy his size needs to be able to do. Put him one on one against a 5'9" DB in the endzone and he always loses. He is so awkward its embarrassing. I thought he was a basketball player who knew how to box out and use leverage, but apparently he was more of a slasher. Makes sense when you watch him on the football field.
  8. Are you kidding? Absolutely.. the guy knows the division, will be cheap, is a winner, is better than anyone we have right now and almost won the MVP 2 years ago. He would be good to throw into the mix with a rookie in the next 1-2 years. Only downsides are injury prone (so is every other Bills quarterback in 21st century) and weak arm. As weak of an arm as he has look at his completion #s 10+ and 20+ yards down the field. There was a study done last year of him versus Farve on long passes for career and it wasn't even close - Pennington had him by a mile.
  9. Unsatisfied if we pick him in round 1. If we are in round 2 or 3 I can justify it ONLY if we build the spread offense around him. That means adding possession receivers, adding o-lineman that can block for 4 seconds and making the D solid. If we do that, we could seriously build a winner in 2 years. Tebow can run a spread/wildcat offense as long as he has 3-4 seconds to run it. Why I think its not a bad pick in that spot is you could focus the next two drafts on adding OL, LB, DL, WR, TE in rounds 1-3 and build a solid team of playmakers. The spread means you don't have to draft top OL and WR, because you are looking for quick hits to get the ball to playmakers - why I like this is you can concentrate on adding LB, DL and TE and get the OL and WR in round 3-5 because you are looking for guys who are just "good enough". If you do that you have a winner. Seriously, try to poke holes in it.
  10. Uhh.. are you sure about not needing wide receivers? TO and Josh Reed are gone. Roscoe might be out the door as well. Are you telling me you are okay with Evans, Hardy, Jenkins/Johnson as your WRs? I'm not saying WR is the #1 priority right now, but there are glaring needs at that position.
  11. Just my opinion. Butler will be back, maybe Wood. Levitre is a guard. The Bills committed money to all three of those guys plus Hangartner. Who is going to the bench? The guy is a free agent in 2 more weeks. So is TO. Wave goodbye.
  12. He is a three game rental. Nothing more.
  13. Yes!!! Maybe there will be a second round safety available at #11. Or better yet a raw undersized OLB that we will play at DE... can't wait Does it really matter where we pick? Really??? Guys picked behind Maybin include Orakpo, Cushing, Matthews, Harvin, Pettigrew, Oher. Pretty much every guy on that list was talked about by every fan on TSW as the best pick for the team, however, we found a way to outsmart ourselves again.
  14. What game were you watching? He was beat consistently all game long. Fitzpatrick was running for his life. He missed assignments, and one sack the DL beat him clean. He looked weak. If by comparison to guys like Chambers and Meredith he was average, then that explains the current state of the OL.
  15. I hope you guys are right. I guess I am a little more pessimistic that in his 90's, Ralph has had a revelation and will truly carry out his plan to clean house. The trend would indicate that we would "talk to" a bunch of top coaches, just like we "talk to" all of the top free agents every year, just to see them go to another team that is a winner, pays more or has warm weather. If I had to put money down, Shannahan, Cowher, Gruden and Holmgren all pass, and the Bills end up with a second tier coach like a Haslett or an "up-and-coming" coordinator. There is no reason to think that one of these top guys will want to come to Buffalo to have to develop another quarterback and build both lines. Usually these guys are looking for a place to go that has these things in place. I hope I am wrong, but when you see a very repeatable trend in an organization, it stays that way for a reason.
  16. I did not read this article, but based on your comments I have to ask a question. When was the last time the Bills hired the top coach (or close to) on the market? What would make you think differently now?
  17. Ehh.. I understand the money situation, but if Quinn was truly viewed as the QB of the future he would be playing right now. In terms of organizational talent, the Browns may actually be behind the Bills, and if Quinn is on the bench that's not saying much. I saw plenty of Quinn's games in person at ND as well and wasn't nearly as impressive as you are. He is inconsistent, his long ball needs work and he needs to develop pocket presence... we already have one of those on our roster.
  18. Everyone keeps mentioning his 'raw talent'. Brady Quinn sucks. Period.
  19. I would say you pretty much hit it on the head. I might move LB up... think about if you tell Jarius Byrd that all he has to do is play the play the deep ball and look for turnover opportunities and not worry about run support. He could be phenomenal. Instead, they run right through the LB and he looks poor taking angles and tackling in the open field. QB, Oline, LB, DL. Let the rookie battle Fitz in 2010.
  20. Dick Jauron is on record saying they wouldn't have picked him if he was available. Period. They never heard of trading up? There also was a certain Adrian Peterson picked three picks in front of the Bills also, with many teams looking to trade out of those slots.
  21. The best part is we wouldn't have taken Patrick Willis two years ago if he was available. Two weeks ago - 2 1/2 sacks, interception returned for a touchdown. He could have been the offensive threat we were looking for!!!! Hey, he has more TD's than Marshawn...
  22. Those are good ideas. How about buying dick a Red Bull
  23. The Bills are cheap... they already looked but they won't buy. The Bills window shop to appease their fan base but don't pull the trigger.
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