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Everything posted by VanCity

  1. This has to be the priority. That line needs some guard help in a big way. Maybe Cyrus and Cyril step up, but maybe is not the word that a team with championship aspirations should use. And if this team doesn't have championship aspirations, then why show up on Sundays? Wood, Glenn and Henderson have shown the abilty to be starters on a good line. Urbik and Pears? Depth, at best.
  2. It's Hawks vs *Pats in the SB. The two best teams with the best coaches face off in a matchup no one saw after week 5. As a Hawks and Bills fan (geography and the ability to go to games in Seattle for the past 15 years won me over, but the Bills are far and away my team) I cannot wait to see Seattle roll over the Pats.
  3. Best stadium I've ever been to(not the absolute best fans, which is a title I reserve for those at the Ralph, but Hawks fans are a good bunch too) Was quite good last week and will be better this week with the Pack in town. Love them garlic fries and those PNW brews!
  4. I thought this might happen when they announced Rex as HC. How could a defensive Focused HC with Rex's background work with a DC with a completely different defensive philosophy? I wish it weren't true, but won't be surprised when it is.
  5. I love the Roman pick-up, but NFLN says Thurman coming in as DC. Hope not
  6. Damn. I don't have a personal issue with Rex, but I cannot comprehend why a defensive coach was the guy for this team. Fingers crossed for an elite OC and for Rex to take on more of a "game manager" position, letting his co-ordinators run their own shows, whilst keeping Schwartz. It's working for Garrett in Dallas. Go Bills! Edit: just saw the Greg Roman news and am now a very happy camper. That's an elite staff!
  7. I won't argue that his value isn't inflated by playing with 3 pro bowlers, but if you really think that the Jerry Hughes of Indy is the same level of player that we have seen on the Bills, you are delusional. He is twice the player that he was when they traded Kelvin for him and a massive reason for the D's success. Bookends like he and Mario are worth paying for. He has played like a first round talent and saying that a second rounder could walk on and be as good is just plain wrong. Get a clue.
  8. I don't get why anybody wants Rex as the HC. After watching the Bills this year, do we want a defensive HC who hasn't been able to produce even a decent offense or see an ounce of consistency or improvement from his QB? Not to mention a 3-4 defense advocate? D isn't the issue here people.
  9. Although it's frustrating as a fan, as we all want more insight, this is the best method possible. There are 20 plus candidates that each offer a unique skillset. Each should be evaluated to ensure that the one chosen is the very best option. The Bills are a team on the brink. Maybe a precipice really. With the right coach, they are an 11+ win team. With a dud, they slide back into the doldrums. I hope they choose Bevell, but I'll cheer no matter who coaches them. They serve the tastiest kool aid.
  10. This. Could not say it better. Bring Cable with him if he's not elevated to OC in Seattle. Keep Schwartz. All is well in Bills-land.
  11. Man. Buckeyes looked good. Oregon just looked unreal though.
  12. If he got tired of the Buffalo media, wait intil he gets a load of the NYC media
  13. Ohhhhhh snap! Is that for real? Bring it on! I didn't think there was a hope in hell that could happen.
  14. Darell Bevell. Get the top OC to run the show. Just won a Super Bowl. Has learned from a top 3 HC what it takes to get it done. Keep the whole defensive staff if possible, though I assume Marrone comes calling for Henderson or Pepper, and build a whole new offensive staff handpicked by Bevell.
  15. Just stay under that bridge of yours rfk....
  16. Watt is the best, but Rodgers is the MVP. Turned that season around. Off day vs. the Bills, but spectacular otherwise.
  17. Not watching the last Bills game for 8 months? That would be sacrilege. It's getting PVR'd and I'm going for a hike, but I'm watching it for damn sure. Only PVR'd because I hate commercials.
  18. I would love that talent, but if Pettine couldn't shape him up, Marrone isn't the guy to do it. Sadly, he may be the Pats next Randy Moss
  19. Bellichick hates losing, but if he plays his starting corners for more than the first quarter I'll be amazed. Let's hope Revis gets torched for 175 if he plays more than that. Go Bills!
  20. I'm keen on seeing what the Bills secondary looks like w/o Gilmore. Brady is a massive test and having Brooks, Graham and Cockrell covering the outside will be a big test.
  21. Who starts a post like this on Christmas Eve? Morbid.
  22. It's Iupati. He'll be the most coveted FA in this OL group and command upwards of 6.5 per. He's a top 3 Guard, but he's 27 and durable. Would be a smart investment for this Bills squad based on the protection required for the guys currently employed at QB.
  23. You don't say? If Marrone goes, hire Darrell Bevell. Winning pedigree, innovative offensive mind and a pupil of the best player coach in todays NFL, Pete Carrol. I'd love to see what he could do with this team.
  24. Trestman is a cfl coach. Let him go back there. He is so far over his head.
  25. He has attended every practise, but can't crack the lineup on a OL with 2 of the lowest rated guards in the league. That should be leading you to the conclusion that he's in the same boat as Cyril and that is a big boat with a crappy motor.
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