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Everything posted by mrags

  1. Don’t bother. Most of the haters will never allow themselves to understand it.
  2. That’s exactly why they have cut almost 10k tickets from their new stadium plans. This way they always keep the stadium full and in demand. People will overpay for tickets once the new stadium is built. They aren’t going to have a choice.
  3. He’s a loser. He likely grew up being a miserable human being. From Boston and during a time when the Pats were as bad or worse than the Bills in their 17 year drought. He knows nothing but losing and cannot accept anything otherwise. he’s not from this area and I have no doubt he is not happy here. But just like other useless hacks that couldn’t cut it on the bigger stage, he’s miserable here and has no care in the world for Buffalo or the people in the area.
  4. Pray for Spiller. That’s what I always say. Only after we’re done praying for Doug Flutie
  5. One thing to take away from this, we knew Davis was a monster working out this offseason. But he is a freaking beast. Going to be really tough for people to guard.
  6. Not everyone had the bubble helmet padding on. Most or all of the OL and TEs had them. Most of the DL, and LBs had them. Most RBs, WRs, and DBs did not.
  7. It was drizzling a little at one point during camp. It’s likely water being ejected from the surface of the ball because of the G forces of Allen’s arm strength
  8. There’s no sidewalks really across the street. You’d be along the shoulder until you reached the driveway which is at least 100 yards. Then it’s uphill. You’d be best off pulling into the lot one over from where the buses pull in, see if you can’t talk your way into a handicap spot for your dad. Or at least if you could drop him off there, then park and meet him where you dropped him off. If you pull into that driveway, there’s definitely parking and blacktop for the wheelchair. good luck
  9. McDermott is 110% on the hook here. I get that players need to execute, but it was easily recognized that things were going badly while it was happening. McDermott needed to take a time out, get everyone settled and aware of the situation and devise a better game plan. KC had all the time in the world with timeouts considering they only needed about 40 yards for a legit FG try. I hope McD learned from this experience (like he did with the Hail Murray game) and is better prepared for it next time (like the Indy playoff game).
  10. There was a surprise alright. A prevent defense giving the WRs a 10-15 yard cushion while playing the sidelines when the offense had 3 timeouts left. It was just a surprise to Mahomes, it was a blessing for him. He couldn’t have been any happier. huge disappointment in defensive strategy at the end of that game. I know it’s been talked about but just annoys me more and more when someone brings it up. We should be planning our Opening day banner unveiling celebration right now.
  11. In recent previous years when they were have done this, they filled up the sidelines of the lower bowl quite well. I can’t remember if end zones or upper decks were open to sit in but I can’t remember anyone sitting there. I was able to pick up 6 tickets yesterday and don’t plan on taking 6 people. I’ll know more a little later. But if someone is interested in 2 tickets, you can PM me. Shouldn’t be a problem. Not 100% sure yet though.
  12. This 100%. Resale on tickets is a false for sure. Maybe you get lucky a few times here and there but it’s mostly a loss. Especially late in the year. Especially once the weather turns to crap. I am perfectly fine paying the fees and PSLs and going to games. But I’m local and I attend almost every single game. I’ve maybe missed 5-10 games since 2006. It’s worth it for me. For you, I completely understand why you have seasons now, but also understand why you wouldn’t in a new stadium. You will lose money for sure. All for the benefit of going to 2-4 games a year. It would be cheaper for you to save your money and buy whatever games you want to attend separately on secondary sites each year.
  13. This is the key. The prices increasing and PSLs are definitely going to price the young, drunk, Bills Mafia crowd out that everyone thinks is unwavering. The noise may actually be louder than the current stadium because of the way it’s going to be built (like in Seattle) but the crowd will be significantly different imo. Time will tell. Hope I’m wrong but I’d put money in it that I’m not
  14. I’m the opposite thinking of this. First of all, I think it’s false that the place sells out regularly. Maybe now is the key word there because of Allen. But I’ve been to rain games and cold games since then and maybe they are technically “sellouts” there’s plenty of seats that are open because people don’t show up. but I’m opposite because I currently pay about $1800 a year for my pair of seats in the end zone. I enjoy my seats but am also interested in seats like clubs where the views are better, it’s always warm, always dry, and always comfortable. Knowing the new stadium will have PSLs and will be more expensive for seats I am perfectly fine with it. Assuming I can stay dry, warm, comfortable. If a covered and heated seat in the upper deck, or mezzanine level (per bills season ticket emailed survey) has all that and is cheaper than current club seats (excluding PSL obviously) then it makes it worth it to me. ive already come to the realization that my yearly ticket bill will likely double. I’m ok with it but I’m not going to freeze my butt off or be a soaked mess in 45 degree windy days for those prices. Especially when I have one of the best TVs ever made and a really comfortable couch at home.
  15. I have a friend that lives there and has said he has seen the same thing.
  16. The BC is trash. Watered down. Tastes like Ranch with chunks of dried up piss
  17. I’m with Gug, he was pure trash. I really wanted him to be good and hoped he would be. Thought he would be the starter before he was. He just wasn’t good though. Way too hesitant. He played not to lose.
  18. You won’t be wrong. People that think the same kind of crowd at Bills games will be attending at the new stadium are going to be in for a rude awakening. The game day experience will be nothing like we see every Sunday now. Most people that wanted open air vs a dome because it would affect the game day experience are going to be priced out anyway. get ready for corporate tailgates. It’s coming.
  19. Don’t make me get all political and ruin a nice thread
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