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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. Covid practice squad kickers? Huh? i would think in the event that need arises , you just pick one up .. enough of them out there
  2. Thats it in a nutshell.speaking for myself , i dont care what people in sports or entertaiment think about politics , whatever. . stick to your profession , thrive in it .. but dont tell me what to think .. or assume i should give a s ----t what you think..
  3. nah .. you are way too smart , can compete with a person like you when it comes to "grammar" Touche'
  4. the "academic" big word, not sure what it means, but THANK YOU! always a learning experience on here
  5. what "tired schtick:" i (assumed you spelled schtick right) just sick of politics in sports because its all disjointed, and based on emotion , not fact
  6. i will offer an opinion.. on the right side.. the correct side.. Triggered me? jesus.. stop , you sound like a snowflake for crissakes..
  7. Awesome ! such an obvious fair question that somehow gets sidetracked.. pushed aside
  8. Whoa! "a confused old man" ? nice! thanks for the insult! and yea im :"embarrassed" such a perceptive individual .. you a comedian per chance?
  9. WOW! that is "groundbreaking! must have lotsa deep thinkers there
  10. BLM Is a marxist group.. dont google it , because they took it down. anyway , the NFLshould steer clear of it.. JMHO.. and could care less about BLM And what anybody thinks about it or my opinion
  11. You lost me.. channels? In all due respect.. WTH are you talking about ?
  12. Washinton Post story? .. hmmmmm .. read lately about that particular media outlet having cred problems.. so be it ..
  13. All political.. make it miserable .. and that is my opinion
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