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Everything posted by duey

  1. His reputation of being a complete a-hole must be well known about town because there was surprisingly large support there for shipping his ass out. The Georgia issues seemed to be the last straw for a lot of Steeler fans.
  2. I didn't think he'd last until we picked next...
  3. Outstanding! I think your work here is done.
  4. A little punchy from a long night of drafting?
  5. First Clausen in the 2nd and now Appalachian State's Edwards in the 3rd. I'm thinking they're going to try to flip one of these guys for some extra picks. Thoughts?
  6. I actually found the whole thing somewhat uncomfortable to watch...everyone was trying to get their opinions in. Berman was doing his shtick and Gruden and Young were doing most of the talking. TJ barely got a word in the whole night. Just too many dudes.
  7. Ugh...Miller Lite...Coors Lite...how the hell can anyone drink that pisswater?
  8. The guy looks great in a short skirt and heels...
  9. So this morning I wrote up a pretty long discussion of my thoughts from last nights episode...and with one errant keystroke erased the whole damn thing. I was ticked off all day and just know was able to sit back down and get back at it. That being said...I'm just going to throw a few things out there as a lot has already been rehashed pretty well... My impression was that Sayid did not kill Des. I believe this because when we see Sayid walking through the jungle just before he runs into Flocke, he's looking up into the trees. I think he was looking for a vine to pull Des out of the well and then Flocke caught up with him. I don't think we have to worry about Jack being on Flockes team. I think Jack has attained a more cebral and higher level mental existence. I think he will do what he wants to do from this point on...I think him jumping off the boat was the turning point. To tag on to the earlier discussed point of an upcoming sacrifice, we should remember that we were told before this season began that some of the main characters weren't going to make it. When Claire came out of the jungle at the boat, I was convinced that either she or Kate were going to die there. And even though it didn't happen, I have a very strong feeling that it's only a matter of time before someone big gets it... Lastly...another great episode for Sawyer comments. Refering to Lapidas as "...that guy who looks like he's from the cast of a Burt Reynolds movie" and then later he calls him "Chestie." And him telling Hurley to shut the hell up about the Stars Wars references was classic. Good stuff. That's it. Two long weeks to digest and speculate.
  10. Wow...that was fun. Too many classic Sawyer quotes to post right now. An amazing episode that will require a decent nights sleep to digest.
  11. Dude...just wait until after our first round pick...that will provide the fodder for someone to fire up a new Hitler vid.
  12. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family...hang in there dude.
  13. I love that we open at home against the fish!
  14. Last weeks promo to get you pumped up for tonight... I have to say that this promo is pure genius. The Wonka song/lyrics so embodies Season 6 and the last few crazy episodes to this wonderful shows conclusion.
  15. I am very concerned about tonights game. I thought the Sabres would take care of Boston something like 4-1 on Saturday and was very suprised to see how off they looked at times. Passes were missing, clearing attempts were getting out of the zone, and Boston was def setting up their plays better. It's going to take a big effort all around tonight to bounce back from the last game.
  16. LOL I was going to bump it myself but you beat me to it. Saw on the cast listing for this week that David (Jack's sideways son) is back, so perhaps we'll see a Jack-centric sideways story. You have to figure that if Locke survives Des running him over that he head to Jacks hospital. I'm starting to think, however, that Des meant to kill Locke...don't know exactly why...just have a feeling.
  17. It is now... http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20313460_20360924,00.html
  18. Flocke = Fake Locke = MIB = Man In Black
  19. LOL You're probably right...we're just in way too deep.
  20. I'd be shocked if they actually use that plane. I think a lot of people aren't going to make it off the island, and those that do aren't leaving by ordinary means.
  21. I was thinking too, soley for the reason that they've got to get this kid involved somehow after making him seen so important early on. But I can't figure out how he would get there.
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