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Everything posted by duey

  1. Hey...has anyone here ever watched a show called Lost? I watched it last night and it seemed pretty cool.
  2. Those sandals of his would kill him as he rolls out of the pocket, though the robe could help him on play action passes.
  3. Good point. I keep thinking back to that prolonged stare between Jack and Flocke at the end of last nights episode. I thought Jack almost had a look of awakening and understanding on his face, while Flocke first looked very surprised to see Jack and then his face took on a look of animosity and purpose. It's easy to see that a confrontation between the two is looming. I'll again assert that Des seems to have knowledge of everything that is going to happen, both on the island and in the sidways story. Nothing bothers him on the island for that reason, and hence his comment to Flocke, "What's the point of being afraid brother?" In the sidways story, he's seemingly on a mission to pair people off with their island "partners." If you think along those lines, then the likely reason he ran over Locke was to get him to the hospital where he's undoubtedly be operated on by Jack.
  4. I particularly liked Ben's take on Ilana's departure...the island was done with her. Jacob used her to help make sure all the people that needed to get to the island did. That task being completed, conbined with Jacob having been "killed," certainly did seem to end the useful phase of her island stay.
  5. Thanks for this! I was too damn tired last night to look it up myself. The words to that little ditty really do sum up the confusion and anxiety we're feeling as we get closer to...The End.
  6. Yeah...quite the action and info-packed episode. And I think its started...one by one we're going to lose those that don't fit into the islands end game plans. Loved the scene on the beach with Libby and Hugo... How about Willy Wonka playing over the preview to next week...very very cool. And lets all watch that final scene with Jack and Flocke a few times just to soak it in...if that's not some serious foreshadowing...
  7. I'm very pumped out this tour. I very much enjoyed his Dark Side tour a few years back.
  8. What really impressed me was that they went to four straight Super Bowls. There's no way I could have expected that. Since that time...meh.
  9. Tiger looks psychotic in the ad and the dead man speaking voiceover is just downright creepy.
  10. Yep...me thinks he slipped!
  11. MINI-SPOILER FOR NEXT WEEK HIDDEN BELOW>>>> The previews showed that Michael returns...but the cast listing for next weeks episode (entitled "Everybody Loves Hugo") also has the following individual as making an appearance... LIBBY
  12. The slider keyboard is what kept me away from the Droid. I had one on my previous phone and really didn't like it. I went with the Eris instead and am very happy. The virtual keyboard does take some getting used to, but that only took a little while. I love the Eris.
  13. See, I got the feeling that he saw it all and that has led to his sudden willingness to go with the flow. Remember what Eliose said...whatever happens, happens. Des seems to have fully embraced this mentality. He's ready to help Widmore, but then he just as willing to go with Sayid. Maybe it's also that he's seen that he ends up with Penny either way, so...whatever happens, happens. I agree with you regarding Des and Penny. The stadium scene was beautifully captured and was very moving. There is a connection between these two that is unparalleled on this show. And maybe that connection is also a powerful weapon in how things play out.
  14. You beat me to it. I just read this and was going to post it. A really nice story of sportsman ship and people love for a game that also turned into a great charity event.
  15. I know...I know...not all that cool to respond to ones own posts, but I'm still thinking about this **** as opposed to doing work, so here's some more! Folks on MIBs side... Syaid is with Nadia…but not really… Sawyer blows his chance for love with Charlotte because he’s obsessed with finding the man who led to his parents deaths… Kate continues to be on the run… Jin and Sun are royally f’ed now…even if Sun lives they can never be together because her father is on to them (obviously this one is on Jin)… Claire has no one, though in theory she will have Aaron… Those who aren’t aligned with MIB (so far)… Hurley is actually happy and successful (the exact opposite of reality); Jack actually seems to have his act together…again, quite the opposite from reality… Ben is a good person with a good relationship with his father…
  16. The more I think about it, the more I think that the sideways world is the world of MIB's promises. But the only problem is that no one is really happy (makes sense right...deal with the devil?). I think Des is cracking through this though because he has found his love...and this is the violation of which Eloise speaks.
  17. More thoughts... The Des-man is awesome! He is clearly a very important person in all that is going on…he has shown in the past that he can exist in two places or two times at once and have an awareness that he doing just that. And Daniel giving him that awareness last night…the realization that they were living lives that were not supposed to be. That and the scene with Charlie underwater…awesome! That scene was amazing…the parallel to when he drowned…very cool. Getting back to Des…the love that he and Penny share is so pure and so strong that it seems to give him the strength to handle the electromagnetic events and ability to psychologically handle the fact that he can be in two places/times at once. Eloise…this chick is the all knowing. It’s almost like she’s a God…the whole thing with whatever happens, happens. And then she tells Des that his search for Penny is a violation…yeah…it’s a violation of the post-bomb/non-island life. I think his ability to understand what is going on is going to unravel the off-island lives somehow. It's clear that an unraveling has begun...Charlie felt it, Des felt it, Daniel felt it. I think it's going to be like Stephen King's Langoliers where time and reality start to unravel and dissolve into nothingness.
  18. THAT was a great episode...brother.
  19. I'll move back to the area just to vote against the traitorous bastard.
  20. Nah...if she was a minor, then the responsibility falls on her parents. While they both sound like a couple of winners as well, the release they had to sign pretty much shuts them out. As such, I'd be surpised if Disney settles as it would open the door for every other person who acted like a jackass on the show to cash in.
  21. I was given a Briere Sluggalo jersey two weeks before he left the Sabres. The jersey has not seen the light of day since I removed it from its gift box. Love the new jersey...hello birthday present!
  22. A Christmas present every day eh? Just like being a Bills fan.
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