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Everything posted by duey

  1. EVERYTHING is leading to something next week!
  2. Very nice...good job by the Penquins fans. Yeah...another stellar effort. And of course we're going to be disappointed at the end of the day. The way the team is playing over the last 20 games, they'll be lucky not to fall out of the playoffs completely.
  3. Think about this...MIB has likely lead Claire to believe over the years that Aaron is in the temple. She now knows that this is not the case. Will this perhaps cause her to turn against MIB? Could she then end up tipping the scale back in Jacobs favor, especially if she is teaming up with her brother?
  4. HOLY CRAP!!! The **** hit the wall tonight!
  5. It makes me laugh thinking about an entire temple full of people being scared of crazy-haired Claire (though after seeing what she can do with an axe I'm beginning to get it).
  6. Getting back on-topic, the best had to be on CNN where they had some local news guy giving reports from a nearby bay. "Uh oh...looks like the water in the river is going out a little...and it's muddy!" "Hmm...now it's coming back in a little." "Look at that...the water is going back out again...or is it?" And the best... "Earlier we reported that the water had receded enough that we thought we were seeing a portion of reef in the bay. Well, that actually turned out to be a whale. Now, we don't know if that whale has entered the bay because of the tsunami...it's possible that the whale is here because it senses the coming tsunami." Oh, and there was this question from an anchor (I forget on which channel) in response to a field reporter saying that people were sitting on cliffs a hundred feet above the water waiting for the waves..."Gee, are they going to be safe up there on that cliff? Won't the waves wash them away?" AHAHAHAHAHAHA
  7. I think Hurley set a record for the number to times saying "dude."
  8. Dude...when Jack walked in with the pizza, that's what I was afraid of. First at his place and then at his ex's. See below...he might be back in a different way as well. I thought it was a Korean building of some sort...perhaps Suns childhood home (as it looked pretty big and we know Jin grew up in a poor family. See, I'm thinking that her friend is actually Christian Sheppard...she see's him rather than John like everyone else. Perhaps MIB takes a form that suits his needs with each particular person or group?
  9. That's pretty damn funny...almost as funny as these! RAMMSTEIN!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCEZ2m9o7vc
  10. I have to say that I love these! Hitler's a pisser!
  11. Great read...thanks! I love the show and everyone on it to different degrees. Phil was probably the captain I liked the most because I felt that he was the most genuine...he wore his emotions on his sleeve and always seemed to be completely honest about everything. His interactions with his sons was both heartwarming and so very very intersting. Such a challange to teach sternly and show love at the same time. RIP Captain Phil...you will be missed.
  12. But then how did I get to work?!
  13. I just got the Droid Eris and I absolutely love it. I opted for the Eris over the straight Droid because I'm not a big fan of the slide out keyboard. Eris's touch keypad takes a little getting used to, but overall I love this phone.
  14. Huh...I thought I left my keys in here. Nevermind.
  15. Does 2-14, 2-14 and 4-12 mean anything to this guy?
  16. Flock/MIB saying that he lost someone he loved...could he be Lucifer, the fallen archangel, speaking of how he lost God?
  17. Good catch and good answer to your own question.
  18. What Helen said was this..."Let's just get my parents and your father and..." Obviously alluding to a simple wedding somewhere with the parents. Clearly this means that John is on good terms with his father...so if that's the case how the hell did John get hurt? And yes...she did tear up the Jack's business card. It sure does seem like Hurley is the key of getting everyone together, even if it is being done unconsciously. I wonder if he's almost like Jacob this time around...maybe he doesn't need to physically touch everyone...maybe he just needs to encounter them and gently push them in one direction or another.
  19. Loved last nights episode! Really gave us a lot to chew on. Some thoughts and observations… I think that MIBwas in Christian Sheppard’s body right after the plane crashed on the island. Here was a dead body ready to be “used.” I think he then used Claire in that regard for a while until he was able to get into John (when he died). He used John because he knew he could then get Ben to do his dirty work (killing Jacob). I think MIB at some point long long ago came to the island and was trapped there by the boy Jacob who wanted a playmate. The boy Jacob is probably some kind of God or supernatural entity who was always on the island. He became lonely and sought company in the form of MIB (maybe a kid at that time too). To even the playing field, Jacob gave MIB powers as well. They play the same game over and over…like chess. Jacob said last season that each time they play it is “progress,” just like becoming a better chess player. Chess even fits into the black vs. white theme. Jacob sets the rules in this game, hence his visit to Locke yesterday (“You can’t kill him…you know the rules”). And just like a little kid, Locke/MIB throws a little tantrum and say in so many words “You can’t tell ME what to do!!!” I think MIB is trapped on the island and maybe the only way he can get off is if he is ALLOWED to enter someone’s body. Hence his asking James if he wants to go home, and that they could go together. Almost like a vampire needing to be invited into someone’s home before they can enter. I think Jacob was looking for his next body to be in…the screening of candidates. By process of elimination, the strongest and smartest would be the last one alive, and that person would then become Jacob. Everyone that has ever been brought to the island was at some point screened, either by Jacob or the smoke monster (MIB). The ones that were perceived as a treat (i.e. the more powerful chess pieces) to Jacob or MIB was in some way killed off or captured by the other (or at least there were attempts to kill them off). Some characters died…others who are just pawns are allowed to live their lives on the island. The more I think about it, the more I think that this is all some kind of supernatural chess game between child Gods. PHEW! There you have it...duey's two cents. Have at it!
  20. Oh baby...I can't friggin' wait!!!
  21. Good move that helps this team as well as rights a wrong.
  22. I would have no problem with TO coming back. He's one of the few people on this team that showed any life, even with taking the occassional play off. I think the key to him wanting to come back is the QB situation. Bring Vick or McNabb in and I bet he considers it. Stay with the three stooges and he can't pack his UHaul fast enough.
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