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Everything posted by duey

  1. Again...one has to wonder if MIB is unable to kill any of the candidates himself (rule of the game)...rather, someone else has to do it for him (as it was with Jacob).
  2. Damn that sucks...all the best to him. I've had two friends die riding their motorcycles...those damn things are just death on two wheels.
  3. Wow...awesome read as usual. And I think he's really on to something (see page 12!): Damn that really seems to make a lot of sense...and it totally jibes with Jacob/MIBs talk on the beach at the beginning of The Incident.
  4. Because Jacob was allowing himself to be killed...for what reason, we don't yet know. Perhaps by allowing himself to be killed, it doesn't give MIB the advantage he thinks he has as a result of Jacobs death.
  5. Bonus clip from next weeks episode...
  6. Last nights episode immediately reminded me of the Twilight Zone episode entitled "The Howling Man." In that episode, the devil (in the form of an ordinary man) is being held in a castle by an order of monks, specifically held in a cell by a "staff of truth." He can't get out unless someone else lets him out. Of course, a stranger comes to the castle and lets him out, even though he was told by the monks that this "man" was actually the devil. I see so many parallels between that episode and last nights Lost episode. Clearly MIB is trapped on this island (the staff of truth) to prevent him from unleashing his evil upon the world. The monks unsuccessfully relied on the stranger to believe and understand the danger in letting the man out of the cell, much as Jacob initially relied on people brought to the island making the right choices. The devil relies on deceit to facilitate his release from the cell, much as MIB has in manipulating Richard (through the use of his wife) and utilmately Ben to finally kill Jacob. For whatever reason, the killing of Jacob did not lift the staff of truth and then simply allow MIB to leave the island. He obviously needs to either recruit the remaining candidates to his side or likely kill them as well. It seems that MIB is also unable to kill the candidates himself and thus needs to set up some kind of final battle between the two sides. And tgreg99...I'm having a hard time believing that this story is going to have a happy ending. I think a lot of our favorite characters are going to die and I think the whole game is going to be restarted by a new candidate taking over for Jacob. Here is the link to the Twilight Zone episode summary... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Howling_Man
  7. It's pretty clear actually that this wasn't the Blackrock. The weather, the fact that the statue is whole, and this is when MIB says to Jacob that he will one day find a loop hole. By the time the Blackrock was brought to the island, he apparently had figured out what that loop hole is because that's when he tries to get Richard to kill Jacob for him.
  8. That was an absolutely amazing episode. So there it is...we now know what's going on...what's been going on...and I like it.
  9. First and foremost...this thread should always be on page one of Off the Wall... Secondly...two days and counting until the Richard episode!!!!!!
  10. And BTW...Mrs. duey was VERY happy to have such a Sawyer-filled episode. The last couple had been pretty tough on her.
  11. Reading this made me laugh...it would crack me up everytime they would show Sawyer wearing those glasses while he read. http://ncjl.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/119-sawyer-01.jpg
  12. Not much to say after reading all the great summaries above. My favorite moment was when Flocke told Sawyer that he was the smoke monster. I have to say...next weeks episode is one I've been waiting for since we first met Richard. His character has always been shrouded in mystery and questions...and next week we finally find out WTF Richard is all about. I am very much looking forward to next week!
  13. And for what it's worth...once Lost is over I'll be changing my avatar to something Floydian.
  14. I agree...the Final Cut is an amazing album. I consider it to be very much underappreciated, likely due its release around the same time the band split up and the fact that it wasn't followed by any real promotion and no tour. Not a lot of people know that Richard Wright quit the band (Roger might say he was sacked) and did not contribute to this album. I find Roger's voice and Dave's guitar work to be at their best on FC. That being said...I'd have to give the light edge to Dark Side. Someone mentioned it being a very balanced album and I agree. Great Gig and Us and Them are two amazing songs. My third choice would be Obscured by Clouds. I was very happy to see Dave play Wot's...Uh the Deal on his last tour (saw him at Radio City). I consider it an honor to have been so fortunate to have seen the late Mr. Wright on keyboards that evening. I saw PF twice at Exhibition Stadium in Toronto on their '86/'87 tour and then again at Giants Stadium in '94. Good shows each. I did also see Roger a few years ago at the Izod Center at the Meadowlands and love...LOVED that show. What an amazing band...
  15. I hated...REALLY HATED...Myrone Cope. Apart from that you guys are ok.
  16. I was just going to post the same thing. Stay away from this guy...far far away.
  17. Alex is HOT! Good episode...more team-building. No great revelations...other than perhaps finding out that Richard seems to have arrived on the island via the Blackrock.
  18. And here's the Lost teaser from their Facebook group... Oh baby! I can't wait!
  19. The scary thing is that there will be a Derek Anderson tour. He'll be brought in by a number of teams because a) they've heard of him, b) he had one good year, and c) the rest of the free agent crop blows. Expect him to swing by OBD sometime next week...
  20. I'd take a flyer on him with a later pick. I'd also be happy if the Bills went after Naamon at the same time.
  21. I don't trust anyone with only 17 posts.
  22. No joke...that dude was amazing! Two hours to go and not even a whisper of any movement.
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