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Everything posted by duey

  1. Perhaps because he was the "chosen on" he has powers to do whatever needs to be done to protect the island...and in this case, bring potential candidates in. And don't forget that MIB can't leave because he's Smokey.
  2. She's hot and he's a jackass. That kind of "coaching" does nothing to teach sportsmanship to the kids. It was all about having a big shiny trophy for his desk. The "man" is clearly compensating for an inadequacy elsewhere.
  3. I think his desire to leave is more rooted in the fact that he feels he was terribly betrayed by psuedo-mom than a true desire just to get off the island. Psuedo-mom lied to him about everything, so he wants to do exactly what she said he couldn't do...leave and go to a place she said didn't exist. The fact that this desire has now festered for 2,000 years has only notched up the motiviation factor.
  4. Gotcha. With all my spoiler hunting I seem to have missed that! LOL So...since this game between Jacob and MIB having been going on for 2,000 years, one can see why MIB is starting to get a little antsy about making this finally work out.
  5. Dude...I meant to ask you...how did you get that date? What did I miss? I figured we were looking at this all taking place some time ago, but 2,000 years? Provide me with the clarification I obviously missed last night! Thanks.
  6. I can see everyones points on taking certain things on faith and having to live with not having all my questions answered...I mean, that's pretty much what this show has made us do for six years. I just felt that last night episode lacked the depth of detail that I've come to appreciate and expect. Again, I think it comes down to the fact that the writers were faced with addressing all the issues associated with Jacob, MIB and the mystery of the island in one episode. Lots of things were touched upon, just not with a lot of explanation or detail.
  7. Given how pumped up I was for this episode, I came away somewhat disappointed. Finding out that the two were twins was interesting, but I thought that too much time was spent on when they were kids. I felt that the portion of the episode where Jacob and MIB were adults was disjointed and rushed. And I completely agree with azjepp that the whole donkey wheel scenario makes no sense at all. MIB’s comments about there being a lot of smart people who have figured things out was completely meaningless and smacked of a rushed answer to our questions regarding the islands electromagnetic powers, the well and the light. 30 years of MIB's life, where he gained all this experience and understanding of the island, were touched upon in one statement. I really don’t see how what MIB explained to his mother in the hole makes any sense in conjunction with the rest of the story. In fact, it actually raises even more questions for me. The issues that the writers tried to address last night really needed at least two episodes to explore and properly resolve. Think about it...after nearly six seasons of build up, we had the entire mystical explanation of the island and its two principle players jammed down our throats in about 45 minutes. Perhaps crazy womans statement to Claudia is the also the writers advice to us as well..."Every question [i answer] will simply lead to another question."
  8. Now now...I seriously doubt I ruined it for anyone. And at this point, with all the stars of the show out doing end-of-show interviews and promotions, its going to be hard to avoid learning bits and pieces about the remaining shows. I am VERY pumped for this episode tonight.
  9. Been doing a little digging into next weeks episode. Oddly enough, the cast list for the episode on IMDB only shows Claire, MIB, Jacob, and two "new" characters (Claudia and Hunter...I'm thinking Hunter is actually a hunter rather than someone named Hunter). All the other cast members are listed as "credit only," meaning that they aren't actually in the episode. ABC's Lost website has two previews to next week (http://abc.go.com/watch/lost/93372), one with two woman and the other with blonde boy dressed in white and a dark-haired boy dressed in...of course...black. Looks like the entire episode will deal with the history of the relationship of MIB and Jacob...I can't wait!!!
  10. http://www.1010wins.com/Ex-Giants-Great-Arrested/6984075
  11. I believe you are correct sir!
  12. I have the HTC Droid Eris and absolutely love it. And I'm totally good with the virtual keyboard. The apps are great, all the functionality is awesome...its an amazing "phone."
  13. True...but I doubt that the shows writers sat down and said, "It's time for Sayid to do the sterotypical thing and blow himself up." Seems like there was more to Sayid's character than just being a "stereotypcial Muslim."
  14. Dude...that's a pretty weak comment. Keep your prejudices to yourself.
  15. Roger says on his facebook page that this is BS...here's the his exact quote: "Some of you may have seen a story going round, claiming that I paid person or persons unknown to deface a mural featured on the cover of the 2000 album Figure 8, by the late Elliott Smith, intentionally disrespecting his memory. What a load of crap..."
  16. Gee...one bad beer replaces another. And the question is asked...who gives a s**t.
  17. Hurley: What about Sayid? Jack: There is no Sayid!
  18. Lapidas...the pilot. He got crushed by the exploding hatch (hmmm...we've seen that before!) in the sub. With what happened to Jin, Sun and Sayid, I sort of forgot about him too.
  19. Very happy about my tickets for the Nov. 3 show at the IZOD Center.
  20. Wow. We kind of knew it was going to happen...but now that it has...wow. Thoughts and feelings tomorrow after our west coast bretheren get their chance to watch.
  21. This is it...the stretch run for this amazing show. I'm going to savor these next for weeks like I've never savored a show before. I'm dying inside...I don't want it to end while at the same time I do.
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