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Everything posted by duey

  1. Very nice catch...and remember, MIB said that he's been looking for the cave of light for a very long time and was never able to find it.
  2. To me it just smacks of the network having no friggin' clue about the show, its storylines and its fans. Anyone with any interest or knowledge of the show would have understood how something like that would detract from the actual ending of the show. Dopes...absolute dopes.
  3. Your absolutely right. Alex was buried under the swing set and I believe he did take Alex's form when Ben was being judged. And don't forget what Alex said..."she" told Ben he had to do whatever John Locke said...basically setting up Ben killing Jacob.
  4. Oh...and in regards to the last scenes of the wreakage on the beach, here is this explanation from ABC. Amazing how after six years the network still really had no clue about their viewers... http://popwatch.ew.com/2010/05/26/lost-fin...cenes-wreckage/
  5. Thanks...I'm a huge PF fan so going that route for a post-Lost avatar was a no-brainer. And I agree...he's an amazing guitarist who does seem to kind of slip through the cracks in discussions of great guitarists.
  6. I always love reading Doc's take on things...going to miss that. Can't see his analysis of the next season of Survivor being nearly as engaging. That's a great picture...there was such peace at the end of the last episode, because Jack was able to rest knowing that he had fulfilled his island-given destiny and that he could now move on with those most important to him. I've made that pic my wallpaper also...
  7. LOL I look more like Artz than Hurley...sorry to disappoint.
  8. Sorry...would have replied earlier but I fell asleep after posting that...
  9. SDS can't be upset about the increase in traffic though.
  10. Oh I believe just fine. I just thought the way the donkey wheel construction was presented in the Jacob/MIB episode was kinda lame. And FYI...we're at over 33,000 views. That's an increase of about 15,000 since yesterday morning. Why do I think we're getting "Others" visiting this board and thread for a peak...hmmm?
  11. Damn it Lurker...stop lurking! That whole donkey wheel thing made no sense to me when they brought it up in the episode with Jacob and MIB. "Oh yeah...I'm going to hook this donkey wheel up into the rock here, then attach the golden light and throw in some water and off we'll go." I accepted it as a means to get off and move the island in previous episodes, but how it got there just didn't take with me.
  12. And I agree with you as well brutha. I made the change here and on facebook, but I continue to think about (and obviously discuss) the show wihtout an end in sight. I was so moved by the ending...I almost felt like I too was being enveloped by the same light as Jack and the rest of our friends. The feeling of peace, happiness and contentment washed over me like a gentle wave and I still feel embraced in its warmth.
  13. That's what he tells us. He's given us cryptic little hints and messages from time to time as the series has progress and indeed fessed up to be a writer on the show. You're right...it's pretty damn cool that he's one of "us."
  14. Is this possible?!? I just checked the number of "Views" this thread has and I believe it has increased by about 7,000 since yesterday morning! What's really funny is that there are only five or six of us posting...is everyone else just lurking?! LOL
  15. I'm very intrigued by the idea of Hurley and Ben doing there thing for God knows how long. As I said above, at some point you would think Hurley gave Ben the gift of eternal life as Jacob had given Richard. And without a mortal enemy to battle ala Jacob and MIB, one would think their time on the island was a lot less exciting and aggravating.
  16. Do you need someone to help you let go?
  17. UConn...what's the expiration date of your avatar? Mine was yesterday...felt it was time to move on.
  18. Wow...wasn't aware that he had a DUI out there too. With Libby and Ana Lucia each picking up one of those as well, it makes one wonder what the environment was that might have caused it. Like the starts said in the warm up show the other night, conditions at times were pretty brutal. I guess some people might just blow off some steam a bit too enthusiastically. Maybe tgregg can shed some light on this...how dealing with situations as this hampered the flow of the show. We all had heard about Libby and Ana being killed off because of the legal issues. And what of Paulo and Nikki...at what point did the writters realize that they guys weren't going anywhere and had to be dealt with?
  19. Ah...that's great! Hey...when you have six years of writing and literally hundreds of different characters to deal with, a few details are sure to slip by.
  20. LOL According to IMDB ( http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0015382/ ) he didn't do a damn thing for three years after he was on Lost. Now he's involved in a few movies. I remember hearing that he wanted off the show after he was killed by smokey ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BurUNDYqirc ). I loved his character and was really bummed when he died. That scene that I posted the link for is one of my favorites.
  21. FYI...Eko was invited back, but wanted too much money to return this season. http://www.digitalspy.com/cult/s10/lost/ne...inale-spot.html
  22. Read your post after I posted mine...good point...and I have to concede because your da man in da know.
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