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Everything posted by duey

  1. I'm all about that. As much as I hate the Jets, it looks like love compared to how I feel about the Fish.
  2. Be strong sweetheart, and feel our love. 27 years ago I was probably taking advantage of my dads extensive Playboy collection.
  3. (sigh) This evening, for my wifes birthday, and because I have spent years dragging her to all sorts of heavy and alternative rock shows, I am taking her to see...the man who writes the songs. Weep with me, won't you please, fellow TSWers. Feel my pain. and perhaps, just for a moment, offer me your prayers of strength. I have no doubt that I will return to The Wall tomorrow a beaten and changed man.
  4. Dolphins | Henry Next in Line to Start - from www.KFFL.com Tue, 28 Sep 2004 10:16:26 -0700 Alex Marvez and Harvey Fialkov, of the Sun-Sentinel, report Miami Dolphins RB Leonard Henry, who was cut during the preseason and recently brought back, is next in line to be the Dolphins' starting tailback.
  5. It's all a matter of timing. I mean, really, how much sense would it make to draft a blue chipper in the first round when you have a proven, all-pro at that position already. Sarcasm off, for those who missed it.
  6. This is outrageous! I firmly believe that this poor child has been brutally abused, and as a result, is completely deserving of a multi-million dollar settlement. Well, come on, you know the lawyers are killing themselves to get to these peoples door.
  7. Kudos to Bills fans for those 10 consecutive home sell outs...during a time when the team has gone 6-12. While we as Bills fans may be overly critical of our team at times, I do have to say that we are truely some of the most loyal fans in the league.
  8. This is kind of a studio band, and what they do is recruit a bunch of great musicians, and then split up so that they can cover most of the country before Christmas. TSO KICKS ASS!!!
  9. Steve's closet? Be careful, though, I hear he's a little sleeper. Isn't that right #89?
  10. I don't blame them for not wanting to play games 20 miles from campus. They have a hard enough time getting students who live on campus to go. How bad would it look if UB played a big-name program (say Syracuse again, just to get the local interest up), and they only drew 10,000 (or worse). Say goodbye to the larger programs ever playing at UB again.
  11. Remember this from The Natural... "Losing is a disease." Man o' man, do we have a bad case of it!
  12. Putter around the house this morning, my 5-year old daughters soccer "game" at 2, the late game, and then a kiddy birthday party at 6. Definitely more enjoyable then watching the Bills!
  13. Me too. Which leads to my question. Here in the wonderful NYC area, we get the Giants-Browns at 1 and the Pack-Colts at 4. What does everyone in the Buff get today?
  14. As supportive as I was for them going to 1-A, I have to agree with your point. I think they moved up way too quickly. If I'm not mistaken, UB was starting to enjoy some success at the 1AA level, and then bumped up. They are so far in the hole now, in terms of the reputation of the school, that they will never be able to recruit well enough to become a success. There would have been nothing wrong with staying at 1AA, but you're right, greed and the fantasy of becoming a Big East-type football power definitely drove this program in the wrong direction.
  15. That's not so bad...my 5 year-old loves Moulin Rouge!
  16. Gallo's an !@#$, the way he was on Stern a few weeks back ripping on Buffalo. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  17. BA in Geology from UB, and believe it or not, actually use my education by working as environmental consultant.
  18. Wow! I just looked up my folks house and I saw my dad mowing the lawn!
  19. That movie was hot! Always loved her...great body, and man o man, what a mouth!
  20. I voted O-line, but would have like an "all of the above" option,
  21. As a Pats, Fish, or Jets fan...that way you're always happy with the result! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  22. You know how QB's have been known to buy their O-line Rolex's as a thank-you for all the time they've given him during the year? Maybe Drew should buy each opposing teams D-line Rolex's before each game to get them to give him more time. Just a thought.
  23. Good insight. Hey...I was at that Kinison show. What a freaking riot that was. I loved that guy.
  24. Alas, I yield, and join the masses. Let the JP countdown begin!
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