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Everything posted by duey

  1. HAH!!! Automatic replacement of C*RASH with Rosen!
  2. I think the doll in the water, and the rest of the stuff found laying around that waterfall, we just luggage, etc. that came out of that section of the plane. Now, that being said, I have a feeling that there may have been another survivor from that part of the plane. This will come into play later. Can they all be dead? Oh sure...that sure is a possibility, though that stuff early on about that French radio signal makes me believe that this is more like a Land-of-The-Lost scenario...like a tear in the fabric of reality, or maybe a second parallel dimension. I know its all for ratings, but was this plane Rosen only survivable for the beautiful and studly?!? Except for that big dude with long hair, we're talking hubba hubba all the way around. "Oooh...I'm so happy I'm beautiful. I feel so badly for my butt-ugly seatmates who didn't make it." Lastly, and this is an anal-retentive point, but had that plane truly broken up in mid-air that way, there is no way a single person would have survived. But hey...maybe that leads us back to the afterlife/heaven idea. Good stuff...REALLY good stuff. Can't wait for next week.
  3. My wife watches that Housewives show...just not happening for me either.
  4. If you doubt he's a "me" guy...check out the hissy fit he threw when the Bills shut him down a few weeks ago.
  5. Yeah...the show has a kinda twilight zone/Stephen King thing going on. Really getting into it.
  6. Nah...she just asked where the hell he was, and he said he just had to take care of somethings. The scenes from next week were pretty interesting. Lots of dissension in the camp, it seems.
  7. As much as I was into the game, I had to watch Lost, and I was not disappointed. I'm more and more impressed by this show each week. I like the fact that the wierdness factor is starting to rise.
  8. I voted for ALCS outcome, but if the Sox win the series, I think the entire Sox playoff run wil become the stuff of legends.
  9. This lcokout is driving a stake into the heart of this sport. And both sides are so freaking stubborn that a settlement may never be reached. The idea of the NHL dying a slow death, and a new league being born, is not out of the question. Everyone starts even. Player contracts will involve experience-related base salaries, and then incentive clauses added in so that the better players make the higher overall salaries. Food for thought, anyway.
  10. Yeah...I agree. How can anyone say he's overrated? What's he done in his short time in the league is pretty much without equal. Is he spectacular? No. But damn, he's solid and rarely makes a mistake.
  11. I Liquid24 admit that my team, the Miami Dolphins are inferior to the mighty Buffalo Bills in every category known to man. Both historically, and today. Our perfect season in 1972 was actually a byproduct of one of the weakest schedules ever. Our competition that year only had a winning percentage of .367. Dan Marino is inferior to Jim Kelly, and Don Shula is a panzie.
  12. You want shock value...check out that play where Beebe gets hit up into the air (against the Browns I think), and he comes down...AND BOUNCES...on his head. I still shudder when I see that one. And Don did drop the ball on that one...I think it had something to do with unconsciousness or something.
  13. I believe each persons region is tatooed on their taint. Just bend way way WAY over and find out for yourself. Or ask a friend to help.
  14. How in Gods name would you know that? Unless, of course, you are a relative of the great Abe Burroughs himself!
  15. I was at the Bills-Jets game last week, and a minute or so after the end of the national anthem, two F-18's streaked very low over Giants Stadium . THAT scared the stevestojan out of everyone too! Get it though...jets at the Jets game?!? Isn't that clevor? Only took them 40 years to start doing that.
  16. I see the Ravens game being very much like the Dolphin game, for the following reasons: Both the Raven and Dolphin D's are built on their linebackers. Neither team has spectacular ends or secondary. Both are without their star RBs; Both have average at best QB's, and Both have average WR's. I think a similarly executed game plan could give us a win against the Ravens.
  17. If they can get at least a 2nd rounder for him...say bye bye.
  18. Hey...I'm halfway to my perfect season (see my sig line).
  19. I would trade him NOW...before the trade deadline (if it hasn't passed already).
  20. Dude...seems like you may be the only Bills backer up there...eh?
  21. BARF!! (shudder) (swoon) :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  22. One?!?!? Usually more like four or five! Maybe the Bills hope we'll take those months to look back at better times.... (fast forward to June 2005, as duey gazes adoringly at the studly pose of Bobby Shaw..."Mmmm...I remember Bobby. There was that one play against the Jets where he heroically stopped the ball from being intercepted by blocking it with his back. Good times...good times).
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