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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I think your point is valid. This isn't like hockey where you can roll 3 or 4 "good" evenly balanced lines throughout the course of the game and create some mis-matches with line changes or combinations to be successful. Maybe a couple of the younger guys on the line develop into a difference maker but right now there's no player in the rotation the offense is going to game plan around and account for on every play. Maybe you need an elite/pro bowl type impact guy or two instead. As this works pretty well by observation from around the league. The current approach while keeping guys fresh might be a mistake from a cap and roster building view. It didn't seem to worry or slow down the Colts today. Or the Titans for that matter or any other opponent with a good offensive line and a competent QB. Play the best 4 players and give them a breather but dump the averaging out playing time approach.
  2. Tomorrow AG Garland will open an investigation which will clearly determine that White Supremist's are responsible regardless of the identity of the suspects arrested. And as result recommend tighter gun control laws. But my suspicion is the perpetrators are among members of one group of victims or another doing some early holiday looting, looking to lesson the effects of inflation (by getting free stuff), and getting a jump on reparation payments. 3 looters were arrested. And will be out without charges or bail. The good news is that with every passing demonstration of civil lawlessness and a lack of response by Democratic officials their chances of maintaining a majority in Congress post-November 2022 fades further into oblivion. It goes without saying the MSM will ignore this event, their specialty, while social media platforms block or remove references to "California+flash mobs+looting".
  3. Taylor having a great game for the Colts but my gut says it could be just about any NFL RB shredding the Bills defense today. Unless there's some big improvements and adjustments in 4 days my thinking for Thursday is to eat early in order to avoid indigestion and nausea watching the late game.
  4. Against better competition the Bills consistently lose the battle on the LOS on offensive and defense. This defense just can't stop the run. Given the investment in an 8-9 player rotation that isn't acceptable. Allen is falling back on careless habits. The RBs are average. And way too many penalties in all 3 phases. Add it all up and you get games like this one. The schedule down the stretch looks troublesome. While I'm typing Josh with another careless pass and intercepted. Game over!
  5. They just can't stop lying. And the fanatical base eats it up. Only to be disappointed when nothing happens. The situation comedy continues.
  6. You'd think that after going 0-fer on every one of these left wing conspiracy theories and taking the wrong side of the facts at every turn some of our left-leaning friends here might want to objectively assess their views and conclusions. The first step might be to accept the fact that most of these activists, media members, and politicians they worship are malicious liars. When the 1/6 committee it will again leave the faithful unsatisfied.
  7. We've had a slightly different view of the Biden administration's performance to date. With my assessment being complete incompetence and your view as complete competence in working to screw things up. The blogger at the link below makes a compelling argument in support of your view. His characterization is they're a gang of malicious scammers and liars. https://tomluongo.me/2021/11/19/bidens-incompetent-presidency-a-feature-not-a-bug/
  8. I'm certain the entire social justice movement noticed with horror and shock that the Turkey President Biden pardoned in keeping with White House Thanksgiving tradition was White. So now the fight against White Privilege needs to target privilege and oppression in the poultry flock.
  9. Utterly ridiculous. What other nonsense is she going to tell us next? That a man is a woman simply by thinking he is a woman despite biological traits proving that belief false. Or all White people are inherently racist except of course those who repent and become woke. Or Russians are living next door to you plotting to influence the next election. Or unarmed protesters planned to take control of the Federal government. Or self-defense is a crime along with "crossing state lines". Or an incident where all people were White was incited by racism. Or some other absurdities. I mean come on, who believes this stuff?
  10. A core tenant of Communism is the means of production and property are owned by the people and controlled by the government. Anyone claiming to be a Communist must believe this or else they're falsely claiming to be a Communist.
  11. As I satirically suggested about 80 pages ago on this thread on the 1/6 plan, the best contingency is to make sure all of your attacking forces are unarmed without any preparation or idea of what the "plan" is to take control. Make sure most of them are wandering around aimlessly, taking pictures and selfies. This will throw off the token force the Capitol Police deployed. You clearly have hidden the fact that thousands will show up that day. How else can you explain why they had a normal contingent on hand that day and not a force on hand that could handle the number of protesters that showed up? Maybe the government's plan was better than yours and something like Sitting Bull's plan was better than Custer's at the Little Big Horn when the Sioux lured the Calvary troops into a trap? Hide all documented copies of the plan in one of your backyards in a place the FBI will not think about looking like under the doghouse. So far its working because nobody has found any document detailing the plan for that day yet despite the press insisting there is some kind of high level plan here drawn up by high ranking former administration people and their cronies. Remember you have the element of surprise in your favor when you attack a government entity that has an overwhelming superiority in forces, tactics, and weaponry. Your success depends on the enemy believing nobody would be stupid enough to attempt an insurrection under those circumstances. The element of surprise is your best friend here. And make sure not to kill or injure any of people you are targeting. Don't do anything remotely close to what anarchists such as Antifa might do such as start the building on fire. This is just to stereotypical of an act for insurrections. Try to be original. And if politely asked to leave please do so immediately. Make sure to do everything that is counterintuitive to success. Failure is your goal. Again your goal is not to succeed. Realize that the only thing you'll accomplish is to give your political enemies an excuse to persecute you. Maybe that's why they left the place unguarded and engineered the whole thing? That I believe sums up the 1/6 "insurrection" plan.
  12. Leftist intellectual commies don't believe in private property rights so this question would be confusing to them and they would be unable to follow your thinking. They'd think the scenario is impossible given the society they desire. And the situation is purely hypothetical.
  13. Yes i did misunderstand it. It appears to be commentary/satire on woke logic. My bad. But I'm good with the rest of what i said..
  14. What's missing from the woke "history agenda" these clowns push is a complete rendering of the history of the slave trade in West Africa and the American colonial market for slavery. They just key in on part of the story. The part they want to tell. The part that supports their beliefs. And exclude what doesn't. Slavery didn't start in 1619 or when Europeans arrived on the scene in West Africa. There were other parties complicit in the slave trade. If you're going to teach history then that needs to be included. But again the history of slavery curriculum pushed in US schools by woke school boards has a blind spot when it comes to this fuller accounting of history. A fuller accounting would disrupt the easy to follow victim & oppressor relationship and make things more complicated. And leave a lot of grey area. And ideologists prefer binary arguments. Standard folklore has European "slave traders" traveling into the interior of Africa and hunting down, trapping, and capturing unsuspecting Africans and ultimately shipping them to the New World to work in the American colonies. But initially slaves that were sent to the New World were sent to the Caribbean sugar plantations and to South America to Portuguese colonies like Brazil. The inconvenient fact is almost all of the Black Africans that were sold into slavery were captured and relegated to a life of servitude at the hands of other Black Africans from competing kingdoms and tribes. And this trade ran through Arab slave traders as an intermediary to various markets. One being the New World plantations. This Arab slave trade arrangement with African kingdoms was running for hundreds of years before Europeans arrived on the scene in Africa. And for the ruling kingdoms of West Africa this was a commercial enterprise they used to generate the funds from selling slaves to trade for goods and animal stock like horses. So I'm 100% behind the "history" lesson of slavery and racism if its going to include an accounting and discussion of the role played by Black Africans in selling their fellow Black Africans into slavery. This might raise all kinds of questions about who should really be paying reparations. And some inspection of the woke belief in the inherent evil monopoly white people hold because logically Black Africans that sold their bothers and sisters into slavery and the Arab slave traders would need to be just as inherently evil. Perhaps more evil? Add to that lesson the role of Arab slave traders acting as middle man that sold a portion of those slaves to Europeans and others to Middle Eastern markets and beyond. And that the slave trade in West Africa existed for 100's of years before white Europeans showed up on the scene. And that America eliminated slavery before most every other "market" for slaves. And in fact slavery still exists today. And rather than argue about the history of slavery which we can do nothing about it might be more productive and important to be doing something to stop and fight against slavery in its many forms that is happening around the world today. Sadly I suspect the entire thing is all about the usual political hustles for power. And not so much for correctly accounting for historical events.
  15. The fundamental problem with the social responsibility argument is that no such obligation exists.
  16. Perhaps if local and state governments once again let politics take priority over their obligation to enforce the rule of law which leaves their citizens without the protections provided by police and law enforcement. Leaving them to deal with uncontrolled out-of-town rioters and looters operating under the cover of political protest events then we might see a lot more of these self-defense cases. The issue I wanted addressed is why city and state officials accountable for providing for the common safety and order refused to allow police to intervene to stop and arrest rioter carrying out acts of property destruction and personal injuries? Why did they let rioters and looters cause destruction to the city they were accountable to protect? Whatever happened that night is ultimately on them. Why aren't they being held accountable? If this was ancient Rome they'd be crucified for dereliction of duty and left on display as a warning to other public officials to do their jobs. But in 2021 America incompetent and ineffective officials are protected and get away with pretty much anything the political class elite decide is okay.
  17. Unfortunately the verdict is not the end. The media and their accomplices in the social justice movement will not accept that the narratives they've been peddling for the past year have been invalidated by the court proceedings. Rather they are intent on doubling down here. The "correct" outcome did not happen therefore there is something wrong with the legal process or the people administering the legal process. The reality that the dis-information and false narratives they've been peddling for the past year failed to hold up when confronted by the facts heard in court escapes them. They will hammer away relentlessly on all the usual weekend political shows. You'll be hearing constant and consistent talking points with references to the usual stereotypes and calls for tougher gun restrictions and self-defense guidelines from people that have championed the elimination of criminal prosecutions and sentences. Watching left leaning media outlets discussing the verdict is an exercise in some alternative reality. Even after the verdict you're left wondering if there were two trials going on and you were watching one and they were watching the other. I'm left to conclude their is something fundamentally wrong with their ability to mentally process reality. Or perhaps they're so invested in their fantasies about collusion and conspiracies driven by their victim ideologies that they cannot or will not tell the difference between reality and fantasy. One other explanation is they are pathological liars.
  18. I watched some of the post verdict commentary on outlets like CNN and MSNBC this afternoon. Unsurprisingly, they hammered away at the white supremist and racism angle as that's been what they've been preaching since the beginning here. I'm sure their flock will embrace the message but listening to the commentary and conversations they simply refuse to acknowledge a lot of the realities of the circumstances. The fact the event was a riot and looting session is excluded. But when you tell lies and hear lies for over a year about something how else will people react? And when it turns out exactly opposite of what you've been saying and what you've been hearing the alternative to believing the injustice conclusion is to accept the fact your beliefs are false. Who wants to do that?
  19. I particularly despise DiBlasio and am hopeful Eric Adams can bring some common sense and competency back to the mayor's office in NYC. Most of these other clowns are beyond hope too. Still unwilling to face the reality that this tragedy occurred during rioting and looting. Still parroting the peaceful protest narrative which I expect anyone with an ounce of common sense isn't buying. Still reaching for the stars to pull the white supremacy angle out of their asses. They sound like fools given the context of the facts. If anyone's to blame for the uncivil and contentious environment that enabled the tragedy of Kenosia to occur and continues to ferment unrest and hostility its the political class on the extremes. From my perspective they are less than useless and do nothing to bring people closer to compromise and understanding. Rather they serve to drive everyone apart in support of their own personal ambitions for power. No society can survive with "leadership" that acts in this self-serving manner. Time to kick their sorry asses to the curb.
  20. My prediction is sometime next week Garland to sics the DOJ after Rittenhouse on some sort of "civil rights violations" of the 3 "victims" investigation.
  21. If I could run the 100 meters three seconds faster I'd be the Olympic champion in the event. And we can engage in hypothetical's by eliminating or changing one thing or another that occurred that night but that doesn't absolve anyone from their actions. Why not go back further? Maybe if the event was a peaceful protest rather than a riot it would have turned out different? Maybe if the mayor let the police do their jobs it would have been different? Maybe if Blake cooperated with police when they attempted to arrest him on a felony warrant rather than engage in a confrontation it wouldn't have resulted in a shooting? And none of this would be happening..
  22. Strip away all the political and social commentary and this is perhaps the key insight. Chasing somebody is an act of aggression. Its a signal you want to engage in a confrontation. If not you don't chase them, period. You can't argue that somebody who initiates a confrontation is the victim. They are not. They are the assailant, they are the instigator. The other individual, armed or not has a right to self-defense regardless of the argument made by the prosecutor. Combine this with the knowledge the city government will not allow the police to act or intervene in the riot and you're already aware that you're on your own. So self-defense is the only option as police response is off the table in this situation. Also, the citizens arrest argument is off the table when testimony revealed one of the rioters threatened that he was going to kill Rittenhouse. That's not an arrest scenario, that's an execution. Ironically, something the protesters/rioters were there to protest and riot about regarding a police shooting. Now we can argue the "just shoot him in the leg" position on the use of deadly force but a very good assumption is that if nobody chased the kid down and attacked him from behind he'd have run down the street without any such incident taking place.
  23. Herd immunity is a term that has been eliminated from the conversation. Is there anyone left that still believes a 100% level of vaccination will stop the virus? That might work if the vaccine was durable and the virus was stable but neither of those things is true. It wears off over time and leave the "vaccinated" no better off than the un-vaccinated. It appears a more complex prevention/treatment/vaccination response is required. I'll leave it to the experts to figure that out but their singular obsession with vaccination of everyone for perpetuity looks like a fail. It time to a) admit to the limits of medical science, 2) get a better plan.
  24. I guess since its become completely transparent that standard operating procedure of the administration is to weaponize the DOJ, Federal law enforcement, and security and intelligence agencies against the political enemies of their protected constituents social and political causes there's nothing to discuss.
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