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May Day 10

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Everything posted by May Day 10

  1. It seems like losing a C will be a catastrophic loss for an offense like Miami and a QB like Tua. They need everything flowing and timed perfectly.
  2. I was looking at their salary situation. Holy smokes, I thought the Bills had it bad. They have a ton of mushrooming salaries for 2024. Tyreek at $31 Million (12 now) Ramsey at $27 Million (3 now) Chubb at $26 Million (7.5 now) Howard at $25 Million (10 now) Tua at $23 Million (assuming no extension) (9.5 now) Armstead at $20 Million (9 now) Im sure some of this can be cleaned up with restructuring, but you have to expect Tua and his agent are going to pursue a larger guaranteed deal. In contrast, the Bills have at $20 mil + Allen at $47 million Diggs at $27.8 Million Con Miller at $23 Million
  3. Yeah, I have seen this done a lot this season. The first time, I thought it was a bad decision and heard an analyst say its a 'no brainer'. Have seen it done a half dozen times since then. Wasnt surprised when Vrabel went for 2.
  4. A surprising thing is how conventional the collapse/comeback was. It wasn't a bunch of mistakes and interceptions. It was Tennessee effortlessly driving down the field twice, and miami not moving the ball, with Tua always panicking and getting tackled on 3rd and 4th downs when his first read isn't wide open.
  5. Tua freaks out and sucks if his first read isn't open in the first 1.5 seconds
  6. I like how they say its embarrassing for the NFL like they care.... but they have turned around and made another close game between 2 of the league's best teams all about their personal hissy fit... based on a call that 99% of people agree is the right call.
  7. I checked a chiefs forum and I think 90% of people agree that it was the right call.
  8. It's a black and white rule. What an embarrassing hill to die on
  9. You gotta love the players rallying around McDermott. If they can harness that us vs the world mentality, this team is very scary down the stretch and in the playoffs
  10. The flag was out before the pass even happened. Can you imagine the travesty if they picked up the flag and allowed the Offside just because it was a cool play?
  11. I think it was more the chiefs defense and they got in his head a bit
  12. I was disappointed the bills didn't take a flier on kadarius toney... but man, he is Leon lett with wheels
  13. I really don't think there is that big of a risk. This current team is on a course to be the best team of all time who didnt qualify for the playoffs. They blew a few games this season, mainly due to coaching, as they have in the past. We have a quarterback uniquely gifted to a degree the league has never seen. Pegula and Beane can interview and do background on 70 people if they want. I think I trust Beane on his judgement. I get we can be snakebit by our past Buffalo Bills coaches... but those were un-serious searches by bad management, unwilling to spend money, and a franchise that was unattractive to coaches who had any alternative. That is not the case now. Coaches would line up for a chance to coach a Josh Allen team.
  14. The Bills, conveniently are nearing/at a time of transition, so it is good timing. Aged players and a bad salary cap situation
  15. McDermott has to be fired on black monday. No ifs, ands or buts. A decently successful coach normally doesnt have dozens of people jumping at the chance to tell their negative stories about him. Daboll was ready to walk, even without a HC job, Frasier quit, Beasley warned everyone about this for years, and Wawrow's vagueposting makes more sense. McDermott is a cancer that is not worth having as it was. Get him out of here, and get an innovative offensive coach who can get the most out of the most athletically gifted quarterback in the history of the sport.
  16. Soto is going to be a bear to re-sign. Especially when he cracks more than 50 home runs over that wiffle ball fence. great trade for the Padres considering they had a really weak hand
  17. It beats me. Also, the lack of any sort of virtual fly throughs, concept drawings, renderings, etc is really unprecedented. Actually its odd how little the public has seen of this stadium. It actually makes me hesitant to plunk any money down when they ask for it.
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